VCOM 2023 Annual Report

Reflections from the VCOM Family (continued)

W hy was I interested in working for a brand new osteopathic medical school campus? Legacy. Being a VCOM alum, I full well knew the necessity of cultivating more physicians in underserved areas especially the Southeast and figured that there was no better way at the time to contribute to this need. Interacting and mentoring students is my favorite part of the job; working alongside incredibly smart

and passionate colleagues is a close second. Being employed at VCOM Auburn is NOT WORK to me…rather it is something I DO, part of my existence. David Stephen, DO VCOM-Auburn Associate Dean for OMS 4th Year Graduate Medical Education Discipline Chair for Pathology and Histology, 2009 graduate of VCOM-Virginia and hired in 2015

I was one of a very few DO’s in the Roanoke/Salem area and I was already involved in academic medicine. I met Dixie [Tooke-Rawlins] and the rest is history. There is a lot more to teaching students to be good physicians than lectures and exams. Their life will be different as physicians and other peoples’ lives will be different because they are physicians. When I see them start to understand that it is really something to behold! I enjoy working with and advising students of any kind, but I have spent many hours working with students who were struggling in one way or another. Seeing them succeed is a highlight for me. So many students have stayed in our area to provide care or gone to underserved areas. There is no doubt that VCOM has changed healthcare in Southwest Virginia. Brian Wood, DO VCOM-Virginia Discipline Chair for Psychiatry and Neuro-Behavioral Sciences, hired in 2002

T he Auburn Campus opened at a good time in my career. I was really impressed by the mission of VCOM, in particular the rural aspects as it aligns with my profession and the Land Grant Mission. Seeing the first class graduate was pretty cool. I hope some of my descendants graduate from VCOM. Kenny Brock, DVM, MS, PhD VCOM-Auburn Associate Dean for Biomedical Affairs and Research, hired in 2013

W ho would have thought VCOM would have 4 campuses, is the largest medical school in the Southeastern United States, and has over 650 new students each year? It seems like that all just “sort of happened” and there are thousands of students and many thousands of patients who have benefited because of the vision of Mr. John Rocovich, Dr. Dixie Tooke-Rawlins and the VCOM board and administration. Bill King, MBA VCOM-Virginia Vice President for Recruitment and Application Services, hired in 2003


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