VCOM 2023 Annual Report
Campus Community Outreach (continued)
VCOM-Auburn Outreach Highlights 2023-2024 • VCOM-Auburn hosted a flu shot and COVID-19 booster clinic in collaboration with the Harrison School of Pharmacy. • VCOM-Auburn students who are part of the American College of Osteopathic Pediatricians (ACOP), provided medical assistance at the first aid tent at the Auburn Soccer Invitational Tournament. VCOM Auburn students worked alongside local pediatricians and other healthcare providers, and the experience gave students the chance to translate what they are learning in the classroom into tangible skills. • A collaboration with Auburn University on the Beat Bama Food Drive was instrumental in making a positive impact on the lives of families in the community facing food insecurity. • A Latino Health Fair provided health education, resources, vaccines and more to the local Spanish-speaking community. Faculty, staff and students from VCOM volunteered for this event, alongside additional volunteers from East Alabama Medical Center, the Auburn University (AU) College of Nursing, the AU Harrison College of Pharmacy and the AU Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Social Work. Each year, this event serves approximately 100 attendees. • VCOM-Auburn hosted young leaders from the Auburn University Brain Camp. The summer program gives participants hands on experience using advanced technology, and they get to learn from distinguished professors in the field of neuroscience. These campers were on campus to work with Dr. William Pearson, who is part of the anatomical sciences faculty team at VCOM-Auburn.
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