VCOM Institutional Policy and Procedure Manual
VCOM Policy and Procedure
Policy #S018
15. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS The degree of Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine is granted and conferred by the Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine. The degree is granted solely by VCOM and is not affiliated with any of VCOM’s affiliated colleges or universities including but not limited to Virginia Tech, Auburn University, or the University of Louisiana Monroe. The degree is granted and conferred by VCOM upon candidates who: • Are of good moral, professional, and ethical character; • Satisfied all academic requirements including all courses, clinical rotations, and all required exams; • Demonstrated all osteopathic medical student competencies; • Have passed the COMLEX Level 1 and COMLEX CE (and any other required board exams) in the appropriate timeframes; • Completed all required exit paperwork and settled all financial obligations with VCOM and VCOM’s affiliate and collaborative partners that has been incurred during or as a result of the academic program; • Completed all conferring of degree graduation requirements (including the graduation program unless a special exception has been granted for those finishing off cycle); and • Completed the exit process. To satisfy all academic requirements a student must pass all courses, all clinical rotations, and all required exams, demonstrate achievement of all osteopathic core competencies (examined in courses, clinical rotations, patient simulations, and end of year comprehensive testing), and must have passed COMLEX 1 and COMLEX CE. Professional and ethical competence is required for graduation. Students must demonstrate the ethical and professional qualities deemed necessary for success and continued study and practice of osteopathic medicine. Ethical and professional qualities demonstrate the student’s suitability for the practice of medicine including honesty and integrity, acceptance of duty and responsibility in all patient care, and must demonstrate ethical and professional behaviors with college personnel, peers, and patients. A student must have completed all curricular requirements at VCOM, or a minimum of the last two years at VCOM in combination with coursework completed at another eligible institution that is accredited by the Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation (COCA) or Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME). In addition to this requirement, the student must have been enrolled full time at VCOM during their OMS 3 and OMS 4 academic years. Students transferring from an LCME institution require successful completion of the PPC/OMM course prior to clinical rotations. To become eligible for graduation, each OMS 4 student must have successfully completed all the above.
VCOM Grading, Satisfactory Academic Progress, and Graduation Requirements Policy and Procedures
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