VCOM Institutional Policy and Procedure Manual
VCOM Policy and Procedure
Policy #R012
Users of radioactive materials are responsible to ensure the appropriate storage, labeling, inspection, auditing, documentation, and segregation of radioactive chemicals, and to provide and document training of all personnel involved in the handling of these materials.
3.2. Recombinant DNA The Institutional Biosafety Officer provides advice and information concerning the current status of regulations that pertain to the use of recombinant DNA molecules and biological materials at VCOM. 3.3. Etiologic Agents Infectious, Pathogenic, Oncogenic Agents/Materials The Institutional Biosafety Officer provides advice and information concerning the guidelines for research with agents that can cause disease in man, plants or animals. The Safety Advisory Committee, a subcommittee of the IEBC, reviews and approves research with agents or materials identified as moderate to high risk. The Institutional Biosafety Officer provides review and containment guidelines for low risk agents. A Notice of Intent to Work with a Biohazardous Agent Form is to be submitted to the Institutional Biosafety Officer when using agents classified by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) as low, moderate or high risk oncogenic. Investigators may be requested to submit further information for committee review to determine compliance with biohazard safety guidelines regarding the safe handling, storage, and disposal of hazardous agents and to provide information for emergency planning. Work with agents requiring Biosafety Level 2 and above (CDC) precautions and those classified as high risk by the NCI must be approved prior to use at VCOM. A written description of the proposed project is to include: 1. Identification of the agent (genus, species, strains) or material. 2. Pathogenicity of the agent and host range if known. 3. Description of the experiment, including details of the techniques to be used. 4. Quantities of hazardous materials to be used. 5. Techniques, facilities, equipment and methods to be used to assure safety. 6. Method used for terminal disposal of materials. 3.4. Hazardous and Toxic Chemicals Researchers who use toxic chemical agents or materials in quantities and procedures that may lead to environmental perturbation or that may have acute or chronic toxicity to workers by inhalation, skin absorption, or ingestion exposure should notify the Chief of Operations and the IEBC. This Committee and Officer will review protocols, engineering controls, personal protective equipment, and disposal practices. The IEBC will provide a letter to the ORA (and IRB and IRC if applicable) to verify institutional awareness and/or approval of registered projects involving hazardous agents or materials that can be included with grant/contract applications. Such letters are often required by funding agencies. Where appropriate, the IEBC will provide justification for equipment and facilities necessary for compliance with VCOM requirements for research involving hazardous agents and materials. The IEBC requires at least 10 working days notification for any documentation beyond a letter indicating institutional awareness that the proposal involves hazardous agents or materials.
4.1. Purpose The purpose of this policy is to establish procedures for the handling, transportation, and disposal of hazardous waste at all College locations. Hazardous wastes may be generated by a variety of College activities such as teaching, testing and research laboratories, maintenance, housekeeping, and operations. These wastes may cause severe illness or death or pose
VCOM Policies and Procedures Governing Environmental Health & Safety
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