VCOM Institutional Policy and Procedure Manual

VCOM Policy and Procedure

Policy #R012

5. POLICY REGARDING MEDICAL WASTE DISPOSAL ..........................................................................10 5.1. P URPOSE ...................................................................................................................................................... 10 5.2. R EFERENCE ................................................................................................................................................. 10 5.3. D EFINITION ................................................................................................................................................. 10 5.4. P OLICY ........................................................................................................................................................ 11 5.5. R ESPONSIBILITIES OF P ERSONS WHO G ENERATE I NFECTIOUS W ASTE ....................................................... 11 5.6. S TORAGE R EQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................................................... 12 5.7. T RANSPORTATION OF P OTENTIALLY H AZARDOUS W ASTE AND D IAGNOSTIC S PECIMENS ........................ 12 5.8. E XAMPLES OF I NFECTIOUS W ASTE ............................................................................................................. 13 5.9. N ON -I NFECTIOUS W ASTE ........................................................................................................................... 13

6. DURATION OF POLICY................................................................................................................................ 13

APPENDIX A: APPLICABLE LEGISLATION ..................................................................................................14

APPENDIX B: SELECT AGENT LIST................................................................................................................15

APPENDIX C: RESTRICTED PATHOGENS/DISEASES ................................................................................16


1.1. Purpose The Edward Via Virginia College of Osteopathic Medicine (hereafter “College”) is committed to protecting the health and safety of its employees, students, visitors and the environment. The purpose of this document is to establish an organizational structure to ensure the effective implementation of this policy at all College locations. 1.2. Policy All employees, students, and visitors are expected to comply with the statements that follow. Each department or unit shall supplement this policy document with specific procedures about hazards in their workplace and the precautions necessary to control and prevent these hazards. The responsibility for the administration of the College's health and safety program is assigned to the Associate Vice President, Operations (hereafter “Chief of Operations”). The Chief of Operations will serve as the Environmental Safety Officer for occupational safety issues. The Institutional Biosafety Officer will report to the Chief of Operations. Implementation of this policy is the responsibility of the entire College community: staff, faculty and students. The Institutional Environmental and Biosafety Committee (IEBC), with members representing the College's academic colleges and administrative units, is responsible for identifying needs, developing procedures and assisting in the implementation of environmental health and safety programs. Applicable federal and state laws and regulations, together with policies and procedures recommended by the IEBC and implemented by the Chief of Operations, will provide the guidance under which the College will conduct its safety program. Applicable legislation can be found in Appendix A. 1.3. Institutional Environmental and Biosafety Committee The IEBC is comprised of members representing academic colleges and administrative units, as appointed by the Dean. The members of the committee, the Institutional Biosafety Officer and the Chief of Operations will serve as the "Safety Officers" in this regard. The duties of the IEBC are to implement, under local, state and federal regulations of Environmental Health and Safety, a comprehensive and practical health and safety program, in order to maintain an environment that is conducive to the safety, health and well-being of the College community.

VCOM Policies and Procedures Governing Environmental Health & Safety

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