VCOM Administrative and Classified Staff Handbook
Associate Deans for Biomedical Affairs are responsible to the VP for Research to assure a successful and productive department on each campus. The VP for Research is responsible for the growth and maintenance of research across campuses, to assure the appropriate resources are provided on each campus that promote growth, and to assure the scholarly activity expectations of the faculty are met. The VP for Research is also responsible to assure the integrity of the research programs including areas such as conflict of interest, institutional review boards, and overseeing the office of sponsored programs. The VP for Research is also responsible for the development of new funds for research. Vice Provost for International and Appalachian Outreach The Vice Provost for International and Appalachian Outreach oversees all international programs of the College and international opportunities for students. He/she is responsible to the Campus Deans for providing student international opportunities that are academically appropriate and that provide a safe environment. The Vice Provost is responsible to the President for the overall integrity and financial responsibilities for the program. The Vice Provost assures the international programs follow WHO and other international guidelines, meet the educational expectations set forth by the Campus Deans, and that the programs are of the highest integrity in medical care. The Vice Provost assures all legal in-country approvals are obtained, establishing educational and governmental relationships to execute the international outreach activities. Vice President for Recruitment and Application Services The Vice President for Recruitment and Application Services oversees the regional and national recruitment plan for the DO program. Vice Provost for Professional and Public Affairs The Vice Provost for Professional and Public Affairs is responsible for assuring the public and profession is aware of VCOM’s success and serves as a liaison between the College and the profession nationally as well as the recognition of VCOM as one of the largest medical schools and suppliers of primary care physicians and rural physicians nationally. The VP will represent VCOM’s voice on national policies that affect education, rural health, and osteopathic medicine. Associate Deans for Student Affairs The Associate Deans for Student Affairs are responsible to their respective Campus Dean to oversee the operations of student services and admissions on their campus. The Associate Deans are responsible to assure the anticipated outcomes are met as to overall applications, for the recruitment of a well-qualified student body, to assure the health services are available for all students, and to oversee the organizations and student activities that needed for a healthy student body. The Associate Deans oversees the Director of Admissions and the support staff for student services on each campus and are responsible to the Dean of each campus for their performance on the respective campuses. Associate Deans for Medical Education, Preclinical Curriculum and Assessment The Associate Deans for Medical Education are responsible to their respective Campus Dean to oversee the delivery and organization of the on-campus curriculum, chair the Curriculum Block Subcommittees, and serve on the Curriculum Oversight Committee. In this role, the Associate Deans for Medical Education administer the educational programs of the College, reviewing all syllabi for accuracy and assuring the curriculum is continually updated while no essential content is lost. The Associate Deans for Medical Education follow the College academic outcomes and continually work with the Chairs on refinement of the curriculum in any areas where outcomes are of concern or where course and faculty assessments show a need for improvement. The Associate Deans for Medical Education assure the block curriculum is delivered in a manner that promotes student success including monitoring time in class vs. time for study, student performance in the curriculum, and assuring all students are referred to the
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