B010 VCOM Policy Review VCOM's Mission and Strategic Plan.pdf | 46 |
1. purpose | 46 |
2. strategic planning process | 46 |
3. duration of policy | 47 |
S005 VCOM Policy Transfer Student and Transfer of Credit2.pdf | 583 |
1. purpose | 583 |
2. transfer criteria | 583 |
3. transfer review and transfer of credit process | 584 |
3.1 Transfer of Credit | 584 |
3.2 Curriculum Requirements for Additional Coursework | 584 |
3.3 Curriculum Requirements for Transfers from LCME Accredited Schools of Medicine | 584 |
4. Duration of Policy | 585 |
S016 VCOM Policy Performing Patient Care Activities2.pdf | 672 |
1. purpose | 672 |
2. clinical professional and ethical expectations | 672 |
3. performing patient care activities | 673 |
3.1 Supervision of Students | 673 |
3.3 White Coats and VCOM ID Badges | 674 |
3.4 Patient Confidentiality | 674 |
During the course of study, students will come in contact with a patient's confidential information. Special laws, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), govern the release of confidential patient information to othe... | 674 |
Any discussion of a patient, peer, physician, or healthcare facility should be a professional discussion and not cause misunderstanding or distrust of the medical care offered at the site. Failure to adhere to this professional behavior constitutes a... | 674 |
3.5 Medical Records/Charting The responsibility given to students for medical records varies among the hospitals and clinics. Some sites allow studen... | 674 |
Medical Records that are falsified or that are left uncompleted when it is the responsibility of the student to complete, are considered a professional or ethical violation and the student will be subject to the policies and procedures in the student ... | 675 |
4. consequences for unprofessional or unethical behavior | 675 |
Tardiness and/or Unexcused absenteeism | 675 |
Medical or psychological illness | 675 |
Suspected substance abuse (alcohol and other drugs) by behavior or positive drug screen | 675 |
Suspected illegal behavior | 675 |
Suspected physical, sexual, or emotional abuse | 675 |
Disruptive behavior as a member of the medical team | 675 |
Other areas of professional concern | 676 |
5. duration of policy | 676 |
U030 VCOM Crime Statistics Report and Annual Security Report Policies and Procedures2.pdf | 519 |
1. purpose | 519 |
2. clery crime statistics report | 519 |
Once all statistics are gathered from each reporting source, they are compiled, reviewed, and reported for each campus to the United States Department of Education. | 520 |
3. clery annual security report | 520 |
The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act and the United States Department of Education’s regulations require Title IV participating institutions to publish an Annual Security Report (ASR) every October 1st ... | 520 |
The VCOM Department of Operations has been designated as the department responsible for compiling and publishing the college’s ASR. This document is intended to serve as the annual security report for all VCOM campuses. | 520 |
o Policies or procedures for victims or witnesses to report crimes on a voluntary, confidential basis for inclusion in the annual disclosure of crime statistics. | 520 |
Accurate & Prompt Reporting | 521 |
Encourages accurate and prompt reporting of all crimes to the campus police and the appropriate police agencies, when the victim of a crime elects to, or is unable to, make such a report. | 521 |
Voluntary Confidential Reporting Procedures (Pastoral & Professional Counselors) | 521 |
Describes procedures, if any, that encourage pastoral counselors and professional counselors, if and when they deem it appropriate, to inform the persons they are counseling of any procedures to report crimes on a voluntary, confidential basis for inc... | 521 |
5 duration of policy | 523 |
S008 VCOM Credit Hour Policy2.pdf | 595 |
1. purpose | 595 |
2. policy | 595 |
3. credit hour determination - pre-clinical curriculum | 596 |
4. credit hour determination - clinical curriculum | 597 |
5. duration of policy | 597 |
R004 VCOM Policy and Procedures Institutional Review Board1.pdf | 80 |
1. significance | 80 |
2. statement of principles | 81 |
2.1. The Belmont Report | 81 |
2.2. 45 CFR 46 | 83 |
2.3. 21 CFR 50 and 21 CFR 56 | 83 |
3. definitions | 83 |
4. the board | 87 |
4.1. Membership | 87 |
4.2. Appointments | 87 |
4.3. Terms | 88 |
4.4. Schedule | 88 |
5. authority of the irb | 88 |
5.1. Authorities of Review | 89 |
6. responsibilities of the irb | 89 |
6.1. Duties of the Members to the IRB | 89 |
6.2. Duties of the Chairperson | 90 |
6.3. Duties of the IRB Coordinator | 90 |
7. criteria for irb approval | 91 |
7.1. Risks | 91 |
7.2. Benefits | 91 |
7.3. Selection of Subjects | 91 |
7.4. Informed Consent Review & Documentation | 92 |
7.5. Safety Monitoring | 92 |
7.6. Privacy and Confidentiality | 92 |
7.7. Vulnerable Subjects Safeguards | 93 |
7.8. Continuing Review | 93 |
7.9. Recruitment & Payment | 93 |
7.10. Required Certification | 93 |
8. record keeping | 93 |
8.1. Voting | 94 |
8.2. Member Recusal | 94 |
8.3. Principal Investigator Attendance | 94 |
9. types of review | 95 |
9.1. Exempt | 95 |
9.2. Expedited | 95 |
9.3. Full Board | 95 |
9.4. Continuing | 95 |
9.5. Modification | 96 |
9.6. Review by Institution | 97 |
9.7. Outside IRB Authorization | 97 |
10. actions following review | 97 |
10.1. Approval of Research | 97 |
10.2. Minor Modifications or Clarifications Required | 97 |
10.3. Deferral | 97 |
10.4. Disapproval | 98 |
10.5. Suspension and Termination | 98 |
10.6. Notification of IRB Actions | 98 |
10.7. Appeal of IRB Decisions | 98 |
11. study closure or completion | 99 |
11.1. Voluntary Completion | 99 |
11.2. Termination by the IRB | 99 |
11.3. Expiration of Approved Period | 99 |
12. adverse events & unanticipated problems | 99 |
12.1. Adverse Event Written Report | 100 |
12.2. Data and Safety Monitoring Plans | 100 |
12.3. IRB Responsibilities | 100 |
13. confidentiality | 101 |
14. informed consent | 101 |
14.1. General Requirements | 101 |
14.2. Documentation | 104 |
14.3. VCOM Consent Form Templates | 105 |
14.4. Assent by Children & Parental Permission | 105 |
14.5. Stored Samples & Genetic Testing | 106 |
14.6. Record Retention | 107 |
15. hipaa & irb review | 107 |
15.1. HIPAA Authorization and Informed Consent | 107 |
15.2. HIPAA Waiver of Authorization: | 108 |
16. recruitment & incentives | 108 |
16.1. Advertisements | 108 |
16.2. Direct Solicitation | 109 |
16.3. Payments to Research Subjects | 109 |
16.4. Lotteries & Door Prizes | 110 |
