VCOM College Catalog and Student Handbook
• Copy of passport that fully shows the ID and signature pages • Copy of driver’s license
• Proof of purchase of short-term medical and evacuation insurance • Non-VCOM Sponsored Trips Sponsor Assurances and Liability Form • Proof of government authorization for all medical and medically related activities where the activities will take place (usually the Ministry of Health) • Letter from the supervising physician that includes: o Evidence of the supervising physician’s medical credentials o A description of activities and duties the student will be performing o Statement that he or she will oversee and/or assure appropriate oversight of the student. If the trip is purely studying at an educational institution (medical schools, etc.) it must be with an established international educational institution. The paperwork must then provide the appropriate approvals by the Dean of the institution. Once the documentation is submitted to the Vice Provost for International Outreach, the Vice Provost for International Outreach, the Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs and the respective Campus Dean, will review the student’s request and provide a timely response. VCOM students who choose to participate in elective international medical experiences that are not organized, nor sponsored by VCOM, may not represent themselves as VCOM students in that country and must represent themselves as members of the organization with whom they are participating. VCOM students participating in any international medical/clinical activities are held to the same ethical and professional standards as in the United States and may not care for any patient unless supervised by a physician who is licensed in that country and/or approved to provide care in that country. Students wishing to participate in a VCOM sponsored international outreach/medical/clinical experience must be approved and must submit the following documentation to the Vice Provost for International Outreach:
• VCOM Sponsored International Outreach Trip Participant Liability Waiver • VCOM Sponsored International Outreach Trip Student Code of Conduct • VCOM Immunization Guidelines and Illness Risk Verification Form
• International Emergency Contact and Information Form • Copy of passport that fully shows the ID and signature page • Copy of driver’s license
If students choose to participate, they must remember that they are part of a team while on VCOM global health activities in the U.S. and abroad. A student’s behavior reflects on the entire VCOM program and will impact the college’s ability to continue activities. Professional behavior is expected at all times (24 hours per day) while on VCOM Medical Outreach, whether in country or internationally. Unprofessional behavior will result in a Professional and Ethical Standards Board and could lead to sanctions and/or permanent record of such behavior in the student file or MSPE. C ode of Conduct for International and Appalachian Outreach/Medical/Clinical Experiences Students’ compliance with a VCOM “Code of Conduct” is required along with prudent professional behavior, compliance with VCOM administration, respect of local culture, and respect of other important program components to sustain the health programs we have created. While participating in International and Appalachian Outreach, whether in the U.S. or abroad, the following Code of Conduct applies specifically to medical outreach trips and is applicable along with the general code of conduct for VCOM students.
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