Faculty Handbook
Dean for Biomedical Affairs and Research (through the Administrative Assistant), who will review the portfolio, and will consult with the Associate Dean to determine if any additional information is required. The Review Process for Promotion and Tenure The Associate Dean will make recommendations for promotion in rank and tenure once per academic year, no later than January 15th, after review of the annual faculty activity reports. • The Associate Dean, as Division Chair, (and if appropriate the Clinical Discipline Chair) will review the faculty member’s portfolio. The Associate Dean will consult with the Discipline Chairs, Course Directors, and research administration regarding the faculty member’s performance. All materials will be reviewed and considered by the Associate Dean in making the recommendations to the APT for promotion or tenure. • The Associate Dean will submit, in writing, to the APT Committee their recommendation for promotion in rank or tenure and any other recommendations regarding the faculty member. The recommendation must outline the reasons upon which the decision was based. The letter must be submitted to the APT Committee as part of the faculty member’s portfolio. • The Associate Dean will submit the completed portfolio to the APT Committee for consideration of promotion in academic rank or the award of tenure. Upon receiving the completed portfolio, the APT Committee will review the portfolio and the recommendations for promotion in rank or tenure made by the Associate Dean, as Division Chair, and any other recommendations from the Discipline Chair(s), Course Directors, and research administration as appropriate. 1. Prior to convening the APT Committee, each portfolio for consideration of promotion in rank will be reviewed by a secondary reviewer, who is a member of the APT Committee. 2. The secondary reviewer will complete an Academic Rank Promotion Matrix (currently only for academic and research track faculty) for each promotion candidate and will submit the completed matrix to the APT Coordinator to include with the candidate’s portfolio packet. 3. The secondary reviewer will formally document their recommendation concerning promotion in rank on the provided spreadsheet within the timeline provided for completion of secondary reviews prior to the APT Committee meeting. 4. Once the APT Committee convenes, the faculty member’s portfolio will be carefully reviewed and discussed. 5. The APT Committee may recommend approval of the faculty member for promotion in rank or tenure, denial of the faculty member for promotion in rank or tenure, or delay in making a decision for promotion in rank or tenure due to the need of further documentation. • In addition to years of appointment at a particular rank at VCOM, years of appointment of that same rank from a previous or current academic higher education institution will also be accepted toward promotion in rank at VCOM. For example, a faculty member who held the rank of Assistant Professor at a previous institution for 2 years will be granted 2 years of service toward promotion in rank at VCOM. This faculty member would be eligible to apply for promotion in rank to Associate Professor after completing two years of academic teaching, research and service experience at the Assistant Professor level at VCOM (meeting VCOM’s criteria of 4 years of appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor in order to be eligible to request promotion in rank to Associate Professor). • All votes regarding the award of tenure will be taken by closed ballot and tallied by the Chair of the APT Committee. 6. A letter from the APT Committee as to the recommended approval of promotion in rank or tenure, denial of promotion in rank or tenure, or delay in a decision for promotion in rank or tenure will be provided to the Campus Dean, who will approve, deny, or delay the promotion in rank or tenure, and to the faculty member.
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