VCOM College Catalog and Student Handbook

1. I understand my behavior in an international setting is to be professional at all times, whether in the clinic, in the villages or in my own free time. I understand actions will be a reflection of the care provided by VCOM, by the associated clinics and partners, and by US physicians (medical students). 2. I recognize VCOM will not tolerate any alcohol related infractions. There is no drinking during outreach trips during the clinic time and no more than two total drinks per evening. I understand the following applies: a. This is enforced as you are a guest in an international setting and a reflection of US physicians and medical students including VCOM. b. VCOM does not provide alcohol to students on outreach trips. c. When hosted by an institution, alcohol may not be taken into the host institution’s property. d. Over-consumption of alcohol on outreach trips will result in disciplinary action. e. You may be sent home or have disciplinary action for any of the above and may be sent home or have disciplinary action upon return to VCOM. These actions are reflected in the permanent record and Dean’s letter. f. No alcohol or smoking is permitted in any medical facility, on the grounds of Baxter Institute campus in Honduras or the facilities in El Salvador. g. No alcohol is permitted in any hotel room on the VCOM outreach experiences or in any VCOM apartment. VCOM apartments are a smoke-free environment as well. (In general, students must recognize this experience is not to be considered as spring break – if you wish to consume alcohol and are looking for this type of entertainment on your break, this is a professional trip and not the trip for you.) 3. I understand and agree that, just as in the US, I am not a licensed physician and will not provide any medical examination or medical care without supervision. I will at all times work under the guidance of a supervising physician while on the trip. This physician will oversee all of the medical care I provide including examination, diagnosis, any prescribed medications, any procedures, and any type of patient treatment. I agree to review all findings, diagnosis and treatment with the preceptor who is ultimately responsible for the treatment. This is for the patient’s, as well as my own, safety and should be seen as a learning experience. 4. I agree to conduct myself in a professional manner, being respectful of my supervisors and colleagues, assuring the exchange of information between myself and the patient, myself and other students, and with physicians in my group will be professional and respectful at all times. I understand and agree that disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated whether it be toward any preceptor, any fellow student, any supervisor or any patient on the trip. 5. The Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Honduras and other locations do not have the same standards or resources for care. I will respect recommendations for medications and treatments that may differ from the US but will provide the best outcomes in the international medically underserved area setting. Treatments are the ultimate decision of the supervising physician. 6. I understand there are certain designated areas where the students are allowed to be on any given outreach trip. I agree to read the designated areas for any trip I attend, and agree not to leave the designated areas at any time during the trip. The designated areas for evening include the lodging grounds for the site and I will not leave unless with VCOM to an organized event. VCOM works with our international partners to provide the safest possible environment; however, as the liability waiver you signed states, we cannot make guarantees for your safety, and it is not safe to go into the communities at night unless on a VCOM sponsored outing. Honduras, El Salvador, and certain areas of the Dominican Republic have high crime rates and carry a high risk for theft or attack so you must not leave the designated hotel or resort areas. Each site and each trip will provide instruction. 7. I understand that I will be participating in a setting that will not have the comforts I may be accustomed to, including hotel rooms or lodging areas where I may be required to share sleeping rooms or sleep on a mattress on the floor. I recognize that the food offerings will be different. I


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