17. vulnerable subjects | 110 |
Elements to consider in research involving vulnerable subjects: | 111 |
18. researcher noncompliance & protocol violation | 111 |
18.1. Noncompliance of Investigators | 111 |
18.2. Protocol Violation & Deviations | 113 |
19. responsibilities of the department of research | 114 |
20. responsibilities of the principal investigator | 115 |
20.1. Application Process | 115 |
20.2. Following Approval | 116 |
20.3. Student Research | 117 |
21. duration of policy | 117 |
S007 VCOM Policy and Procedures Tuition and Fees Refunds1.pdf | 593 |
1. purpose | 593 |
2. calculating the tuition and fees refund | 593 |
2.1 Refunding When Title IV Monies Were Received | 593 |
2.2 Refunding When No Title IV Monies Were Received | 594 |
2.3 Three-Day Cancellation | 594 |
2.4 Other Cancellations | 594 |
3. duration of policy | 594 |
S003 VCOM Mandatory Medical Leave of Absence.pdf | 575 |
1. purpose | 575 |
2. mandatory medical leave of absence | 575 |
2.1 Individual Assessment Team | 577 |
In situations where there is a need for a student to have an individualized assessment, the Campus Dean (or designee) shall appoint members of an Individual Assessment Team (IAT) to perform such individualized assessment. The IAT shall include, if po... | 577 |
The IAT shall convene as soon as possible to conduct the assessment and provide a written report to the Campus Dean within seven (7) days of the conclusion of the assessment. | 577 |
2.2 Decision of the Campus Dean | 577 |
2.3 Appeal Process | 577 |
3. mandatory medical leave of absence reinstatement procedures | 577 |
4. duration of policy | 578 |
U023 VCOM Policy on Solicitations, Surveys, and the Use of College Outcomes.pdf | 476 |
1. purpose | 476 |
2. policy statement | 476 |
2.1. Monetary Solicitations | 477 |
2.2. Surveys | 477 |
2.2.1 Privacy | 478 |
2.2.2 Process for Survey Approval | 479 |
2.2.3 Survey Software | 479 |
2.3. Research on Faculty, Staff, or Students | 480 |
2.4. College Outcomes | 480 |
3. sponsorship | 480 |
4. sanctions for policy violations | 481 |
5. duration of policy | 481 |
R005 VCOM Policy and Procedures Intellectual Properties and Agreements.pdf | 148 |
1. purpose | 148 |
2. intellectual property: definition | 148 |
3. responsibilities of the college | 148 |
4. responsibilities of COVERED PERSONS | 149 |
5. ownership of intellectual property | 149 |
6. invention disclosure | 150 |
7. revenue from intellectual property | 150 |
7.1. General Principles | 150 |
Revenues received as a result of licensing agreements shall be distributed to encourage technology development within, and technology transfer from, VCOM. Such "Gross Revenues" shall not include funds received for research support. | 150 |
7.2. Schedule for Net Revenue Distribution from Intellectual Property | 151 |
7.3. Distribution after Termination or Death | 151 |
8. additional provisions | 152 |
8.1. Research | 152 |
8.2. Use of the VCOM Name | 152 |
8.3. Publication | 152 |
8.4. Confidentiality | 152 |
8.5. Avoidance of Conflicts of Interest and Commitment | 152 |
8.6. Grievances | 153 |
9. definitions | 153 |
10. duration of policy | 154 |
R005 VCOM Policy and Procedures Intellectual Properties and Agreements.pdf | 161 |
R005 VCOM Disclosure Form.pdf | 161 |
Attachment A: Review for VCOM Ownership and Royalty Sharing | 161 |
Attachment B: Royalty Sharing | 162 |
Attachment C: Commercial Applications | 163 |
Intellectual Property Disclosure Instructions | 164 |
(Do not submit) | 164 |
Definitions | 164 |
Intellectual Property Disclosure Instructions | 165 |
(Do not submit) | 165 |
Title and Description of Invention | 165 |
Originators/Inventors | 165 |
Relevant Sponsorship and Other Agreements | 165 |
Dates of Conception, Reduction to Practice and Public Disclosure | 165 |
U019 VCOM Employee Work Hours and Overtime Policy.pdf | 436 |
1. purpose | 436 |
2. vcom philosophy on work hours | 436 |
3. Definition of work and the place of work | 436 |
3.1 Travel and Off Campus Job-Related Duties | 436 |
3.1.1 Travel and Duties Considered as Work | 436 |
3.1.2 Travel and Duties Not Considered as Work | 437 |
4. work schedules for vcom full-time non-exempt or wage employees | 438 |
4.1 VCOM Lunch Hour or Half Hour | 438 |
4.2 VCOM Evening Hours and Weekends | 438 |
5. definition of an exempt or non-exempt employee status | 439 |
5.1 Assuring Current and Accurate Job Position Descriptions and Exempt from Non-exempt Status | 439 |
6. overtime work | 440 |
6.1 Process for Non-exempt Employees to Track Hours in Order to be Paid Overtime | 440 |
6.1.1 Approved Overtime Timesheet | 441 |
6.1.2 Compensation Time | 441 |
6.2 Calculating Overtime Pay | 441 |
6.2.1 Non-Exempt Employees | 441 |
6.2.2 Exempt Employees | 441 |
7. disciplinary action for noncompliance | 442 |
8. definitions | 442 |
9. duration of policy | 442 |
U032 VCOM Policy on Workplace Site Expectations, Requirements, and Working Remotely.pdf | 546 |
1. purpose | 546 |
2. assigned campus workplace | 546 |
3. definition of remote work | 547 |
4. remote work policy | 547 |
4.1 Employee Requesting to Work Remotely | 547 |
5. exceptions | 548 |
6. duration of policy | 548 |
U015 VCOM Policy on Conficts of Interest.pdf | 415 |
1. purpose | 415 |
2. definitions | 415 |
3. applicability | 416 |
4. responsibilities | 416 |
4.1 Leadership | 416 |
4.2 Administrators | 416 |
4.3 Teachers and Mentors | 417 |
4.4 Researchers Engaging in Human Subjects Research | 417 |
5. specific activities | 417 |
5.1 Gifts | 417 |
5.2 Meals | 417 |
5.3 Industry-Sponsored Speaking Relationships | 418 |
5.4 Industry Support of Accredited CME | 418 |
5.5 Attendance of Industry-sponsored Educational Events | 419 |
5.6 Industry-Sponsored Fellowships | 419 |
5.7 Ghostwriting and Honorary Authorship | 419 |
5.8 Consulting and Advising Relationships | 419 |
Marketing | 419 |
Research and Scientific Activities | 420 |
5.9 Pharmaceutical Samples | 420 |
5.10 Medical Device Representatives | 421 |
6. conflict of interest disclosure and procedures | 421 |
7. conflict of interest curriculum | 422 |
8. extension of policy to affiliates | 422 |
9. enforcement and sanctions | 423 |
9.1 Enforcement and Monitoring | 423 |
9.2 Assessing Non-Compliance and Sanctions | 423 |
10. duration of policy | 424 |
U014 VCOM Consensual Relationship Policy.pdf | 412 |
1. purpose | 412 |
The purpose for the Employee/Student Relationship Policy is to establish professional behavioral and ethical standards for students, faculty and staff to adhere to which will guide them in the academic as well as the professional setting. | 412 |
2. employee/student relationships | 412 |
