VCOM Institutional Policy and Procedure Manual
Animated publication
Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine—Virginia Campus 2265 Kraft Drive Blacksburg, VA 24060 540-231-4000 Fax: 540-231.5252 Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine—Carolinas Campus 350 Howard Street Spartanburg, SC 29303 864-327-9800 Fax: 864-804.6986 Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine—Auburn Campus 910 South Donahue Drive Auburn, Alabama 36832 334-442-4000 Fax: 334-442.4095 Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine - Louisiana Campus 4408 Bon Aire Drive Monroe, Louisiana 71203 318-342-7100 Fax: 318-342-7280
This Manual is provided to the Board, faculty, staff and students of the Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine (VCOM) and contains all policies and procedures of VCOM. The College Catalog and Student Handbook, Faculty Handbook, and Administrative and Classified Staff Handbook are provided to the students, faculty, and staff of the Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine (VCOM) as a guide to the interpretation and application of the policies and procedures regarding their roles, responsibilities and their continuing status. These Handbooks do not include every detail of every policy but rather seeks to cover the essential provisions of the policies and procedures of VCOM and are to be considered VCOM policy. VCOM reserves the right to make changes in any policy and procedure as approved by the President and Provost and confirmed by the Board. Such changes take precedence over Handbook statements. While reasonable effort is made to publicize such changes, it is the responsibility of the reader to verify the current policy or procedure.
Table of Contents VCOM Policies and Procedures Effective and Revised Dates Table Board Policies and Procedures B001 VCOM Policy on Conflicts of Interest B002 VCOM Gift Acceptance Policy B003 VCOM Investment Policy B004 VCOM Policy on Red Flag Identity Theft Prevention Program B005 VCOM Policy Governing the VCOM Retirement Plan B007 VCOM Reporting of Misconduct or Financial Fraud Policy B008 VCOM Compensation Survey Policy B009 VCOM Policy on Chapters, Affiliates and Branch Campus Governance B010 Policy to Review VCOM’s Mission and Strategic Plan B011 VCOM Policy Governing Board of Directors Meeting Research Policies and Procedures R001 VCOM Transfer of Equipment Policy R002 VCOM Policy on Using Controlled Substances for Research R003 Policy and Procedures for Responding to Allegations of Scientific Misconduct R004 VCOM Institutional Review Board Policies and Procedures R004A1 VCOM Policy on Institutional Review Board Self-Assessment R004A2 VCOM Policy on Emergency Use of a Test Article R004A3 VCOM Policy on IRB Member Conflict of Interest R004A4 VCOM Policy on IRB Administrative Fees for Protocol Review R004A5 VCOM Policy on Compliance Auditing R004A6 VCOM IRB Guidance on Research Limited to Retrospective Medical Record Reviews R004A7 VCOM Procedure on Conducting and Documenting Continuing Review R004A8 VCOM Policy on Humanitarian Use Devices R005 Intellectual Properties and Agreements Policies and Procedures R006 Office of Research Administration Grants Administration Policies and Procedures R007 Cost Sharing On Sponsored Projects R008 Time and Effort Certification (Effort Reporting) Policy R009 VCOM Policy on Facilities and Administration (F&A) Distribution R010 Facilities and Administrative Cost Recovery Policy R011 VCOM Student Research Investigator Policy R012 VCOM Policies and Procedures Governing Environmental Health & Safety R013 Financial Conflicts of Interest in Research
R014 R015 R016 R017 R018
Office of Research Administration Residual Policy
VCOM Consistency in Charging Administrative and Clerical Costs Policy
VCOM Policy on Case Reports and Case Series VCOM Policy on Cost Principles for Sponsored Projects
VCOM Policy on Students Performing Research in an International Setting
IRB Procedures VCOM Procedure on Central Institutional Review Board (CIRB) Facilitated Review VCOM Procedure on IRB Review of Applications for HHS Support VCOM Procedure on Obtaining Informed Consent VCOM Procedure on Reporting of Compliance Audit Review Standard Operating Procedure VCOM Procedure on Review of Investigational Device Protocols Faculty Policies and Procedures F001 VCOM Policy on Faculty Recruitment F003 VCOM Academic Visitor Policy and Procedure F004 VCOM Faculty Adequacy Policy F005 VCOM Statement on Professional Ethics F006 VCOM Policy on Presentation of Instructional Materials F007 VCOM Faculty Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure Policy and Procedures F008 VCOM Faculty Misconduct and Disciplinary Action Policy and Procedures F013 VCOM Policy on Faculty Responsibility to the College F014
VCOM Campus Faculty Assembly, Campus Faculty Senate, and College-wide Faculty Senate Policy and Procedures
Universal Policies and Procedures U001 U002 U003 U004 U005 U006 U007 U008 U009 U010 U011 U012 U013
VCOM Notice of Nondiscrimination VCOM Academic Freedom Policy VCOM Policy on Educational Aid for Employees VCOM Copyright and Fair Use of Instructional Materials Policy V COM Federal Funds Procurement Policy VCOM Policy on Social Media Usage VCOM On-Campus Electronic Communication Policy VCOM Computer Support Policy VCOM IT Equipment Procurement/Asset Management and Configuration Policy and Procedures VCOM Alcohol and Drug Testing and Abuse Prevention Policy VCOM Discrimination, Harassment, and Violence Policy and Procedures VCOM Compensation and Equity in Salary Policy and Procedures VCOM Census Date Policy and Procedures
