VCOM Institutional Policy and Procedure Manual

VCOM Policy and Procedure

Policy #R003

7. CONDUCTING THE INVESTIGATION........................................................................................................8 7.1. P URPOSE OF THE I NVESTIGATION ................................................................................................................. 8 7.2. S EQUESTRATION OF THE R ESEARCH R ECORDS ............................................................................................ 8 7.3. A PPOINTMENT OF THE I NVESTIGATION C OMMITTEE .................................................................................... 8 7.4. C HARGE TO THE C OMMITTEE AND THE F IRST M EETING .............................................................................. 9 7.5. I NVESTIGATION P ROCESS .............................................................................................................................. 9 8. THE INVESTIGATION REPORT...................................................................................................................9 8.1. E LEMENTS OF THE I NVESTIGATION R EPORT ................................................................................................. 9 8.2. C OMMENTS ON THE D RAFT R EPORT ............................................................................................................. 9 8.3. I NSTITUTIONAL R EVIEW AND D ECISION ..................................................................................................... 10 8.4. T RANSMITTAL OF THE F INAL I NVESTIGATION R EPORT TO THE D ECIDING O FFICIALS ............................... 10 8.5. T IME L IMIT FOR C OMPLETING THE I NVESTIGATION ................................................................................... 10 11. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS.....................................................................................................................11 11.1. T ERMINATION OF I NSTITUTIONAL E MPLOYMENT OR R ESIGNATION P RIOR TO C OMPLETING I NQUIRY OR I NVESTIGATION ....................................................................................................................................................... 11 11.2. R ESTORATION OF THE R ESPONDENT ' S R EPUTATION .................................................................................. 12 11.3. P ROTECTION OF THE A CCUSER AND O THERS ............................................................................................. 12 11.4. A LLEGATIONS N OT M ADE IN G OOD F AITH ................................................................................................ 12 11.5. I NTERIM A DMINISTRATIVE A CTIONS .......................................................................................................... 12 9. REQUIREMENTS FOR REPORTING TO ORI..........................................................................................10 10. INSTITUTIONAL ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIONS ................................................................................11 1.1. Policy The Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine (VCOM) is dedicated to the education of primary care osteopathic physicians and the development of scientific research that will improve the health of all human beings. The establishment and maintenance of intellectual integrity among individuals at VCOM is a priority to the College. The faculty, staff, and students of VCOM all benefit from an atmosphere of intellectual honesty in the pursuit of knowledge through research and the dissemination of gained information. Establishing and maintaining such an atmosphere is a responsibility that must be shared by all. Scholarly misconduct occurs rarely; however, VCOM is dedicated to the pursuit of truth in all activities. Misconduct, whether intentional or inadvertent, can have a significant impact on the academic reputation and creditability of the College and every individual involved with the institutional. It is, therefore, the responsibility of everyone to promptly report any concerns of scientific misconduct. VCOM is committed to acting promptly, fairly and orderly in evaluating any allegation of misconduct. Confidentiality and protection from retaliation will be provided to anyone raising a good faith concern of scientific misconduct or cooperating with an inquiry or investigation to the extent possible. A charge of scientific misconduct may have a significant impact on an individual’s career. The College acknowledges this impact and is committed to providing confidentiality in the inquiry and investigative process to the extent possible. 12. RECORD RETENTION .............................................................................................................................. 12 13. DURATION OF POLICY............................................................................................................................ 12 1. I NTRODUCTION

Policy and Procedures for Responding to Allegations of Scientific Misconduct

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