VCOM Institutional Policy and Procedure Manual

VCOM Policy and Procedure

Policy #U023

conducted by the College. Individuals seeking to use the name on a survey, solicitation, or data submission must have approval from the President and Provost and Vice President for Marketing. Information from surveys conducted by administrative offices, faculty committees, and other college committees are the property of VCOM. The researcher, department, unit, or committee responsible for conducting the survey must be consulted prior to the release and distribution of the survey’s findings. While surveys may be developed for a variety of purposes, any data collected from any members or prospective members of the VCOM community by VCOM employees or students must be made available to VCOM upon request. 4. SANCTIONS FOR POLICY VIOLATIONS Failure to adhere to the policies and guidelines relating to the use of surveys, solicitations, or College outcomes will result in a written notification to the data collector. Violators of this policy must receive clearance from the Campus Dean and the President and Provost to administer any future surveys, solicit funds, or use College Outcomes for a period determined by the Campus Dean and the President and Provost. In addition, an employee or student who violates this policy may be subject to corrective action and disciplinary action. 5. DURATION OF POLICY The VCOM Policy on Solicitations, Surveys, and the Use of College Outcomes established by the College is effective as of the date above and shall remain effective until amended or terminated by the President and Provost.

VCOM Policy on Solicitations, Surveys, and the Use of College Outcomes

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