VCOM Institutional Policy and Procedure Manual

VCOM Policy and Procedure

Policy #U023

An anonymous survey is one where responses can’t be associated with individuals unless the respondent answers the survey questions in a way that uniquely identifies them. Even if the respondent is uniquely identifiable due to a unique combination of responses, survey administrators must not make any effort to determine that identity. If a survey is referred to as “anonymous” it must be the case that all information is explicitly provided by the respondent. With a confidential survey, each survey respondent will be asked to provide identifying information such as their name, which enables survey administrators to associate the response with the respondent. This means other demographic and institutional data may be merged with survey responses for analysis. Researchers will ensure that data is stored securely. In the normal course of events, unit record data is not shared with anyone outside the project and results won’t be reported in a way that could identify individual respondents. However, the College, in extraordinary circumstances, may identify, use, and disclose the source of survey responses if it determines in good faith that it is necessary to comply with legal obligations, or to protect the legal rights, safety, or security of the College or members of the VCOM community. Collection of information on the performance of a student or group of students on campus that includes grades or any individual or group information by which a student may be identified is subject to Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) regulations. All faculty and staff must be familiar with and abide by FERPA policies regarding student data. Any sharing of data outside of the institution by the College requires evaluation by and prior approval by the Dean and by the Provost and President prior to entering into any agreements for processing of such data. 2.2.2 Process for Survey Approval The process for approval of surveys developed by VCOM employees or students requires several levels of approval and includes the following: • President and Provost; • Campus Dean (or multiple Campus Deans); • Division Officer; • IRB (if considered research); and • Other approvals may be determined by the Provost or Dean. Employees, departments, or students wishing to conduct a survey that is covered by this policy must complete and submit the Survey Request Form and appropriate documentation to the Office of the President and Provost for approval. The form must be submitted at least one month prior to the desired implementation date. The data needed may already exist in the College Outcomes Report or Annual Report, which can be found on the VCOM website. Before submitting a survey request, please verify that the information has not already been posted. If the data needed is not already posted, proceed with the attached Survey Request Form. 2.2.3 Survey Software Approved surveys to be administered electronically by VCOM employees or students must be delivered through VCOM’s institutional Qualtrics account, unless otherwise specified through IRB approval. Employees and students must submit an IT HelpDesk Request for the creation of the survey. Students

VCOM Policy on Solicitations, Surveys, and the Use of College Outcomes

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