Faculty Handbook

• A letter of recommendation for promotion in rank or tenure by the APT Committee must outline the reasons upon which the recommendation was based and specify both the track and rank recommended. • A letter of denial of promotion in rank or tenure by the APT Committee must detail the reason(s) for denial and any recommendations to improve the application. • A letter of delay in making a decision regarding promotion in rank or tenure by the APT Committee must detail the reason(s) for their inability to make a decision and must include any recommendations to improve the application, as well as identifying a mentor who will offer assistance to improve the application. 7. The Campus Dean will consider the recommendation of the APT Committee, investigate as needed, and will approve or disapprove the promotion in rank or tenure. The Campus Dean may also return the portfolio to the APT Committee for further documentation prior to approving or denying the promotion in rank or tenure. 8. A letter from the Campus Dean as to the approval of promotion in rank or tenure, denial of promotion in rank or tenure, or delay in a decision for promotion in rank or tenure will be provided to the faculty member. • A letter of approval of promotion in rank or tenure by the Campus Dean must outline the reasons upon which the recommendation was based and specify both the track and rank recommended. • A letter of denial of promotion in rank or tenure by the Campus Dean must detail the reason(s) for denial and any recommendations to improve the application. • A letter of delay in making a decision regarding promotion in rank or tenure by the Campus Dean must detail the reason(s) for their inability to make a decision and must include any recommendations to improve the application, as well as identifying a mentor who will offer assistance to improve the application. 9. If approved for promotion in rank or tenure by the Campus Dean, the letter of promotion in rank or tenure and request for confirmation of promotion in rank or tenure will be sent to the Provost and Board for confirmation of the faculty member’s promotion in rank or tenure within 30 days of the date of the letter. • Applications for tenure must be supported by the Associate Deans, APT Committee, Campus Dean and the Provost to be forwarded to the Board. 10. The faculty member has the right to withdraw his or her application at any time. 11. The faculty member has the right to appeal the Campus Dean’s recommendation regarding promotion in rank to the Provost. • Upon receiving written notification of the Campus Dean’s recommendation regarding promotion in rank, the faculty member, within seven calendar days, may appeal, in writing, the Campus Dean’s recommendation to the Provost. • After careful consideration of the facts and deliberations of the APT Committee and the Campus Dean, the Provost will notify the faculty member, in writing, of the decision regarding promotion in rank within 14 calendar days from the time the appeal from the faculty member was received. The Provost may recommend approval of the faculty member for promotion in rank, denial of the faculty member for promotion in rank, or delay in making a decision for promotion in rank due to the need of further documentation.  A letter of approval of promotion in rank by the Provost must outline the reasons upon which the recommendation was based and specify both the track and rank recommended. o A letter of denial of promotion in rank by the Provost must detail the reason(s) for denial and any recommendations to improve the application.


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