VCOM Institutional Policy and Procedure Manual

VCOM Policy and Procedure

Policy #U024

Appendix B Reference Check Guidelines

Prepare • Develop a set of behavior-based questions closely related to interview questions or the requirements and preferences in the position description. • Determine how you are going to weigh information in advance, and weigh information in the same manner for all applicants – what disqualifies one should be the basis for disqualifying others. • You should never allow the individual providing you the reference to give you “confidential” or “off-the-record” information, so prepare for the possibility of stopping a reference check, or redirecting responses to questions. Be Consistent • Conduct a reference check for the final candidate(s); notify the candidate(s) that reference checks will be conducted and the information will be used in making a hiring decision. • As a best practice, check references before making a job offer. • Ask the same questions for each individual who is contacted for a reference. Conduct the Reference Check • State the purpose of the call. • Briefly describe the position for which the applicant has applied. • Confirm the relationship between the individual giving the reference and the applicant. • Verify basic data such as job title, functions, salary and dates of employment. • Ask job-related questions about the applicant’s knowledge, skills and abilities as they relate to the vacant position. • Ask questions that are designed to bring out the supervisor’s observations of the applicant’s work behaviors. • Document the questions and answers in writing. Evaluate Information • Consider the source and remember that information is limited by the perception of the person giving it. • If negative information is received about an applicant, weigh it with information from other references before making a hiring decision.

VCOM Policy on Administrative Staff, Classified Staff, and Select Wage Employees Recruitment

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