VCOM College Catalog and Student Handbook

information whether in formal or in casual comment in any other arena in which they do not have the patient or physician’s permission to do so. Any discussion of a patient, peer, physician or healthcare facility should be a professional discussion and not cause misunderstanding or distrust of the medical care offered at the site. Failure to adhere to this professional behavior constitutes a violation of the VCOM Honor Code. Medical Records/Charting The responsibility given to students for medical records varies among the hospitals and clinics. Some sites allow students to write full progress notes and orders directly into the patient's chart. When this is allowed, notes must be immediately co-signed by the supervising physician and that physician must follow this with her or her physician note. At no time do the student notes serve as the physician preceptor’s notes. Billing must be directly related to the physician preceptor’s notes. Some other hospitals/clinics have separate pages in charts set aside for "Student Progress Notes.” These should also be reviewed and co-signed by the attending physician. Notes are usually written or entered in the SOAP format. If dictation or computerized entry is allowed by students at a particular hospital or clinic, the resulting notes must also be reviewed and approved by the attending. The student is responsible for obtaining charting instructions from the preceptor or rotation coordinator. Medical Records that are falsified or that are left uncompleted when it is the responsibility of the student to complete, are considered a professional or ethical violation and the student will be subject to the policies and procedures in the student handbook that apply to the violation. NOTE: The student is responsible for knowing proper procedure and must sign and date all entries on the medical record by name and educational status (e.g., John Doe, MS 3 or OMS 3). Background Checks A background check is mandatory prior to matriculation and will be required on one or more occasions during the four years of enrollment. A background check is required to assure the applicant is not a risk to fellow students, faculty, staff, or patients and to assure the applicant or student has the appropriate insight and judgment to participate in clinical care and to become a physician professional with ethical behaviors. Applicants and students should also be aware that certain violations on a background check may be an impediment to licensure or obtaining a residency position upon graduation. Failure to report an arrest or criminal charge during the application process that is later found on a background check will result in a Professional and Ethics Standards Board. VCOM students have periodic background checks performed during the four years of training. Current or accepted students involved in an arrest or criminal charge for any illegal behavior (whether guilty or not guilty) while enrolled at VCOM must be reported to the Associate Dean for Student Affairs within 72 hours from the time of the charge or arrest. Students who do not report an arrest or criminal charge while a student are considered as acting in an unprofessional and/or unethical manner and may be suspended until a Professional and Ethics Standards Board is held. The student is advised that a recommendation by a third party (such as a lawyer or fellow student) to not report an arrest or criminal charge is not an acceptable excuse to not follow this policy. Arrests, Illegal Behavior, and Background Checks


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