3. student/patient relationships | 413 |
4. policy enforcement | 413 |
5. duration of policy | 413 |
U004 VCOM Copyright and Fair Use Instructional Materials Policy.pdf | 350 |
1. Purpose | 350 |
2. Copyright | 351 |
3. Intellectual Property of Instructional Materials | 351 |
4. Fair Use Doctrine | 351 |
4.1 Duplicating Copyrighted Materials for Instructional Use | 352 |
4.2 Displaying Media for Instructional Use | 353 |
4.3 Requesting Copyright Permission | 354 |
5. Digital Millennium Copyright Act | 354 |
5.1 VCOM DMCA Agent for Notification | 355 |
6. No Electronic Theft Act | 355 |
6.1 Peer-to-Peer File (P2P) Sharing | 355 |
7. Citation | 356 |
8. Policy Enforcement | 356 |
VCOM reserves the right to terminate employees who knowingly violate copyright policies. | 356 |
9. Duration Of Policy | 356 |
U006 VCOM Policy on Social Media Usage.pdf | 360 |
1. purpose | 360 |
2. overview | 360 |
3. policies for all types of social media usage | 361 |
4. cyberbullying | 363 |
5. official college social media sites | 364 |
6. violation of policy | 365 |
7. duration of policy | 365 |
U017 VCOM Policy Statement on Professional Ethics for Administrative and Classified Staff.pdf | 429 |
1. statement on professional ethics | 429 |
2. duration of policy | 431 |
U016 VCOM Code of Ethics.pdf | 425 |
1. code of ethics | 425 |
2. duration of policy | 428 |
U002 VCOM Policy Academic Freedom.pdf | 343 |
1. policy statement | 343 |
2. academic freedom of students | 343 |
3. academic freedom of faculty | 343 |
4. duration of policy | 344 |
U010 VCOM Policy Alcohol Drug Testing.pdf | 375 |
1. Purpose | 375 |
2. drug-free/alcohol-free workplace | 375 |
3. Alcohol and Drug Testing | 376 |
Random drug screening is performed on one or two occasions during enrollment at VCOM and may also be done by order without notice from any member of VCOM administration. Presence of any illegal substance or of any prescription drug not prescribed dire... | 376 |
3.1 Positive Drug Screen or Arrests for Illegal Drug Usage or Sales | 377 |
3.2 Self-Identification for Drug or Alcohol Dependence | 377 |
4. Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention | 377 |
5. Duration of Policy | 378 |
U026 VCOM Employee Grievance Policy and Procedure.pdf | 499 |
VCOM Employee Grievance Policy and Procedure | 499 |
1. purpose | 499 |
2. employee grievance procedure | 499 |
2.1 Informal Grievance Resolution | 500 |
2.2 Formal Grievance Resolution | 500 |
2.3 Grievance Appeal Process | 500 |
3. duration of policy | 501 |
U029 VCOM Policy Complaints Related to Accreditation Standards.pdf | 516 |
1. purpose | 516 |
2. accreditation standards | 516 |
3. complaint procedures | 516 |
4. statement of non-retaliation for complaints related to accreditation standards | 518 |
Neither the College, nor any person, shall intimidate, threaten, coerce, discriminate, or retaliate against any individual for the purpose of interfering with any right or privilege secured by this policy, or because the individual has made a report o... | 518 |
5. duration of policy | 518 |
S012 VCOM Policy Technical Standards for Admission and Successful Completion of the Osteopathic Program Policy.pdf | 616 |
1. Purpose | 616 |
2. technical standards for admission and successful completion of the | 616 |
osteopathic program | 616 |
3. accommodations for students with disabilities | 624 |
3.1 Self-Identification of Disabilities as an Applicant | 626 |
VCOM applicants are expected to self-identify if they are unsure whether they meet the Technical Standards. VCOM does not discriminate on the basis of disability and assures that no adverse view of the applicant will be made if accommodations are req... | 626 |
The applicant who believes he/she may need accommodations must inquire about the Section 504 eligibility process to apply for accommodations for their disability through the Director for Student and Institutional Academic Success, who also serves as t... | 626 |
Applicants who require controlled substances and other prescribed medications that will result in a positive drug screen test must notify Clinical Affairs in advance of matriculation and submit documentation of the prescription and the need for the pr... | 626 |
VCOM reserves the right to have the student re-evaluated for a disability if adequate prior evaluations have not been done, requiring further evaluation and testing. When this is required, it is at the student’s expense. | 626 |
Applicants who have questions regarding VCOM's assistance for a specific disability, please contact the Director for Student and Institutional Academic Success, who also serves as the Section 504 Campus Coordinator. | 626 |
Applications for accommodations are not considered retroactively. Students who must remediate a course or who are suspended or dismissed for failure in the curriculum or who are failing a course during a block/rotation in progress may not claim failu... | 627 |
3.2 Assistance for Matriculated Students with Disabilities | 627 |
3.3 Determining Eligibility for Accommodations | 630 |
4. duration of policy | 631 |
R004A8 IRB Policy on Humanitarian Use Devices.pdf | 142 |
1. purpose | 142 |
2. policy statement | 142 |
2.1. Definitions | 142 |
2.2. HUDs In Clinical Care | 143 |
2.3. HUDs Used in a Clinical Investigation | 144 |
2.4. Emergency Use of a HUD | 145 |
3. Considerations for Prompt Reporting | 145 |
4. References | 145 |
5. duration of policy | 146 |
U022 VCOM Business Travel and Continuing Medical Education Continuing Education Travel Policy.pdf | 458 |
1. purpose | 458 |
2. employee responsibility and obligation | 458 |
3. continuing medical education (cme)/continuing education (ce) travel | 459 |
4. business travel | 459 |
4.1 Local Travel Expenses | 460 |
4.2 Travel for the President, Provost, Board of Directors, College Administrators, and Special Guests | 460 |
5. travel approvals and arrangements | 461 |
5.1 Personal Travel | 462 |
6. air transportation | 462 |
6.1 Connecting Flights | 463 |
6.2 Travel Insurance | 463 |
6.3 Change in Reservations/Tickets | 463 |
6.4 Airline Awarded “Bumping Awards” | 463 |
6.5 Cancellations | 463 |
6.6 Unused Tickets | 464 |
6.7 Frequent Flyer Programs | 464 |
6.8 Baggage Fees | 464 |
Employees should consider shipping materials to their destination or splitting material into additional pieces of luggage to avoid excess baggage charges if it will reduce costs. | 464 |
7. ground transportation | 464 |
7.1 Personal Vehicles | 465 |
7.2 VCOM-Owned Vehicles | 465 |
7.3 Rental Vehicles | 466 |
7.4 For Hire Transportation | 466 |
7.5 Tips | 467 |
7.6 Parking and Tolls | 467 |
