VCOM Faculty Handbook

Across campus comparisons will also be used be used to identify any significant pay disparities between pay for specific positions. There is recognition; however, that pay varies across states for physician and other medical professions; however, large discrepancies should not exist within states or that do not align with regional salaries, and such discrepancies should not exist within a campus. Significant pay discrepancies should only exist that are explained by performance and/or by years of employment. Any questionable pay discrepancies identified will be reviewed by the Vice President for Finance, the Assistant Vice President for Human Resources, and the President for evaluation and those not explained by regional differences and/or years of employment will be discussed with the Campus Dean and/or Appropriate Division Officer, and corrections made where correction is warranted. VCOM also assures training for all Human Resource personnel on pay equity principles and practices. Human Resources must report pay inequities to the President, the Division Officer, or to the Campus Deans and the Provost for immediate attention and correction where warranted. Pay Equity Grievance Process An employee may contact the Assistant Vice President for Human Resources to request am equity pay review for their position at any time. The initial pay equity evaluation will be performed by the Assistant Vice President for Human Resources who will provide their findings to the Vice President for Finance, the Campus Dean and/or Division Officer, and the President to consider and ensure equity in pay exists. If the employee is a faculty member, the Provost will also be a member in the review. Following the pay equity evaluation and an interview with the employee, VCOM will either adjust the salary or assure the employee fully understands the reasons for the pay discrepancy such as faculty rank, job duties, years of service, or performance issues. When the reason for a pay discrepancy is related to performance issues, the Assistant Vice President for Human Resources and the Campus Dean or Division Officer will assure the employee receives, in writing, the methods to correct the discrepancy and to improve job performance. When an unwarranted discrepancy is identified that is not explained by job performance and/ or years of service; a correction in salary for pay equity will occur. Employees who feel they are being discriminated against in employment, duties, position, or salary should contact the Director of Human Resources to request the office to launch an investigation. The investigation will be performed confidentially. The Director of Human Resources will present the issue to a panel consisting of the Vice President for Finance, the Assistant Vice President for Human Resources, the Division Officer, and the President for non-faculty employees; and for faculty to the Vice Presidnet for Finance, the Assistant Vice President for Human Resources, the Campus Dean, the Provost, and the President. The appropriate group will conduct an individualized audit comparing salaries across campuses and on campus, with consideration of FTE hours expected on campus, any supervisory roles held, hours taught, committee duties, research hours, college service, number of years with the institution, and annual performance review. Corrections will be made where warranted.


Leave Reports Requests for leave must be made using the TimeClock Plus leave tracking system. TimeClock Plus may be accessed through the implanted icons on your VCOM-issued computer. TimeClock Plus will generate an email to notify the supervisor for review and approval/disapproval of the requested leave. It is the responsibility of the employee to notify Human Resources of any days missed by submitting accurate leave requests. Failure to submit leave requests and reports for time away from work is considered falsifying information and the employee is subject to dismissal.


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