VCOM 2023 Annual Report
E very milestone is a new proudest moment—finally getting to have a White Coat Ceremony for the Class of 2024 and everyone reciting the Osteopathic Oath is my proudest VCOM-Louisiana moment so far. I can’t wait for the group Osteopathic Oath at graduation! Stephanie Aldret, DO VCOM-Louisiana Discipline Chair for Family Medicine, ONMM and Sports Medicine, 2012 alumna of the VCOM-Virginia Sports Medicine program and hired in 2019
T here honestly are FAR too many [VCOM-Carolinas graduates] embodying the VCOM spirit for me to list, so many who became and remain very close friends. A VERY few who jump immediately to mind are Raleigh Rumley, DO, [with] her longtime goal of returning to her hometown to be the second physician in an extremely underserved region. Dan Martingano, DO, who was lead author on multiple articles in respected journals while at the same time being a 1st-year resident. Katherine Landry, DO; Boone Rountree, DO; and Carrie Schmitt, DO, overcoming repeated challenges to become committed and caring psychiatrists. Kaitlyn Stevens, DO, following her passion to become a surgeon specializing in sports injuries. Kate Donnan, DO, and all the many others who have gone on to become successful military physicians. Bill Nichols, MLS VCOM-Carolinas Director for Library Services, hired in 2011
V COM came to my hometown. I connected with the mission and saw a great opportunity to make an impact in the healthcare of this region. My proudest moment was the first White Coat ceremony when I saw the entire inaugural class together for the first time. They were dressed up, many with attire that represented their culture. I was thankful they did not all look like me and that VCOM had met its mission of diversity among the students. Gwenn Jackson, MD VCOM-Louisiana Discipline Chair for Obstetrics and Gynecology, hired in 2019
I n 2011, a relative made me aware of the construction of the school and the possible job opportunities. I researched VCOM and osteopathic medicine for several months and was intrigued with the mission of VCOM. I interviewed for the Administrative Assistant to the Associate Dean of Clinical Affairs position and Dr. Januchowski offered me the job. In 2014, I was proud to become the Director of 4th Year Clinical Rotations! I enjoy helping the rising fourth year students solidify desired audition rotations and working with a lot of amazing people that I consider friends and family. April Watson VCOM-Carolinas Director for Fourth Year Clinical Rotations, hired in 2011
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