7.7 Violations and Traffic Tickets | 467 |
8. Lodging | 467 |
8.1 Lodging Selection | 467 |
8.1.1 Lodging Conference Rates | 467 |
8.1.2 Vacation Rentals and VRBOs | 468 |
8.1.3 Lodging Expense Limit Exceptions | 468 |
8.2 Other Lodging Charges | 469 |
8.3 Cancellations | 469 |
8.4 Direct Billing | 469 |
8.5 Staying with Family or Friends | 469 |
8.6 Frequent Guest Programs | 469 |
8.7 Group Bookings | 469 |
8.8 Additional Lodging for Family Members or Guests or Extending a Trip for Personal Reasons | 470 |
9. meals while traveling | 470 |
9.1 Business Dining Meals | 471 |
A business dining meal is any meal where official VCOM business is being conducted or discussed. | 471 |
Meals are not considered business meals unless there is a legitimate business purpose for the meal and the employee hosting the meal has been pre-approved for business dining by their Division Administrator as per the budget. | 471 |
Occasionally there are planned employee candidate recruitment meals where faculty or staff are discussing employment opportunities with VCOM with a potential employee. This must be pre-approved by the Division Administrator and the candidate recruitm... | 471 |
When spouses of candidates interviewing are also traveling and/or they are special guests invited to a meal where a candidate is interviewing; these may be charged to the Division Administrator’s or Campus Dean’s budget under business dining if pre-... | 471 |
Business dining meals should be charged to business dining under the Division of the employee hosting the pre-approved meal. | 471 |
VCOM Administrators may use their VCOM-issued credit card for business dining. | 471 |
Itemized receipts must be submitted for business meals and must include a list of attendees and the specific business purpose of the meal. | 471 |
Employees on travel status and attending a business meal provided by VCOM either directly or indirectly must reduce their per diem for that meal. | 471 |
9.2 Conference Meals/Meals Provided by Others | 471 |
9.3 Tips and Incidental Charges | 472 |
The gratuity limit includes restaurant applied service fees. | 472 |
Large meal deliveries over $250 should not be tipped more than 10%. | 472 |
Regardless of destination or meals provided, the per diem rate includes a residual $5 to cover incidental expenses, including : | 472 |
Tips to lodging staff such as porters, housekeeping, and baggage carriers. | 472 |
Snacks between meals. | 472 |
9.4 Alcohol | 472 |
VCOM will cover reasonable costs of alcoholic beverages consumed during a business meal or other approved event off campus that follows acceptable uses listed below with approval by either the President or the Provost. Vice Presidents or Vice Provost... | 472 |
To be eligible for alcoholic beverages to be reimbursed, the following conditions must apply: | 472 |
The business meal/event must be held off campus, as alcohol is prohibited on VCOM campuses. | 472 |
The business meal/event must be for a legitimate business purpose. For example: | 472 |
o A business dinner for recruitment purposes where the Dean or his designee is hosting a potential faculty member and/or their spouse. | 472 |
o A business dinner with potential donors or partnering organizations for development purposes. | 472 |
o A group business dinner hosted for multiple attendees (may include faculty) by the Campus Dean, Provost, or President where the dinner is held for VCOM business purposes. Commonly approved reimbursements include: | 472 |
the celebration of a VCOM achievement or event, | 472 |
a faculty member recognition for an outstanding event or achievement, or | 472 |
hosting faculty from other VCOM campuses who are present in the community for training or campus development. | 472 |
Alcoholic beverages are limited to a dinner wine of reasonable cost, up to two glasses per guest or one cocktail per guest. | 472 |
Alcoholic beverages must not be purchased for a student or prospective student. | 472 |
Alcohol beverages must not be purchased or consumed by an employee in the direct company of students or prospective students. | 472 |
Alcoholic beverages consumed must not exceed two drinks per person and be consumed during the course of a complete meal. If two glasses of dinner wine are consumed, a designated driver must exist. No employee or guest should be driving if more tha... | 472 |
Alcoholic beverages are not to be purchased for “Bring Your Own Bottle” events. | 472 |
Alcohol must be served by a licensed establishment or an otherwise certified person to serve alcohol in other jurisdictions. | 472 |
In general, routine meetings between employees or routine meetings between a member of administration and an employee are generally not appropriate times for alcoholic consumption and the purchase of alcoholic beverages will not be reimbursed. | 473 |
Alcohol purchases are not to be charged under any circumstance to sponsoring grants and contracts. | 473 |
Alcohol is not a reimbursable expense to VCOM students, regardless of the source of funds. | 473 |
When seeking reimbursement for the business meal/event where alcoholic beverages were consumed, the administrator must include the purpose of business meal/event, a list of attendees, and an itemized receipt. | 473 |
10. use of a vcom-issued credit card | 473 |
11. reimbursement process | 473 |
12. irs requirements | 474 |
13. non-reimbursement | 474 |
14. duration of policy | 474 |
Attachment A | 475 |
R018 VCOM Policy on Students Performing Research in an International Setting.pdf | 244 |
1. purpose | 244 |
2. Overview | 244 |
3. Applying for INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH Approval | 245 |
4. Conducting International Research | 246 |
4.1. Student Responsibilities | 246 |
4.2. Faculty Mentor (PI) Responsibilities | 246 |
4.3. VCOM International Program Responsibilities | 247 |
5. Completing the Research Rotation | 247 |
6. duration of policy | 247 |
S014 VCOM Policy Code of Conduct.pdf | 650 |
1. purpose | 650 |
2. vcom honor code of conduct | 650 |
3. the honor code council intervention sub-committee (hccis) | 653 |
4. the honor code council (hcc) | 654 |
4.2 The Honor Code Council Business Meetings and Quorum | 655 |
4.3 Honor Code Investigation (HCI) | 655 |
4.4 Honor Code Hearing | 656 |
4.5 Classification of Offenses and Sanction | 658 |
4.6 Rights and Obligations of the Accused | 659 |
4.7 Rights and Obligations of the Reporter | 660 |
4.8 Rights and Obligations of the Advisor | 661 |
4.9 Rights and Obligations of an Announced Witness | 661 |
4.10 Appeals | 661 |
4.11 Extenuating Circumstances | 662 |
4.12 Definitions | 662 |
