VCOM Institutional Policy and Procedure Manual

VCOM Policy and Procedure

Policy #U023

may be granted temporary Qualtrics accounts for course work or academic research and are expected to use their accounts only for those purposes. VCOM reserves the right to revoke anyone’s Qualtrics access at any time. 2.3. Research on Faculty, Staff, or Students Research on students, faculty, or staff, whether by tests, survey instruments, the review of performance data of students, or through the solicitation of any members or prospective members of the VCOM community to participate in a research project is prohibited unless prior approval has been obtained from the Office of the President and Provost and Office of the Dean. Once all approvals above have been granted, approval must be obtained through the Institutional Review Board. Current quality assessment and quality improvement are not considered research and are not covered under this requirement. However, should there be any possibility for future use of QA/QI data to be used for research and publication purposes, it would require approvals prior to the use of data for research purposes. Faculty are encouraged to contact the Institutional Review Board administration to discuss this should there be any question on what constitutes QA/QI. 2.4. College Outcomes Each year the President and Provost collects data related to institutional, student, and alumni outcomes. This collection of this data occurs on the same day across campuses so to provide consistent data and to protect the integrity of the institution and the institutional data that is provided annually. Publishing incomplete data or data collected at different intervals of the year related to institutional, student, and alumni outcomes is not permitted. Publishing data at different intervals during an academic year may cause different outcomes reporting and cause external bodies to question if data published by the institution is accurate. As institutional outcomes data has significant impact on accreditation and licensure, it is mandatory the information and outcomes be accurate and collected on approved dates. This policy applies to outcomes reported in any publication and/or presentation including board reports, mandatory reporting to state and national regulatory bodies, national organizations, newspapers, or any other external publications. Persons seeking institutional, student, and/or alumni outcome data may find current data in the VCOM College Outcomes Report and VCOM Annual Report on the VCOM website. If data is needed that is outside of the scope of the data published on the website, the collection and reporting of such data must be approved by both the President and Provost and Campus Dean(s). Outcomes data that is required by state licensing bodies, national accrediting bodies, AACOM, the Department of Education, or other external organizations must be completed and submitted by the Vice Provost for Academic Planning, Institutional Effectiveness, and Accreditation (APIEA). The Vice Provost will seek final approval of the proposed submission from the President and Provost and Campus Dean(s). 3. SPONSORSHIP The use of the name "Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine” or “VCOM” on a survey instrument, solicitation, report, or cover letter suggests an official survey, solicitation, or data submission being

VCOM Policy on Solicitations, Surveys, and the Use of College Outcomes

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