U014 U015 U016 U017 U018 U019 U020 U021 U022 U023 U024 U025 U026 U027 U028 U029 U030 U031 U032 S002 S003 S004 S005 S006 S007 S008 S009 S010 S011
VCOM Consensual Relationship Policy
VCOM Policy on Conflicts of Interest and Industry Relationships
VCOM Code of Ethics
VCOM Statement on Professional Ethics for Administrative and Classified Staff VCOM Policy on Medical Treatment of VCOM Students and Employees by VCOM Physician Faculty and Other VCOM Students
VCOM Employee Work Hours and Overtime Policy
VCOM Credit Card Policy
VCOM Records Retention Policy
VCOM Business Travel and CME/CE Travel Policy
VCOM Policy on Solicitations, Surveys, and the Use of College Outcomes
VCOM Policy on Staff Recruitment
VCOM Policy on the Collection and Review of Employee Driving Records
VCOM Employee Grievance Policy and Procedure VCOM Policy on Financial Management of Federal Funds
VCOM Policy on the Principles, Rules, and Guidelines for Committees VCOM Policy and Procedures on Complaints Related to Accreditation Standards VCOM Crime Statistics Report and Annual Security Report Policies and Procedures
VCOM Policy on Health and Safety
VCOM Policy on Workplace Site Expectations, Requirements, and Working Remotely
Student Policies and Procedures S001
VCOM Admissions Policy for the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine Program
VCOM Attendance Policy
VCOM Mandatory Medical Leave of Absence Policy and Procedures
VCOM Disciplinary Sanctions Policy
VCOM Transfer Student and Transfer of Credit Policy
VCOM Policy for Satisfactory Academic Progress and Financial Aid Eligibility VCOM Policy and Procedures on Tuition and Fees Refunds for the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine Program
VCOM Credit Hour Policy
VCOM Policy on Assuring the Clinical Education Curriculum
VCOM International Student Policy
VCOM Policy on Medical Student Patient Care Supervision and Expectations for Performance in Patient Care VCOM Technical Standards for Admission and Successful Completion of the Osteopathic Program Policy
S013 S014 S015 S016 S017 S018
VCOM Minimal Health Requirements for Admission and Continued Enrollment Policy
VCOM Code of Conduct/Professional and Ethical Behavior Policy VCOM Professional and Ethical Standards Board Policy and Procedures
VCOM Policy on Performing Patient Care Activities VCOM Student Health and Counseling Services Policy
VCOM Grading, Satisfactory Academic Progress, and Graduation Requirement Policy and Procedures
S019 VCOM Student Promotion Board Policy and Procedures Graduate Medical Education Policies and Procedures G001 VCOM Policy for Planning and Promoting Graduate Medical Education
Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine Policies and Procedures
Effective and Revised Dates
Board Policies
Original Approval Date December 8, 2008
Revised Date(s)
B001 Policy on Conflicts of Interest
April 15, 2016 June 2011; November 2011
B002 Gift Acceptance Policy
June 1, 2009
B003 Investment Policy
June 1, 2009
November 2011; December 13, 2013; July 7, 2015; November 1, 2016
B004 Policy on Red Flag Identity Theft Prevention Program B005 Policy Governing the VCOM Retirement Plan
March, 2009 January 2002
June 1, 2011 April 2003; April 2009; April 2011
B007 Reporting of Misconduct or Financial Fraud Policy
May 31, 2011 May 31, 2011 May 31, 2011
B008 Compensation Survey Policy
B009 Policy on Chapters, Affiliates and Branch Campus Governance B010 Policy to Review VCOM’s Mission and Strategic Plan B011 VCOM Policy Governing Board of Directors Meetings
April 1, 2015
November 21, 2011 November 1, 2016
December 1, 2020
Research Policies
Original Approval Date
Revised Date(s)
R001 R002
VCOM Transfer of Equipment Policy
August 25, 2014
VCOM Policy on Using Controlled Substances for Research
June 1, 2007
February 13, 2012; October 28, 2013 February 1, 2012; October 28, 2013
Policy and Procedures for Responding to Allegations of Scientific Misconduct
January 2, 2003
VCOM Institutional Review Board Policies and Procedures
March 1, 2007
July 1, 2012; August 1, 2021
R004A1 VCOM Policy on Institutional Review Board Self-Assessment R004A2 VCOM Policy on Emergency Use of a Test Article R004A3 VCOM Policy on IRB Member Conflict of Interest R004A4 VCOM Policy on IRB Administrative Fees for Protocol Review R004A6 VCOM IRB Guidance on Research Limited to Retrospective Medical Records Reviews R004A7 VCOM Procedure on Conducting and Documenting Continuing Review R004A5 VCOM Policy on Compliance Auditing
July 1, 2007 April 1, 2007 April 1, 2007 April 1, 2007
November 1, 2007
March 1, 2008
February 13, 2012
R004A8 VCOM Policy on Humanitarian Use Devices
April 12, 2024
Intellectual Properties and Agreements Policies and Procedures
September 1, 2006
February 1, 2012; May 1, 2013; November 11, 2013; August 23, 2022 February 1, 2012; October 28, 2013 February 1, 2012; March 10, 2014 February 1, 2012; March 10, 2014 February 1, 2012; March 10, 2014 February 1, 2012; October 30, 2013; October 31, 2014 February 1, 2012; October 30, 2013 February 10, 2012; October 28, 2013 November 21, 2016
Office of Research Administration Grants Administration Policies and Procedures
February 2, 2004
Cost Sharing on Sponsored Projects
December 1, 2004
Time and Effort Certification (Effort Reporting) Policy
January 14, 2005
VCOM Policy on Facilities and Administration (F&A) distribution
January 1, 2006
Facilities and Administrative Cost Recovery Policy
