VCOM College Catalog and Student Handbook

With certain behavioral suspensions, additional conditions including ongoing medical or psychiatric treatment, or other requirements may be necessary in an attempt to remedy the misconduct and prevent its recurrence. If the terms set out under the suspension are not fulfilled, the student will be dismissed from VCOM without the ability to apply for re-admission. Emergency Mandatory Suspension The Campus Dean (or designee) has the authority to initiate mandatory temporary suspension for VCOM students. The reason for such suspensions includes, but is not limited to: (1) if the Campus Dean (or designee) determines that a student may constitute a threat to the welfare of fellow students and employees, or to the health of patients; (2) if the Campus Dean (or designee) determines that a student’s presence constitutes substantial disruption of the academic program for fellow students; and (3) if the Campus Dean (or designee) determines that a student is seen as a threat or disruption to employees performing their duties or to the workplace, or as a possible threat in Title IX accusation. Possible situations where such action may be necessary include, but are not limited to, the following: • Substance abuse (alcohol & other drugs); • Suspected or alleged illegal behavior (until evidence resolves or substantiates allegations); • Suspected or alleged physical, sexual, or emotional abuse (until evidence resolves or substantiates allegation); or • Behavior considered to be unethical or unprofessional in a medical student or medical professional as deemed by the Campus Dean to warrant such action. • Behavior that is considered to pose a possible threat to the health and safety of other medical student(s), employee(s), or patient(s). • Behaviors or alleged behaviors that present enough evidence to pose serious concern that the student’s attendance may pose a significant risk for his or her personal health and safety. In this case, the Dean will appoint an individual assessment team in a timely manner to evaluate if the student meets technical standards for continued enrollment. The Campus Dean may also evaluate whether the student is eligible to be considered for a Mandatory Medical Leave of Absence, instead of an Emergency Mandatory Suspension, if the behavior may be due to a medical condition. In such cases, the Campus Dean will follow Policy S003, VCOM Mandatory Medical Leave of Absence Policy and Procedures. Once suspended, the student is no longer eligible to participate in the curriculum or any type of clinical activity until a resolution has occurred. The Campus Dean (or designee) must notify the student verbally as soon as possible of the suspension (generally within 3 days of learning of the actions causing the concern and in writing by certified letter to the student’s address on record. The Campus Dean (or designee) must also notify any other parties, such as the student’s assigned clinical site, within 7 days of taking such action. As soon as reasonably practicable following an Emergency Mandatory Suspension, the Campus Dean will call for a Professional and Ethical Standards Board to be scheduled. Return from suspension for the allegation is determined by the Professional and Ethical Standards Board’s (PESB) recommendations to the Campus Dean and the Campus Dean’s subsequent decision, as described in the PESB section of this Handbook. In any of the aforementioned circumstances, the student may be suspended effective immediately.


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