5. duration of policy | 664 |
F013 VCOM Policy Faculty Responsibility to the College.pdf | 328 |
1. faculty responsibility to the college | 328 |
2. duration of policy | 331 |
F008 VCOM Faculty Misconduct and Disciplinary Action Policy and Procedures.pdf | 323 |
1. purpose | 323 |
2. faculty misconduct | 323 |
Among the functions of VCOM is the establishment and maintenance of intellectual integrity between faculty members, between the faculty and students, and between the faculty and the national/international academic community. Professional ethics deman... | 323 |
It is not possible to list all the acts or omissions (misconduct) which may result in disciplinary action being taken against a faculty member. Disciplinary action can include, but is not limited to, a warning, suspension, and/or termination based on... | 323 |
The advocacy of unpopular causes or statement of opinion in public of controversial issues, in and of itself, will not be considered as violations of professional ethics, as long as the faculty member publicly informs all he or she is not speaking for... | 324 |
Misconduct may include, but is not limited, to the following: | 324 |
Violations of professional ethics, to wit: | 324 |
a. Intellectual dishonesty, including but not limited to, plagiarism or falsified research data or misconduct in research activities. | 324 |
b. Use of professional authority to exploit others. | 324 |
c. Purposeful abandonment of general duties. | 324 |
d. Other such purposeful actions that fall outside of the professional and ethical conduct faculty expect of each other and/or that impair the intellectual integrity or academic environment for which the institution strives. | 324 |
e. Proof of sexual harassment or sexual assault as determined by due process. | 324 |
f. Inappropriate relationships with students of an intimate or sexual nature or other relationships that suggest or give the appearance of an unfair advantage or disadvantage to students. | 324 |
g. Use of the faculty member’s professional position as a representative of VCOM to damage the reputation of VCOM or its affiliates. | 324 |
h. Violations of federal, state, or local laws. | 324 |
i. Failure or refusal to perform duties as listed in one’s contract, position description, or as reasonably assigned by the Campus Dean or Division Officer. | 324 |
j. Reasonable expectations including regular and reliable attendance, teaching, research, and service duties as described within one’s contract and/or position description and/or within the Faculty Handbook. | 324 |
k. Failure on the part of any faculty member to cooperate with the appropriate Campus Dean, Provost, President, or other Senior Administrator in connection with routine policies, procedures, or assignments. | 324 |
l. Failure to follow the AOA or VCOM Code of Professionalism and Ethics. | 324 |
m. Receiving salary or any form of compensation from any pharmaceutical company, biomedical device company, or other company that would potentially financially benefit from the faculty member’s research. | 324 |
n. Receiving salary or any form of compensation from any pharmaceutical company, biomedical device company, or other company that would potentially influence the faculty member’s instruction of students or provision of CME. | 324 |
o. Failure to abide by the ethical standards for research as set forth by the college. | 324 |
p. Other violations considered as unprofessional or unethical or which are in general disruptive to the business of the college. | 324 |
It should be noted that certain misconduct may be covered by other policies of the College, such as the VCOM Discrimination, Harassment, and Violence Policy and Procedures, and the College reserves the right to conduct proceedings under the policy it ... | 324 |
2.1 Misconduct Disciplinary Action | 325 |
2.2 Misconduct Appeal Process to Request a Hearing | 326 |
All hearing procedures are confidential, and any public discussion by the parties must be avoided. Discussion of the details of the hearing outside of the Hearing Committee is prohibited except as required by law. For the protection of all concerned... | 326 |
2.3 Misconduct Hearing Procedures | 326 |
3. duration of policy | 327 |
G001 VCOM Policy for Planning and Promoting Graduate Medical Education.pdf | 737 |
1. history of support for graduate medical education and opti | 737 |
VCOM recognizes that osteopathic medical education is a continuum. Prior to 2008, in their first year of existence, VCOM began residency development as a member of AOPTIC; transitioning to being the primary supporter of an American Osteopathic Associ... | 737 |
2. POLICY | 738 |
3. PROCEDURES | 738 |
4. duration of policy | 739 |
S009 VCOM Policy on Assuring the Clinical Education Curriculum.pdf | 598 |
1. purpose | 598 |
2. core clinical education at vcom | 598 |
3. duties of the clinical affairs division | 599 |
4. identification and appointment of clinical faculty | 600 |
5. assuring clinical rotations and clinical capacity | 601 |
5.1 Clinical Education Core Site Closures | 601 |
5.2 Clinical Education Interruption Due to Critical Events | 602 |
6. clinical assignment procedures | 603 |
7. duration of policy | 604 |
U012 VCOM Compensation and Equity in Pay Policy and Procedures.pdf | 402 |
1. purpose | 402 |
2. salary anti-discrimination policy | 402 |
3. posting of salary and pay bands | 403 |
4. determining initial salary | 403 |
5. new hire performance evaluation | 403 |
6. employee change of status | 403 |
7. due process for employees seeking to improve their status prior to termination | 405 |
8. annual employee performance evaluation | 406 |
9. annual salary review and merit increase determination | 407 |
10. pay equity audit | 408 |
11. pay equity grievance process | 409 |
12. duration of policy | 409 |
U031 VCOM Policy on Safety and Health.pdf | 525 |
1. purpose | 525 |
The purpose of the VCOM Campus Health and Safety Policy is to promote the health, safety, and well-being of students, faculty, staff, and visitors. This policy identifies the authority and responsibility for the proper management of the college’s hea... | 525 |
2. policy statement | 525 |
3. compliance responsibility | 525 |
3.1 Department of Operations | 525 |
3.2 Department/Division Officers/Supervisors | 526 |
3.3 Employees, Students, and Visitors | 526 |
4. maintenance of campus facilities | 526 |
4.1 Continuous Inspection Process (CAP) | 527 |
4.2 Facilities Needs Assessment | 528 |
4.3 Help Desk Ticketing System | 528 |
5. campus access and safety | 528 |