February 28, 2006
VCOM Principal Investigator Eligibility Policy
February 28, 2006
VCOM Policies and Procedures Governing Environmental Health & Safety
May 23, 2007
R013 R014 R015 R016 R017 R018
Financial Conflicts of Interest in Research
November 1, 2013 September 15, 2014
Office of Research Administration Residual Policy
VCOM Consistency in Charging Administrative and Clerical Costs Policy
August 15, 2014 October 1, 2019 August 1, 2019
VCOM Policy on Case Reports and Case Series VCOM Policy on Cost Principles for Sponsored Projects
VCOM Policy on Students Performing Research in an International Setting IRB Procedures VCOM Procedure on Central Institutional Review Board (CIRB) Facilitated Review VCOM Procedure on Reporting of Compliance Audit Review Standard Operating Procedure
September 10, 2024
October 15, 2009 October 15, 2009
VCOM Procedure on Obtaining Informed Consent
October 15, 2009 October 15, 2009
VCOM Procedure on IRB Review of Applications for HHS Support VCOM Procedure on Review of Investigational Device Protocols
May 18, 2010
Faculty Policies
Original Approval Date
Revised Date(s)
F001 Policy on Faculty Recruitment
October 1, 2009
January 23, 2013; December 1, 2020; May 5, 2023; October 31, 2023 November 14, 2012 July 15, 2011; November 13, 2012; March 20, 2015 November 14, 2012; October 10, 2015; February 15, 2019 November 13, 2012; January 23, 2013; March 20, 2015; October 10, 2015; May 5, 2016; September 10, 2017; December 15, 2017; April 5, 2021; June 28, 2022; November 14, 2022; August 25, 2024; October 20, 2024 November 7, 2012; October 10, 2015; February 15, 2019; May 5, 2023; November 8, 2023; October 16, 2024 November 20, 2012; October 10, 2015; February 15, 2019; May 5, 2023; October 16, 2024 November 20, 2012; March 20, 2014; January 15, 2019; December 1, 2020; March 1, 2020; March 15, 2021;
F003 Academic Visitor Policy and Procedure
July 2, 2009
F004 Faculty Adequacy Policy
November 21, 2001
F005 Statement on Professional Ethics
November 30, 2001
F006 VCOM Policy on Presentation of Instructional Materials
June 10, 2016
F007 VCOM Faculty Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure Policy and Procedures
November 30, 2001
F008 VCOM Faculty Misconduct and Disciplinary Action Policy and Procedures
November 30, 2001
F013 VCOM Policy on Faculty Responsibility to the College
November 30, 2001
F014 VCOM Campus Faculty Assembly, Campus Faculty Senate, and College-wide Faculty Senate Policy and Procedures
November 30, 2001
September 1, 2023; October 20, 2024
Universal Policies
Original Approval Date November 30, 2001
Revised Date(s)
U001 Notice of Nondiscrimination
November 14, 2012; February 19, 2013; January 6, 2014; September 9, 2015; September 10, 2016; March 1, 2018; August 20, 2018; August 14, 2020; October 25, 2024 November 20, 2012; February 15, 2019; December 1, 2020; May 5, 2023 July 20, 2011; September 20, 2015; November 1, 2016; September 20, 2018; August 20, 2018 June 30, 2011; June 29, 2012; November 20, 2012; January 15, 2019; January 12, 2023 December 19, 2012; January 1, 2022: January 12, 2023 December 19, 2012 December 19, 2012 November 7, 2012; December 19, 2012 November 14, 2012; September 9, 2015; March 1, 2018; January 12, 2023 November 14, 2012; October 10, 2015; August 20, 2018; February 15, 2019; August 14, 2020 August 2011; December 2011; August 20, 2014
U002 VCOM Academic Freedom Policy
November 20, 2001
U003 Policy on Educational Aid for Employees
July 1, 2009
U004 VCOM Copyright and Fair Use of Instructional Materials Policy
November 30, 2001 and October 1, 2010
U005 Federal Funds Procurement Policy
December 17, 2010
U006 Policy on Social Media Usage
September 15, 2011
U007 On-Campus Electronic Communication Policy
September 15, 2011 February 15, 2012 September 15, 2011
U008 Computer Support Policy
U009 IT Equipment Procurement/Asset Management and Configuration Policy and Procedures
U010 Alcohol and Drug Testing and Abuse Prevention Policy
June 10, 2005
U011 VCOM Discrimination, Harassment, and Violence Policy and Procedures
November 30, 2001
U012 VCOM Compensation and Equity in Salary Policy and Procedures
December 15, 2024 November 14, 2012 November 30, 2001
U013 Census Date Policy and Procedures U014 VCOM Consensual Relationship Policy
August 12, 2013
November 26, 2012; August 20, 2018: January 12, 2023 May 17, 2011; December 10, 2013; May 27, 2014; September 15, 2014; June 30, 2015; January 12, 2023 November 14, 2012; September 9, 2015; August 20, 2018; April 28, 2023 October 1, 2015 December 5, 2022 February 10, 2025
U015 VCOM Policy on Conflicts of Interest and Industry Relationships
August 1, 2005
U016 VCOM Code of Ethics
December 1, 2004
U017 Statement on Professional Ethics for Administrative and Classified Staff
March 1, 2014
U018 VCOM Policy on Medical Treatment of VCOM Students and Employees by VCOM Physician Faculty or Other VCOM Students
July 1, 2016
U019 VCOM Employee Work Hours and Overtime Policy
December 1, 2016
December 1, 2017 December 5, 2022
U020 VCOM Credit Card Policy U021 VCOM Records Retention Policy
August 23, 2016
April 8, 2011
May 31, 2011; March 1, 2017 March 10, 2020; July 24, 2023; April 10, 2024 January 1, 2022
U022 VCOM Business Travel and Continuing Medical Education/Continuing Education Travel Policy
March 1, 2018
U023 VCOM Policy on Solicitations, Surveys, and the Use of College Outcomes
October 20, 2020 December 1, 2020
U024 VCOM Policy on Staff Recruitment
U025 VCOM Policy on the Collection and Review of Employee Driving Records
