VCOM Institutional Policy and Procedure Manual
VCOM Transfer Equipment Policy
Policy #R001
The Office of Research Administration is responsible for assisting faculty in the coordination of all of the paperwork required for the transfer of equipment from the College. Because the process of obtaining verification, review, and approval of equipment transfers from various offices on campus is involved and time consuming, it is recommended that a faculty member allow at least four weeks prior to departure to obtain all of the approvals and complete the process. In order to transfer equipment from one academic institution to another domestic academic institution the College must relinquish its interest in equipment acquired under grants or contracts. The investigator should prepare a separate list (using the Request to Transfer Equipment to Another Domestic Institution), by funding source of equipment to be relocated, and forward the list(s) to Vice Provost for Research. The Vice Provost for Research and the Provost will consider the request by the investigator. If these approvals are granted, the information should be forwarded to the Office of Research Administration.
The faculty may request the transfer of equipment acquired from the following sources:
1. Equipment purchased from grants/contracts which are currently active and being transferred.
2. Equipment purchased from grants/contracts that have terminated (specify termination date) or will have terminated by the time the principal investigator transfers (specify date).
3. Equipment purchased from sources other than grants/contracts, e.g. gifts, etc.
4. Equipment transferred to the College at the time of faculty appointment.
Once all of the College approvals have been received, the Office of Research Administration will notify the receiving institution of the equipment transfer. The receiving institution must accept title to the equipment. A form and list, provided by the Office of Research Administration, requires the signature of an official authorized to accept title to the equipment.
To obtain assistance with the preparation of equipment transfer requests please contact your Office of Research Administration.
Office of Management and Budget, “Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, a nd Audit Requirements for Federal Awards; Final Rule”, December 26, 2013
For the purpose of this policy:
VCOM Transfer of Equipment Policy
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