Campus Safety Officers are always on duty after normal business hours on evenings and weekends while the building is open to students and are available for general security and safety issues. Campus Safety Officers are available to escort students to... | 529 |
5.1 Inclement Weather and Other Emergency Notifications | 529 |
5.2 Emergency Preparedness, Response and Evacuation Procedures | 530 |
5.3 Fire Safety | 531 |
5.4 Firearms and Weapons | 532 |
5.5 Tobacco, Nicotine, and Vape Free Campus | 532 |
5.6 Alcohol and Drug Free Campus | 533 |
5.7 Free from Impairments that Place Patients at Risk | 533 |
5.8 Protection from Discrimination, Harassment, and Violence | 533 |
6. environmental and occupational exposure and universal precautions | 534 |
6.1 Pregnancy, Allergies, and Student Participation in Special Environments | 534 |
6.2 Universal Precaution | 535 |
6.3 Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens | 536 |
6.4 Infectious Disease Prevention | 539 |
7. healthcare and insurance | 540 |
7.1 VCOM Student Mental Health, Physical Health and Health Insurance | 540 |
7.2 Employee Mental Health, Wellness, and Health Insurance | 541 |
8. fatigue mitigation | 541 |
8.2 Signs of Fatigue | 541 |
8.2 Common Cause of Fatigue | 542 |
8.3 Strategies To Be Used For Fatigue Mitigation | 542 |
8.4 Identification of a Fatigued Physician/Student Involved in Patient Care | 543 |
8.4.1 Responsibilities of the Supervising Clinical Faculty Member | 543 |
8.4.2 Responsibilities of the Student | 544 |
9. prevention education | 544 |
9.1 Prevention and Awareness Education for Students | 544 |
9.2 Prevention and Awareness Education for Employees | 545 |
10. duration of policy | 545 |
S015 VCOM Policy Professional & Ethical Standards Board.pdf | 667 |
Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine | 667 |
1. Purpose | 667 |
2. Professional and Ethical Standards Board | 667 |
2.1 Notice of Possible Suspension While Under Review | 668 |
2.2 Choices for Review by the PESB, Three-Person Panel, or Campus Dean | 668 |
2.2.1 Notice of Review by the PESB, Three-Person Panel, or Campus Dean | 668 |
2.2.2 Review by the PESB | 669 |
2.2.3 Review by the Three-Person Panel | 670 |
2.2.4 Review by the Campus Dean | 671 |
2.2.5 Appeal Process | 671 |
Upon receiving written notification from the Campus Dean, the student, within seven (7) calendar days, may appeal the Campus Dean’s decision to the Provost. The Provost has discretionary power to affirm, modify, or remand the decision. The appeal mu... | 671 |
3. duration of policy | 671 |
S013 VCOM Policy Minimal Health Requirements for Admission.pdf | 632 |
1. purpose | 632 |
2. minimal health requirements for admission and continued enrollment | 632 |
2.1 Submission Requirements | 633 |
2.2 History and Physical Examination Requirement | 633 |
2.3 Required Laboratory Tests and Immunizations | 634 |
2.4 Optional Laboratory Tests and Immunizations | 646 |
2.5 Chronic Infectious Diseases and/or Conditions with Increased Risk for Infection | 647 |
2.6 Expert Panel for Infectious Disease Considerations | 648 |
3. disability insurance | 648 |
4. liability insurance | 648 |
Students currently enrolled as full-time students in good academic standing at VCOM and who are expected to graduate with the degree of Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine are covered by VCOM's liability insurance coverage on approved curriculum such as cl... | 648 |
5. health insurance | 648 |
6. duration of policy | 649 |
S018 VCOM Grading, Satisfactory Academic Progress, and Graduation Requirements Policy and Procedures.pdf | 681 |
1. purpose | 681 |
2. academic grading, promotion and graduation | 681 |
3. educational conflicts of interest and recusal | 682 |
4. oms i and oms ii grading | 684 |
4.1 Grading Scale | 684 |
During the first two years, most courses have a traditional letter grade (A, B+, B, C+, C, and F) and are calculated into the GPA. Other components of the curriculum are awarded a pass / fail grade. | 684 |
4.2 Grade Point Average (GPA) | 684 |
4.3 Finalization and Changes to Course Grades | 684 |
5. oms i and oms ii satisfactory academic progress | 685 |
5.1 OMS 1 and OMS 2 Course Remediation | 685 |
5.2 F Course Grade | 687 |
5.3 Repeated Course(s) | 687 |
6. oms iii and oms iv grading | 687 |
6.1 Grading Scale | 687 |
6.2 Grade Point Average (GPA) | 688 |
6.3 Finalization and Changes to Course Grades | 688 |
7. oms iii and oms iv satisfactory academic progress | 689 |
7.1 End of Rotation Exam Remediation and/or Failure | 689 |
Students must pass each end of rotation exam with a C (70%) or better to receive a passing grade for the clinical medical knowledge module. Students who fail an end of rotation exam but pass the clinical rotation evaluation component have a second op... | 689 |
If the student is allowed to repeat the rotation, all components of the rotation must be repeated and the repeated rotation must be with a different preceptor than the one from the original rotation that the student failed. Once repeated, the transcr... | 689 |
Since all components of the rotation must be repeated, the transcript will also show both the initial clinical rotation competency evaluation course and the repeated clinical rotation competency evaluation course. The repeated clinical rotation compe... | 690 |
If the Promotion Board does not recommend the student be allowed to repeat the rotation and the student is in the appeal process when the next rotation begins, the student will be allowed to attend the rotation and sit for the end-of-rotation exam whi... | 690 |
7.3 Clinical Rotation Competency Evaluation Failure | 690 |
7.3 Failure to Obtain a Clinical Rotation Performance Evaluation | 691 |
7.4 Clinical Rotation Repeated Performance Issues | 692 |
8. in progress/incomplete grades | 692 |
8.1 IP Course Grade | 692 |
8.2 INC Course Grade | 693 |
9. Audited Course(s) | 693 |
10. academic probation | 693 |
11. altered degree plan of study | 694 |
11.1 Failure to Make Academic Progress While on an Altered Degree Plan | 695 |
12. comprehensive Testing | 695 |
12.1 COMSAE Phase 1: A Comprehensive Review Exam | 695 |
12.1.1 COMSAE Phase 1: First Attempt | 696 |
12.1.2 COMSAE Phase 1: Second Attempt | 698 |
12.1.3 COMSAE Phase 1: Third Attempt | 701 |
12.2 COMSAE Phase 2: A Comprehensive Review Exam | 704 |
12.2.1 COMSAE Phase 2: First and Second Attempt | 705 |
12.3 COMPE: A Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Performance Exam | 708 |
12.3.1 COMPE: First Attempt | 708 |
12.3.2 COMPE: Second Attempt | 708 |
13. national board exams: comlex level 1 and comlex level 2 ce | 709 |
