VCOM Faculty Handbook
The exact raise is based upon the performance evaluation of each employee, job duties, hours of employment, the Consumer Price Index (CPI), and the overall available funds within the budget. The Campus Deans and/or the College-wide Division Officers have the opportunity to present to the President and the Vice President for Finance any potential raise requests that are above those that align with the annual CPI. Job duties for positions may change from time to time due to changes in the overall institution. When job duties are significantly increased, the pay for those duties will generally increase as well. When changes in the institution call for job duties to be reduced, the employee’s salary may also be reduced to the same level as the new duties warrant. When this occurs, the employee will always be provided a minimum of 30 days’ notice and the ability to apply for other positions within the institution when such positions exist. • The Assistant Vice President for Human Resources, the Vice President for Finance, and the President review the proposed raises and the employee evaluation scores. o The review process includes an evaluation of salaries and raises for any discrepancies between employee salaries/raises on any campus and significant variations across campuses. o When significant discrepancies occur on a campus or across campuses during the budget/salary review process, an investigation is performed to determine the reason for the discrepancy (i.e. number of years of employment, employee’s performance evaluations, a difference in educational preparation required, and a difference in FTE, and/or a difference in job duties). o After the initial investigation is completed, if sufficient evidence exists that the reason for the salary/raise difference is not substantiated by position, job duties, FTE, job performance, or years of employment; the salary discrepancy will be adjusted for equity. o When differences in raises and/or salary are noted or when an increase in salary does not occur due to performance issues, the Assistant Vice President for Human Resources, along with the Human Resource Director will ensure the employee’s Division Officer or Campus Dean has met with the employee to provide guidance on ways to improve performance and that those expectations are provided in writing. The Human Resources Director may attend the meeting upon request. The employee has the right also to request such a meeting. • The President and the Vice President for Finance meet during the budget process to consider available funds for salaries, the proposed increases in salary, and the CPI. • After completion of the college-wide budget, the President and Vice President for Finance apply the salary increases to the final budget. The college-wide budget is then submitted by the President to the Board of Directors for final approval. Pay Equity Audit An annual pay equity audit of all salaries is conducted by the CFO, President, Provost, Division Officers, and the Campus Dean to assure equitable pay and to detect and address any emerging pay disparities. The pay equity audit considers the FTE hours expected on campus, any supervisory roles held, hours taught, committee duties, research hours, college service, number of years with the institution, and annual performance review. Following the annual performance review process and proposed salaries, the CFO will prepare a spreadsheet of salaries by campus and by Division for the college-wide annual audit review. The spreadsheet includes all salaries for positions across each campus and across the four campuses. Faculty and staff salaries are compared on each campus and across campuses. The President, the CFO, the Provost, the Campus Dean, and the AVP for Human Resources will then review all academic salaries on Campus. The President, the CFO, and the appropriate Division Officer will review all non-academic salaries.
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