April 19, 2019
U026 VCOM Employee Grievance Policy and Procedure
November 30, 2001
November 14, 2012; October 10, 2015; February 15, 2019; May 5, 2023
U027 VCOM Policy on Financial Management of Federal Funds
August 1, 2019 October 20, 2019 February 11, 2012
U028 VCOM Policy on the Principles, Rules, and Guidelines for Committees U029 VCOM Policy and Procedures on Complaints Related to Accreditation Standards
November 14, 2012; March 1, 2016; August 15, 2017; March 1, 2018; December 1, 2020; August 13, 2023; November 28, 2023
U030 VCOM Crime Statistics Report and Annual Security Report Policies and Procedures
January 1, 2021
U031 VCOM Campus Safety and Health Policy
January 11, 2021
May 1, 2023; December 1, 2024
U032 VCOM Policy on Workplace Site Expectations, Requirements, and Working
July 11, 2022
Student Policies
Original Approval Date
Revised Date(s)
S001 Admissions Policy for the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine Program
July 1, 2002
July 1, 2011; February 18, 2013; August 15, 2015; July 27, 2017; March 1, 2018; August 20, 2018; September 1, 2019; December 1, 2020; April 12, 2022; January 9, 2023: October 15, 2024 July 15, 2011; January 6, 2014; September 9, 2015; May 5, 2016; August 30, 2016; July 27, 2017; March 1, 2018; November 20, 2019; June 1, 2020; September 15, 2021; July 1, 2022; September 1, 2023 November 18, 2021 August 2008; June 30, 2011; January 6, 2014; July 1, 2017; February 1, 2019 July 1, 2011; January 30, 2014; September 9, 2015; August 20, 2018; December 1, 2020 September 1, 2011 December 2008; May 2011; December 10, 2012; August 1, 2021 July 1, 2012; May 3, 2016; November 16, 2016; August 20, 2018; December 1, 2020
S002 Attendance Policy
November 20, 2001
S003 VCOM Mandatory Medical Leave of Absence Policy and Procedures
February 1, 2019 November 30, 2001
S004 Disciplinary Sanctions Policy
S005 Transfer Student and Transfer of Credit Policy
January 5, 2005
S006 Policy for Satisfactory Academic Progress and Financial Aid Eligibility (Osteopathic Medicine Program) S007 VCOM Policy and Procedure on Tuition and Fees Refund for the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine Program
November 31, 2001
November 30, 2001
S008 Credit Hour Policy
July 2, 2011
S009 VCOM Policy on Assuring the Clinical Education Curriculum
January 1, 2021
December 1, 2024
S010 VCOM International Student Policy
November 30, 2001 December 1, 2024
S011 VCOM Policy on Medical Student Patient Care Supervision and Expectations for Performance in Patient Care S012 Technical Standards for Admission and Successful Completion of the Osteopathic Program and Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Policy
November 30, 2001
November 14, 2012; August 20, 2015; July 1, 2017; March 1, 2018; August 20, 2018; September 1, 2019; November 18, 2021; March 21, 2022; November 8, 2023; January 22, 2024 November 14, 2012; January 6, 2014; August 25, 2014; September 9, 2015; October 10, 2018 July 1, 2022; October 26, 2022; February 1, 2024 November 14, 2012; January 6, 2014; September 9, 2015; May 5, 2016; October 15, 2016; December 1, 2020; November 18, 2021; February 8, 2022; October 15, 2024 November 14, 2012; September 9, 2015; October 25, 2016; November 18, 2021; February 8, 2022 November 26, 2012; August 1, 2017; March 1, 2018; August 20, 2018; December 1, 2020 November 26, 2012; March 1, 2018; January 15, 2019; December 1, 2020; July 1, 2023
S013 VCOM Minimal Health Requirements for Admission and Continued Enrollment Policy
November 30, 2001
S014 Code of Conduct/Professional and Ethical Behavior Policy
July 1, 2003
S015 Professional and Ethical Standards Board Policy and Procedures
July 7, 2002
S016 Policy on Performing Patient Care Activities
November 30, 2002
S017 Student Health and Counseling Services Policy
June 10, 2005
S018 VCOM Grading, Satisfactory Academic Progress, and Graduation Policy and Procedures
February 22, 2006
April 2008; November 26, 2012; May 3, 2016; March 1, 2018; November 15, 2019; December 1, 2020; June 1, 2021; July 1, 2022; August 23, 2022; July 1, 2023; November 21, 2023; January 1, 2025 April 2008; November 26, 2012; November 11, 2013; September 9, 2015; June 10, 2016; May 1, 2018; March 15, 2021; August 1, 2022; September 15, 2024
S019 Student Promotion Board Policy and Procedures
February 22, 2006
Graduate Medical Education Policies
Original Approval Date
Revised Date(s)
G001 Admissions Policy for the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine Program
March 1, 2020
December 1, 2020; November 25, 2024
VCOM Policy and Procedure
Policy #B001
Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form I am not aware of any existing or potential conflicts of interest that might impair or reasonably appear to impair my independent, unbiased judgment in the discharge of my responsibilities to VCOM.
________________________________ Printed Name
I disclose to VCOM that the following existing or potential conflicts of interest might impair or reasonably appear to impair my independent, unbiased judgment in the discharge of my responsibilities to VCOM.
________________________________ Printed Name
I disclose to VCOM that a member of my family, or an organization in which I or a member of my family is an officer, director, employee, member, partner, trustee, or controlling stockholder has the following existing or potential interest that might impair or reasonably appear to impair my independent, unbiased judgment in the discharge of my responsibilities to the University.
