VCOM Institutional Policy and Procedure Manual

VCOM Policy and Procedure

Policy #U019

7. DISCIPLINARY ACTION FOR NONCOMPLIANCE Actions that are considered in noncompliance with this policy may include, but not be limited to: • a salaried, non-exempt employee works overtime without approval and does not report the overtime worked; • a salaried, non-exempt employee works overtime and submits the overtime without approval by the supervisor (this may happen as an accident but should not be a repeated event); • a supervisor instructs the employee to work overtime but does not provide signed permission to submit for overtime pay; and/or • a supervisor repeatedly assigns overtime to a worker. Consequences for employees or supervisors who do not comply with this policy may include the following: • Verbal warning for first time offense • Written reprimand for a second time offense • Suspension or termination for repeated offenses The severity of the disciplinary action depends upon the nature or intent for compliance with this policy. 8. DEFINITIONS • U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) is a federal agency responsible for enforcing the FLSA. • FLSA is the Fair Labor Standards Act enforced by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). • Exempt employees are not eligible to be paid overtime after working more than 40 hours in a workweek because their “exempt-status” excludes them from overtime pay. • Non-exempt employees are eligible to be paid overtime after working more than 40 hours in a workweek. • Work duties involves performing required job duties at your VCOM office, your home or other places. Work also involves answering work-related telephone calls, emails, or any other duty you are asked or expected to perform by your supervisor. • Flexible work schedule involves employees who have pre-approval by their supervisor to work a flexible work schedule outside of regular scheduled hours and do not exceed 40 hours worked between a Sunday and a Saturday. These pre-approved schedules also do not allow “comp time” outside of a work-week. • Salary is the fixed or predetermined amount paid to an employee each pay day that is not based on hours worked or quantity or quality of work performed. • Overtime is pay calculated at 1.5 times the non-exempt employee’s rate of pay (annual salary divided by 2080 hours) • VCOM officers are employees that report directly to the President of the college and include Vice Presidents, Vice Provosts, and Deans. • Supervisors are employees to whom other employees directly report. Supervisors and Officers are responsible to approve all overtime. • Workweek is Sunday through Saturday. 9. DURATION OF POLICY The VCOM Work Hours and Overtime Policy established by the Business Office and is effective as of the date above and will remain effective until amended or terminated by the President and Provost.

VCOM Employee Work Hours and Overtime Policy

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