VCOM College Catalog and Student Handbook

Arrests and Illegal Behavior VCOM recognizes that students may be arrested for a minor offense such as a traffic violation. Students are required to report arrests or criminal charges of any type as a part of their secondary application (except as excluded by law) and any arrest or criminal charge after acceptance that may occur prior to enrollment. After enrollment, a student must report any arrest or criminal charge. The requirement to report includes arrest or criminal charges of any kind including, but not limited to, a ticket or criminal summons. The College administration recognizes minor driving offenses may occur (such as exceeding the speed limit by less than 10 miles per hour) and will make the decision as to whether the charge or arrest warrants further investigation. Current students and accepted students awaiting enrollment must report an arrest or charge for any illegal behavior whether guilty or not guilty, to the Associate Dean for Student Affairs within 72 hours from the time of the arrest or charge. Students who do not report such an arrest or charge are considered as acting in an unprofessional and/or unethical manner and may be referred to Honor Code Council or the Professional Ethical and Standards Board (PESB). A Professional and Ethical Standards Board (PESB) hearing may be called to review illegal behavior, even if a criminal charge has not been made, if the illegal action or behavior becomes known to the administration. Alcohol and Drug Testing VCOM promotes a safe, healthy, and productive learning and working environment free from the influences of drugs and alcohol and to ensure the safety and welfare of students, faculty, staff, and patients cared for by VCOM representatives. VCOM policy requires employees to be free from illicit drug use and free from addiction. This policy, while in place to ensure safety of students, faculty, and patients, does not preclude criminal action by means of other institutional policies and/or state and federal law. Any student, faculty member, or other VCOM staff may be required to submit to drug and/or alcohol testing based upon what the faculty and administration consider to be reasonable suspicion, including, but not limited to: • Direct observation of drug or alcohol use or possession;

• Physical symptoms related to the influence of drugs or alcohol; • Abnormal or erratic behavior that is disruptive or a risk to others; • Arrest or conviction of a drug or alcohol related offense on- or off-campus; • Documented information from a credible source submitting a complaint; • Evidence that a previous drug or alcohol test was tampered with; or • Possession of drug paraphernalia.

Testing will be conducted by order of any member of VCOM administration and may be performed on campus or at a qualified designated laboratory site identified by the College. A positive drug test on campus will result in a repeated test within a forensic laboratory as arranged by the administration. In general, the laboratory site will carry a forensic certified testing program certified by the College of American Pathologists for testing. Random drug screening is performed on one or two occasions during enrollment at VCOM and may also be done by order without notice from any member of VCOM administration. The presence of any illegal substance or of any prescription drug not prescribed directly to the student will result in immediate suspension until a Professional and Ethical Standards Board can be held. For patient, faculty, and/or student safety, compulsory expulsion may result if a student refuses to consent to testing. All testing is done in confidence except for use by the Professional and Ethical Standards Board and in cases where it is required for long term monitoring by the State Medical Board.


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