VCOM Institutional Policy and Procedure Manual

VCOM Policy and Procedure

Policy #U024

Potential Reference Check Questions

1. What was the applicant's period of employment and reason for leaving your company?


Please outline the applicant's position and responsibilities.

3. How long have your worked with /known the applicant and what was your working relationship?

4. Please rate the applicant's reliability, as it pertains to attendance. Was the applicant on-time and dependable?


How would you describe the applicant's honesty and integrity?

6. How did the applicant get along with co-worker and working as a member of a team?

7. If the applicant supervised/managed any employees, how would you describe her/his supervisory/management skills?


Describe the applicant's ability to work with supervisors?


How would you rate the applicant's communication skills?


How has the applicant displayed initiative and work ethic?


Please rate the applicant's problem-solving skills.

VCOM Policy on Administrative Staff, Classified Staff, and Select Wage Employees Recruitment

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