VCOM College Catalog and Student Handbook
Dismissals from VCOM are based on one or more of the following: (1) academic reasons – failure to make academic progress; (2) behavioral reasons – failure to act in a professional and ethical manner expected of a medical student and future physician; and infrequently (3) for failure to meet the technical standards of the college. Dismissal may only be imposed by the Campus Dean or Provost and is generally based on recommendations made by the Promotion Board or the Professional and Ethical Standards Board, or as a result of an individualized assessment by the Individual Assessment Team as applied to the technical standard assessment. Dismissal is made “with” or “without” the ability to reapply. • Any student who ceases to maintain the required academic attendance at VCOM will be considered for a dismissal according to this Handbook. Should a student miss 14 consecutive calendar days (including weekends and holidays) when the College is in session, without being granted an excused absence, the student will be reviewed for dismissal and the date of dismissal will be the first date the College became aware of the lack of the attendance. • A student who is unable to make sustained academic progress in the curriculum is required to become a future safe practicing physician and/or to meet the academic requirements and standards as set forth in this Handbook. • A student who demonstrates unprofessional and/or unethical conduct that is not consistent with: a) the code of ethics provided to medical students, b) the American Osteopathic Association Code of Ethics, c) the rules and requirements of this Handbook, or d) the rules and requirements of any professional organization having jurisdiction over the medical profession or that does not instill a sense of trust in the College’s academic or clinical care environments. • Cheating within the College’s academic program. • Conviction of a crime involving fraud, moral turpitude, or potentially creating a danger to others and that would reflect adversely on a physician and/or future physician. • Other behavior which any legal, regulatory body, or osteopathic professional organization would view as unethical or unprofessional. A student who has been offered a withdrawal status prior to dismissal for academic or behavioral reasons, must withdraw prior to any appeal to the Campus Dean. If the student does not request withdrawal in a timely manner the student may be dismissed without the ability to reapply. For any dismissal, VCOM recognizes and follows the date of determination as defined by the U.S. Department of Education in its Code of Federal Regulations. Dismissals are made for any of the following:
Individual Assessment Team
In situations where there is a need for a student to have an individualized assessment, the Campus Dean (shall appoint members of an Individual Assessment Team (IAT) to perform such individualized assessment. The IAT shall include, if possible, the Vice President for Institutional Policy and Administrative Law; the campus Director of Student and Institutional Academic Success; and two additional Associate Deans. The Campus Dean, within his/her discretion, may appoint different or additional members as the circumstances may require and shall appoint one of the members as Chair.
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