________________________________ Printed Name
VCOM Conflict of Interest Policy
Page 3 of 3
Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine
Policy Order No.: B002 Effective Date:
June 1, 2009
June 2011, November 2011
Signature on File ____________________________ Dixie Tooke-Rawlins, D.O. Dean and Executive Vice President
Signature on File ___________________________ James F. Wolfe, Ph.D. President ___________________________________________________________________________________________
VCOM Gift Acceptance Policy ____________________________________________________________________________________
1. P URPOSE The Gift Acceptance Policy is designed to ensure that all gifts to, or for the use of, Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine (VCOM) are structured to provide maximum benefits for both the donor and the College. Due to the ever-increasing complexity of giving plans and concepts, this policy has been developed to establish standards by which all gifts to VCOM will be evaluated.
2. E VALUATION OF G IFTS All gifts to VCOM will be evaluated within the following guiding principles:
1. VCOM does not provide legal, accounting, tax or other such advice to donors. Each donor is ultimately responsible for ensuring their proposed fits meets and furthers their charitable, financial, and estate planning goals. Therefore, each donor is encouraged to meet with a professional advisor before making any gift to the College. 2. VCOM reserves the right to refuse certain gifts, including: a. Those which would not be in the best interest of the donor (i.e., ones that might be inappropriate in light of the donor’s personal or financial situation). b. Those that might benefit the donor in certain ways that are not available to those of similar status and interest. c. Those from which VCOM will realize little or no financial gain. d. Those that are offered for purposes inconsistent with the College’s mission. e. Those which have restrictions that might violate VCOM’s ethical standards or require any form of discrimination. 3. Donations of gifts for unrestricted, general purposes are encouraged because of the flexibility they provide the College. 4. VCOM shall acknowledge all gifts and donations in a manner that respects and honors the donor.
5. In accepting a gift, VCOM accepts the responsibility to provide proper stewardship of the gift. This includes administering the gift properly, providing the donor with accurate, timely financial information about the gift and, when appropriate, reporting to the donor about the use of the gift. 2.1 Gift Acceptance Committee The Administrative Development Team consisting of the President, the Dean and Executive Vice President, the Director of Alumni and Development and the Associate Vice President for Financial (CFO) will function as the gift acceptance committee. T ERMS AND D EFINITIONS Conditional Gift A gift that, because of some qualifier or restriction, is considered non - routine. Condi tional gifts may commit the College to act within a specified time or use the gift for a specific purpose. Endowment A gift of at least $10,000 to be invested for the purpose of producing present and future income that may be expended or reinvested with the original gift. The principal (or corpus) of the endowment is to be kept intact. Income is expended according to the current policy of the College and may be restricted or unrestricted according to the donor’s intent. 3. Any transfer of personal or r eal property made on a voluntary basis and without consideration received in return. A gift is not a payment for goods or services received, nor payment made to directly benefit a pre - selected individual, such as a scholarship for a specific student select ed by the payer. In case of payments which are part gift and part payment for goods or services, the College’s policy is to include such differentiation in printed materials for events and gift receipts. Typically gifts of cash, stocks, bonds, real property, tangible personal property, or gifts - in kind. Generally gifts or commitments made in the present with the benefit to the College “deferred” until a future date. Commitment to give a specific dollar amount according to a fixed time schedule. Any gift on which a donor places special, out - of - the - ordinary restrictions as to its use. Discriminatory restrictions could cause VCOM to lose its tax - exempt status or the donor to lose the charitable in come tax deduction for the gift. Each restricted gift is accounted for as a separate self - balancing fund. 4.1 Gift Acknowledgement The College’s Office of Alumni and Development will send acknowledgement letters and receipts within a reasonable interval. When appropriate, donors may be given tokens of appreciation not to exceed federal requirements. The Office of Alumni and Development is responsible for oversight and compliance with the requirements regarding gift acknowledgement and receipts. 4.2 Evaluation of Costs Associate with Acceptance of Certain Gifts Proposed gifts of property and gifts-in-kind must be evaluated to determine whether the costs to VCOM associated with receiving the gift can be accommodated prudently. Such evaluations might include the cost maintenance and repair, insurance and cost of disposal. Outright Gift Planned Gift Pledge Restricted Gift 4. G ENERAL P OLICIES Gift
For example, accepting real property might require payment of closing costs and an environmental assessment, payoff of debt secured by the property, and physical changes to the property necessary to ensure safety or to control environmental hazards. Similarly, the cost to retrofit space on campus and provide necessary utilities associated with a proposed gift may be excessive. Associated costs could be so high that it would be to VCOM’s disadvantage to accept a gift. The authority and responsibility for prompt, careful evaluation of such costs rests with the CFO, who shall, after conferring with appropriate campus offices, bring the gift proposal to Administrative Development Team for review and for a decision. 4.3 Administration of Restricted Gifts Frequently, donors require the College to use gifts in particular ways. It is the responsibility of VCOM to comply with such arrangements if such a gift is accepted. The CFO and Finance Division are responsible for ensuring restricted gifts are spent in accordance with the donors’ wishes. 4.4 Memorandum of Understanding Before completing major and/or planned gift arrangements with donors, a member or members of the Administrative Development Team and the donor will sign a memorandum of understanding, which shall contain the following elements:
The purpose for the gift; The background behind the gift; How funding will occur; Criteria specifying who will benefit;
VCOM’s responsibilities;
Use(s) of the gift;
Academic year of activation; and Plan for public announcement of the gift.