13.1 COMLEX Level 1 | 709 |
VCOM students are required to pass the National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners’ (NBOME) COMLEX Level 1 following completion of the OMS 2 year. Students are approved to sit for COMLEX Level 1 after successfully passing all requirements of the ... | 709 |
Students are notified in early January of their release to schedule the COMLEX Level 1 exam and the approved time period for testing by the Associate Dean for Pre-Clinical Education and the Center for Institutional, Faculty, and Student Success (CIFSS... | 709 |
Students must sit for COMLEX Level 1 by the first day of the OMS 3 year to be eligible for promotion to the OMS 3 year. Any student who has not taken the exam by this date will be placed on a temporary administrative withdrawal by the Campus Dean, wi... | 709 |
Students must pass COMLEX Level 1 by the first day of their second semester of the OMS 3 year in order to be promoted to the second semester of the OMS 3 year. Those students on an ADPOS will have a different date for the beginning of their second se... | 709 |
13.1.1 COMLEX Level 1: Failure of the First or Additional Attempts | 710 |
Students whose rotations are delayed due to a COMLEX Level 1 issues will be placed on an Altered Degree Plan of Study (ADPOS). For students placed on an Altered Degree Plan of Study for failure of COMLEX Level 1, every attempt will be made to provi... | 713 |
Students are limited by the National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners (NBOME) and VCOM to a total of four attempts on COMLEX Level 1. As successful passage of COMLEX Level 1 is a requirement for graduation, those students who do not pass with... | 713 |
13.2 COMLEX Level 2 CE | 713 |
13.2.1 COMLEX Level 2 CE: Failure of the First or Additional Attempts | 714 |
13.2.2 COMLEX Level 2 CE: Students Who Have Not Passed by the Date of Graduation | 716 |
14. maximum length of completion | 717 |
VCOM follows the AOA Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation (COCA) standard for Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine, which supports ensuring that each single degree DO student completes the DO degree within 150% of the standard time to achieve t... | 717 |
15. graduation requirements | 718 |
16. duration of procedure | 720 |
U018 VCOM Policy on Medical Treatment of VCOM Students and Employees by VCOM Physician Faculty and Other VCOM Students.pdf | 432 |
1. purpose | 432 |
2. on-campus treatment by vcom physician faculty | 432 |
2.1 Emergency Medical Treatment by VCOM Physician Faculty | 433 |
3. off-campus treatment by vcom physician faculty | 433 |
4. student participation in other students’ healthcare | 434 |
5. duration of policy | 434 |
S017 VCOM Policy Health & Counseling Services Policy.pdf | 677 |
1. purpose | 677 |
2. vcom internal student counseling services | 677 |
3. external counseling services | 678 |
3.1 24-Hour/365 Days a Year Emergency Counseling Services | 678 |
4. health services | 678 |
5. duration of policy | 679 |
S011 VCOM Medical Student Patient Care Supervision and Expectations for Performance in Patient Care Policy.pdf | 607 |
1. purpose | 607 |
2. regulated medical practice/medical legal limitations | 607 |
2.1 Expectations of VCOM | 609 |
2.2 Expectations of Supervising Faculty Physicians/Clinical Faculty | 610 |
2.3 Expectations of Medical Students | 611 |
3. expectations for student performance in patient care | 613 |
4. duration of policy | 615 |
S002 VCOM Policy Attendance.pdf | 562 |
1. purpose | 562 |
2. attendance requirements for oms 1 and oms 2 students | 562 |
2.1 Mechanism to Verify Attendance – OMS 1 and OMS 2 Students | 563 |
2.2 OMS 1 and OMS 2 Excused Absences | 563 |
2.2.1 Planned Excused Non-Medical Absences for OMS 1 and OMS 2 Students | 563 |
2.2.1a OMS 1 and OMS 2 Conference Attendance | 564 |
2.2.2 Planned Excused Medical Absences for OMS 1 and OMS 2 Students | 565 |
2.2.3 Unplanned Excused Absences for OMS 1 and OMS 2 Students | 565 |
2.2.3a Sudden Illness or Medical Emergency of the Student | 566 |
2.2.3b Non-Medical Emergency or Medical Emergency of an Immediate Family Member | 566 |
2.3 OMS 1 and OMS 2 Unexcused Absences | 566 |
2.4 Consequences for Not Meeting the Requirements of the Attendance Policy | 567 |
3. attendance requirements for oms 3 and oms 4 students | 567 |
3.1 Didactic, Case Presentations, and OMM Workshop Attendance | 568 |
3.1.1 Didactic Attendance | 569 |
3.1.2 OMM Workshop Attendance | 569 |
3.1.3 Case Presentation Attendance | 569 |
3.2 Mechanism to Verify Attendance – OMS 3 and OMS 4 Students | 569 |
3.3 OMS 3 and OMS 4 Excused Absences | 570 |
3.3.1 Planned Excused Absences for OMS 3 and OMS 4 Students | 570 |
3.3.1a OMS 3 and OMS 4 Conference Attendance | 571 |
3.3.2 Unplanned Excused Absences for OMS 3 and OMS 4 Students | 571 |
3.3.2a Sudden Illness or Medical Emergency of the Student | 572 |
3.3.2b Non-Medical Emergency or Medical Emergency of an Immediate Family Member | 572 |
3.4 OMS 3 and OMS 4 Unexcused Absences | 573 |
3.5 Consequences for Not Meeting the Requirements of the Attendance Policy | 573 |
4. tardiness | 573 |
4.1 OMS 1 and OMS 2 Tardiness | 573 |
4.2 OMS 3 and OMS 4 Tardiness | 574 |
5. duration of policy | 574 |
F007 VCOM Faculty Appointment Promotion and Tenure Policy and Procedures.pdf | 292 |
1. purpose | 292 |
2. faculty classifications | 292 |
2.1 Academic Track Faculty, Full-time | 292 |
2.2 Academic Track Faculty, Part-time | 293 |
Part-time academic track faculty may be biomedical, clinical, or research faculty employed by VCOM. Part-time academic track faculty must provide significant teaching contributions to the academic program in order to qualify as part-time academic tr... | 293 |
Are those faculty who are employed directly by VCOM but whose services dedicated to teaching, research and scholarly activity, and service of VCOM students and residents are less than 32 hours per week. | 293 |
Includes those faculty with emeritus status. | 293 |
Part-time academic track faculty have a written employment agreement with VCOM and are held responsible to an academic discipline and department to perform teaching duties. Part-time academic track faculty generally have limited responsibility for re... | 293 |
Part-time academic track faculty are paid by VCOM for their services provided; however, their employment does not include full-time benefits, as they are not working full-time for VCOM. | 293 |
Part-time academic track faculty have membership in the VCOM Faculty Assembly, but do not hold voting privileges, and have representation through the VCOM Faculty Senate. However, part-time academic track faculty are not eligible for tenure. | 293 |