4.5 Qualified Appraisals Legal and ethical requirements prohibit VCOM from appraising gifts. This protects both the donor and the College. Such appraisals are to be conducted by certified, independent appraisers not associated in any way with VCOM. The cost shall be the donor’s responsibility. G IFT A CCEPTANCE P OLICY The following policies relate to the types of gifts typically received by a medical school. It is understood that special gifts or circumstances might require a case-by-case review by the Administrative Development Team and may not be addressed by this document. 5.
5.1 Outright Gifts
Cash Cash is often the easiest way to give and the form of gift most frequently accepted by the College. These gifts can take the form of currency, check, or credit card contribution. Cash may be delivered in person, by mail, by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), or by w ire transfer. Cash (currency or check) gifts are reported the day VCOM receives the cash. For EFTs or wire transfers, the dates of the gifts shall be the date the money is transferred into VCOM’s bank account. Gifts remitted through credit cards are report ed the day the gift is received. Gifts of Insurance VCOM will accept life insurance policies as gifts only when the College is names as the irrevocable owner and sole beneficiary of the policy. VCOM prefers life insurance policies that are fully paid. Tho se gifts will be valued at the replacement cost of the policy. All partially paid policies must have written explanation of how further premiums are to be paid. Gifts of partially paid life insurance policies shall be presented to an approved by the Admini strative Development Team prior to gift acceptance. Partially paid life insurance policies will be valued at ht surrender value of the policy the day the gift transaction is completed. Personal Property Please refer to the section above regarding costs as sociate with acceptance of certain gifts.
Gifts of personal property and gifts - in - kind include but are not limited to such times as precious metals, jewelry, artwork, collections and equipment. Gifts of personal property shall be sold or used for the benef it of VCOM, at the sole discretion of the Administrative Development Team. The VCOM Finance Division, with direction from the Office of Alumni and Development, is responsible for issuing the Form 8283 (Non - cash Charitable Contributions) to the donor, and f or issuing the Form 8282 (Donee Information Return) to the Internal Revenue Service. The Form 8282 will be issued in the event the gift of personal property is sold within two years of the date of gift. The Administrative Development Team shall accept gifts of residential, rental, commercial, industrial, or agricultural real estate after proper review. Prior to acceptance, an independent appraisal for all properties is required. Any costs associated with obtaining a certified appraisal shall be the responsibility of the donor. VCOM will accept these appraisals unless the reviewers believe a second appraisal is warranted. In that case, VCOM will be responsible for all costs of the second appraisal. The aver age of the two independent appraisals will be considered to constitute the “fair market value” of the real estate, and thus the value of the gift. No gift of real estate encumbered by a mortgage or lien shall be accepted. No property will be accepted tha t has violations of local, state, or federal laws. There must be a clear title to the property, one not encumbered by recorded of unrecorded rights of way or easements. If VCOM cannot make use of gifted property, the CFO will handle the sale in a prudent and timely manner to maximize the benefit of the gift. Prior to closing the Administrative Development Team must review all potential sales of real estate that would result in net proceeds less than or equal to 80% of the gift value. All gifts of real est ate shall be evaluated in light of the need for an environmental assessment whose cost shall be borne by the donor. A qualified environmental professional will be hired to conduct the assessment. In the unlikely event that the gifted real estate incurs env ironmental clean - up expenses, under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) or any similar
Real Estate
legislation before or after the gift transfer has occurred, the College retains the right and authority to seek reimburseme nt. In the event a donor is giving a retained life estate gift, the donor shall pay all or a part of the property’s maintenance costs, real estate taxes and insurance for the duration of his/her life and acknowledge that in writing prior to VCOM’s accepta nce of the gift. Securities or mutual funds that are traded on any recognized stock exchange or have prices quoted daily and are readily marketable will be accepted as outright gifts or towards a pledge. The value of said securities is determined by averaging the high and low trading price on the day the securities are received by the College in accordance with established IRS regulations. All proposed gifts of closely held securities must be examined prior to acceptance for valuation a nd marketability and approved by the Administrative Development Team prior to acceptance. Pledges are commitments to give a specific dollar amount according to a fixed time schedule. Annual fund pledges are usually for less than one year. All othe r pledges must have written documentation that contains the following: The amount of the pledge clearly specified; A clearly defined payment schedule; No contingencies or conditions; The financial capability of the donor to make the gift; and Acknowledgement of any naming opportunity associated with the pledge, and the removal of that opportunity if for any reason the pledge is not completed within the agreed upon payment schedule. 1. Anticipated matching gifts will not be included in pledge amounts. 2. Pledges and expected matching gifts will qualify separately for donor recognition in appropriate giving level groups. 3. For gift recognition purposes, pledging donors will be recognized in accordance with their wishes and as d eemed prudent by the Office of Alumni and Development. This recognition may occur before or after the entire pledge gift is received. 4. If for any reason (rounding, gift evaluation, or continued incremental giving), the pledge amount is altered, the donor wi ll be recognized at the level of final payment. 5. In the event of death, pledge balances will be written off when the College is notified, unless there are provisions in the donor’s will or the family has indicated an intent to complete the pledge. 6. All reque sts to deactivate a pledge must be present to, and approved by, the Administrative Development Team.
Pledge Recording Policies
5.2 Planned Gifts Donors are encouraged to disclose their bequest intentions to the Office of Alumni and Development in writing to ensure the College is able to carry out their wishes and that the gifts conform to the principles stated in this Gift Acceptance Policy.
If a gift from the estate of a deceased donor who has not disclosed his/her intentions does not meet the principles of this Gift Acceptance Policy, the College’s concerns will be communicated to the legal representative of the estate and attempts will be made to achieve a mutually acceptable gift agreement. Life Insurance VCOM must be named as both the beneficiary and irrevocable owner of an insurance policy before a life insurance policy can be treated as a gift. The gift is values at its interpolated terminal reserve value, or cash surrender value, upon receipt. If the donor contributes future premium payments, the College will include the entire amount of the additional premium payment as a gift in the year that is made. If the donor does not elect to continue to made gifts to cover premium payments on the insurance policy, the College may: Continue to pay the premiums; Convert the policy to paid up insurance; or Surrender the policy for its current cash value.
Charitable Gift Annuities
VCOM may offer charitable gift annuities. The minimum gift for funding is normally $10,000. The minimum age for life income beneficiaries of a gift annuity shall be 55. Where a deferred gift annuity is offered, the minimum age for life income beneficiaries shall be 45. No more than two life income beneficiaries will be permitted for any gift annuity. Generally, annuity payments may be made on a quarterly, semi-annual, or annual schedule. Funds contributed in exchange for a gift annuity shall be set aside and invested during the term of the annuity payments. Once those payments have terminated, the funds representing the remaining principal contributed in exchange for the gift annuity shall be transferred to the College’s unrestricted funds, or to such specific fund as designated by the donor. The college may accept designation as remainder beneficiary of a charitable remainder trust with the approval of the Administrative Development Team. The College will not accept appointment as Trustee of a charitable remainder trust. The College may accept designation as income beneficiary of a charitable lead trust. The College will not accept appointment as Trustee of charitable lead trust. Bequests will not be recorded as gifts to the College until the gifts are irrevocable. When the gifts are irrevocable, but are not due until future dates, the present value of those gifts may be recorded at the time the gifts becomes irrevocable.
Charitable Remainder Trusts
Charitable Lead Trusts
6. D URATION OF P OLICY The Gift Acceptance Policy established by the Department of Finance and the Alumni and Development Department, approved by the Board of Directors, and is effective as of the date above and shall remain effective until amended or terminated by the Board of Directors.
VCOM Policy and Procedure
Policy #B003
Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine
Policy Order No.: Effective Date:
June 1, 2009
November 2011; December 13, 2013; July 7, 2015; November 1, 2016
Signature on File ________________________ Dixie Tooke-Rawlins D.O. President and Provost
Developed by Investment Committee Members: Mr. John Rocovich, Chairman of the Board, Dixie Tooke-Rawlins, D.O., President; Mr. Ray Smoot BOD and Investment Committee Member, Charles Swaha, Chief Financial Officer and Lesia Brolinson, Investment Consultant. ________________________________________________________________________________ VCOM Investment Policy ________________________________________________________________________________ 1. PURPOSE………………………………………………………………………………………...2 2. PHILOSOPHY…………………………………………………………………………………...2 3. OBJECTIVES……………………………………………………………………………………2 4. GENERAL PRINCIPLES………………………………………………………………………2 5. GOALS FOR RETURNS ON INVESTMENTS……………………………………………….3 6. ASSUMPTIONS………………………………………………………………………………….3 7. DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY……………………………………………………………..3 8. ASSIGNMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY……………………………………………………….4 8.1 Responsibility of the President and CFO………………………………………………….4 8.2 Responsibility of Investment Consultant (s)………………………………………………4 8.3 Responsibility of Investment Manager(s)…………………………………………………5 9. INVESTMENT GUIDELINES…………………………………………………………………5 9.1 Allowable Assets for Long Term Reserves….……………………………………………5 9.2 Allowable Assets for Short Term Reserves.………………………………………………6 9.3 Prohibited Assets for Long Term Reserves and Short Term Reserves................................6 9.4 Prohibited Transactions for Long Term Reserves and Short Term Reserves………….….6 9.5 Stock Exchanges for Long Term Reserves and Short Term Reserves………..…………..6 9.6 Asset Allocation Guidelines for Long Term Reserves….………………………...………7 9.7 Asset Allocation Guidelines for Short Term Reserves……….…………………………...7 9.8 Cost………………………………………………………………………………………..7 9.9 Transferring of Assets to VC Endowment Trust………………………………….....……7 10. DURATION OF POLICY……………………………………………………………………….7
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VCOM Policy and Procedure
Policy #B003
1. PURPOSE The purpose of the investment policy is to outline an investment philosophy and attitude, which will guide the management of the investment of excess or liquid assets toward the desired results. The policy is intended to be sufficiently specific to be meaningful, yet flexible enough to be practical. This policy reflects the investment objectives and constraints by describing the following: a. Define and assign the responsibilities of all involved parties b. Establish a clear understanding for all involved parties of the investment goals and objectives c. Offer guidance and limitations to all Investment Managers regarding the investments d. Manage investments according to prudent standards as established in common trust law e. Establish the relevant time horizon for which investments will be managed. A budget should be established by the President and CFO predicting cash needs and operating expenses for the school for the subsequent 12 month period. The time horizons should be managed as follows: a. Short Term Reserves: Assets that are expected to be needed within the next 3 to 12 months for operating expenses b. Mid Term Reserves: Assets that are deemed as may be needed within the next 24 months for operating expenses c. Long Term Investments: Assets that are not expected to be needed until a minimum of 36 months and beyond The VCOM investment policy of is overseen by the investment committee with final approval by the Board of Directors. 2. PHILOSOPHY VCOM’s investment philosophy is to preserve principal while seeking a modest increase through appreciation and income. Market conditions will be assessed periodically to ascertain if investments or the mix of investments should be changed. Any change in investments will include an assessment of the increase or decrease of risks associated with the change. For example, the precipitous drop in the major stock market indices in late 2007 could have triggered a review of investments. Selling stocks and investing in safer instruments, such as certificates of deposits, Treasury bills and notes, to mitigate the risks of further declines in the value of equity or stock investments may have been an appropriate response. 3. OBJECTIVES The primary objective is the preservation of capital or principal. The second objective is to earn modest income on investment principal. The third objective is the growth of investments through appreciation. The emphasis of the investment strategy is total return; that is, the aggregate return from capital appreciation and dividend and interest income. 4. GENERAL PRINCIPLES a. Investments shall be made solely in the interest of VCOM b. Investments shall be made with care, skill, prudence and diligence under the circumstances then prevailing that a prudent man or woman acting in a like capacity and familiar with such matter would use with similar characteristics and aims
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c. Investments shall be so diversified as to minimize the risk of large losses, which may also minimize the opportunity for large gains d. Cash or cash equivalents (short term) investments shall be employed productively at all times to provide safety and return; however allowing liquidity of funds when needed e. Moderate-term investments are those funds invested by VCOM, however maintained with the assurance of funds will be made available when needed and are generally kept for a twelve to twenty four month period; however invested in a manner where emergent funds may be obtained (liquidity) without great expense or loss. f. Funds that are not anticipated to be utilized for operations for a period of twenty four months or greater are transferred to the VC Endowment Trust from time to time; and are transferred only when determined by the Investment Committee and the Board as not anticipated to be required for operations of the College over a period of twenty four months or greater. 5. GOALS FOR RETURNS ON INVESTMENTS In typical economic conditions, all investments should attain or exceed the average of the appropriate standard benchmarks which must be identified in their respective portfolios by the Investment Advisor(s) and Manager(s). When reporting performance each manager must include comparisons of their returns to the appropriate indexes that are comparable to their portfolios. Overall, returns on the entire portfolio of investments should be calculated using a weighted-average methodology 6. ASSUMPTIONS a. Any VCOM investable deposits that exceed operating expense needs (less than 24 months) will be placed in the long term investment portfolio at the discretion of the President and the investment committee of the board. b. All parties that interact with VCOM on the management of its investment assets have fiduciary duty to act solely in the best interests of VCOM. VCOM’s investment committee of the board shall review the investments semi-annually and keep minutes and fiduciary files in order to ensure that everyone involves with the management of the investments is acting in the best interests of VCOM. c. VCOM shall liquidate investments to meet specific organizational goals and objectives, satisfy the wishes of the investment committee of the board as determined by the President and reported to the board at the regular semi-annual meetings. 7. DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY 8. The Chairman of the Board and the President have been delegated fiduciary responsibilities under the bylaws of the corporation. The President, the Chairman of the Board, the Treasurer, and the CFO, and a minimum of one (and up to three) additional board member shall constitute the investment committee of the board. The Investment Committee of the Board shall review and make determinations on the VCOM investments; and provide a report to the Board of Directors on the investments at each Board meeting. The President/Provost has the authority to make changes in investments under the VCOM investment policy and in accordance with the restrictions outlined below. If changes are made, the President/Provost will be responsible to provide a report on the changes to the Investment Committee. These include, but are not limited to: a. VCOM will utilize the services of an Investment Consultant. The consultant(s) may assist the President and CFO in establishing investment policy, objectives, and guidelines to present to
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the Investment Committee; in selecting investment managers and reviewing such managers over time; in measuring and evaluating investment performance; and other tasks as deemed appropriate. The consultant(s) will read and agree to comply with this policy. b. Investment Manager. The investment manager(s) has direction to purchase, sell, or hold the specific securities that will be used to meet VCOM’s investment objectives. The manager will be accountable and responsible to achieve the goals for investment returns noted herein or as agreed upon. The investment manager(s) will read and agree to comply with this policy. c. Custodian. The custodian(s) will physically maintain the possession of securities owned by VCOM, collect dividend and interest payments, will redeem maturing securities, and will effect receipt and delivery following purchases and sales. Also, the custodian(S) may perform regular accounting of all assets owned, purchased, or sold, as well as movement of assets into and out of the VCOM’s investment accounts. Furthermore, the custodian(s) will ensure cash equivalents are purchased from institutions insured at the maximum amount allowed by the FDIC, and other investment instruments are insured at the maximum amount allowed by the Security Investor Protection Corporation (SPIC). Moreover, the custodian(s) will read and agree to comply with this policy. d. Additional specialists such as attorneys, auditors and others may be employed by the President and CFO to assist in meeting its responsibilities and obligations to administer the investments prudently. These other specialists will read and agree to comply with this policy 8. ASSIGNMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY 8.1 Responsibility of the President and CFO The President and the CFO are responsible to VCOM’s Board of Directors for the management of the investments of VCOM. They shall discharge these duties with care, skill, prudence, and diligence under the circumstances then prevailing, that a prudent man or woman, acting in a like capacity and familiar with such matter would use in the conduct of an enterprise of a like character with like aims. The specific responsibilities of the President and CFO to the investment management include: a. Projecting VCOM’s cash flow needs (“liquidity needs”), and communicating such needs to the Investment Consultants, and/or Investment Managers, if employed by VCOM, on a timely basis b. Determining the VCOM’s risk tolerance and investment horizon, and communicating these to the appropriate parties; c. Establishing reasonable and consistent investment objectives, policies and guidelines, which shall direct VCOM’s investments; d. Prudently and diligently selecting qualified investment professionals, if deemed appropriate; e. Evaluating on a regular basis, but no less than annually, the Investment Manager(s) that includes the performance of all investments, related returns, and compliance with this policy f. Developing and enacting proper control procedures; for example, replacing Investment Manager(s) due to fundamental change in investment management process or investment performance and returns Responsibility of Investment Consultant(s) The Investment Consultant’s role is that of a non-discretionary advisor to the President and CFO. Investment advice concerning investment management will be offered by the Investment 8.2
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