2.3 Clinical Track Faculty | 293 |
2.4 Research Track Faculty | 295 |
Research track faculty seeking advancement in rank must contribute to VCOM’s research mission and to scholarly activity under VCOM’s research (regardless of employer). | 295 |
Research track faculty do not have membership in the VCOM Faculty Assembly, do not have representation through the VCOM Faculty Senate, and are not eligible for tenure. | 295 |
2.5 Adjunct Faculty | 295 |
3. appointment, promotion, and tenure | 296 |
3.1 Board Certification and Medical Licensure Requirements | 296 |
Board Certification Requirements have changed throughout the years and so different levels of Board Certification are appropriate and are according to the year of graduation, to the area of teaching, and to the location of the teaching. | 296 |
Clinical Track Faculty who teach in the patient care environment at a VCOM affiliated core rotation site must: | 296 |
o hold a current medical license in the state in which they practice with no sanctions; and | 296 |
o have had AOA or ABMS board certification/board eligibility in the specialty being taught at some time in their career. Board eligibility is defined as having a pathway toward board certification or re-certification. | 296 |
Temporary faculty who teach in the patient care environment at a non-core rotation site must: | 296 |
o hold a current medical license in the state in which they practice with no sanctions. | 296 |
o It is preferred that these faculty have had AOA or ABMS board certification/board eligibility in the specialty being taught at some time in their career; however, it is not required. | 296 |
Faculty who have completed their MD or DO degree outside the United States and whose clinical practice is limited to the international setting must be fully qualified for their positions according to the laws within that country and must meet the co... | 297 |
3.2 Academic Rank | 297 |
Academic rank will be assigned according to the criteria stated under Faculty Appointments and Promotion and is subject to approval by the appropriate Campus Dean, Provost, and final approval of the Board. | 297 |
3.2.1 Assistant Instructor | 297 |
3.2.2 Instructor | 297 |
3.2.3 Assistant Professor | 298 |
3.2.4 Associate Professor | 298 |
3.2.5 Professor | 299 |
Candidates for promotion to the rank of Professor must complete five full years of academic teaching, research and scholarly activity, and service at the rank of Associate Professor to be eligible to apply for promotion to the rank of Professor. In a... | 299 |
3.3 The Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee | 299 |
3.4 Initial Faculty Appointment | 300 |
3.4.1 The Application Process for Initial Appointment | 301 |
3.4.2 The Review Process for Initial Appointment | 303 |
3.5 Temporary Initial Appointment | 306 |
3.6 Appointment Re-Credentialing | 307 |
All clinical track faculty will undergo appointment re-credentialing five years following their date of initial appointment and every five years thereafter. Full- and part-time employed Academic Track faculty at VCOM are not required to participate i... | 307 |
3.7 Appointment Re-Activation | 307 |
3.8 Faculty Promotion in Academic Rank | 307 |
3.8.1 Faculty Performance and Service Expectations for Promotion to the Ranks of | 308 |
Instructor, Assistant Professor, and Associate Professor | 308 |
3.8.2 Faculty Performance and Service Expectations for Promotion to the Rank of | 310 |
Professor | 310 |
3.9 Tenure | 311 |
3.10 The Process of Applying for Promotion in Rank or Tenure | 313 |
3.10.1 Initiation for Promotion in Academic Rank | 313 |
3.10.2 Initiation for Tenure | 314 |
3.10.3 Expedited Promotion to the Rank of Assistant Professor for Obtaining a Doctoral-Level Degree or Due to Revised APT Policy | 314 |
3.10.4 Faculty Portfolio for Consideration of Promotion in Rank | 314 |
3.10.5 The Review Process for Promotion and Tenure | 318 |
4. the review process for equity in promotion and tenure | 321 |
5. honorary appointments | 321 |
6. honorary degrees | 322 |
7. duration of policy | 322 |
The Appointment, Promotion and Tenure of Faculty Policy and Procedures is effective as of the date above and will remain effective until amended or terminated by the President, with approval by the Board of Directors. | 322 |
F014 VCOM Campus Faculty Assembly, Campus Faculty Senate, and College-Wide Faculty Senate Policy and Procedures.pdf | 332 |
1. purpose | 332 |
2. overview | 333 |
3. campus faculty assembly | 333 |
3.1 Membership of the Campus Faculty Assembly | 333 |
3.2 Meetings of the Campus Faculty Assembly | 333 |
4. campus faculty senate | 334 |
4.1 Duties of the Campus Faculty Senate | 334 |
4.2 Membership of the Campus Faculty Senate | 334 |
The Campus Faculty Senate shall consist of seven voting representatives (Campus Senators) elected from the ranks of the Campus Faculty Assembly. Members of the Campus Faculty Assembly will elect their own Campus Senators. Campus Senators will serve ... | 334 |
4.3 Officers of the Campus Faculty Senate | 334 |
4.4 Meetings of the Campus Faculty Senate | 335 |
5. college-wide faculty senate | 336 |
5.1 Duties of the College-wide Faculty Senate | 336 |
5.2 Membership of the College-wide Faculty Senate | 336 |
The College-wide Faculty Senate will consist of twelve voting representatives (College Senators). College Senators will serve two-year terms and may not serve more than three consecutive terms. The College-wide Faculty Senate shall consist of: | 336 |
a. The Chair of each Campus Faculty Senate (fulfilling four College Senator positions). | 336 |
b. The Chair-Elect of each Campus Faculty Senate (fulfilling four College Senator positions). | 336 |
c. One additional Campus Senator will be elected from the membership of the Campus Faculty Senate (fulfilling the remaining four College Senator positions). Each Campus Faculty Senate will elect this additional member from their campus. | 336 |
Representation of the College-wide Faculty Senate should be made up as follows: | 336 |
5.3 Officers of the College-wide Faculty Senate | 337 |
5.4 Meetings of the College-wide Faculty Senate | 338 |
6. campus faculty assembly, campus faculty senate and college-wide faculty senate meeting guidelines | 338 |
6.1 Voting Procedures | 338 |
6.2 Consensus | 338 |
6.3 Minutes | 338 |
6.4 Reports | 339 |
7. resignation or other vacancy of campus and college-wide faculty senators | 339 |
8. duration of policy | 339 |
S001 VCOM Policy Admissions for the DO Program.pdf | 553 |
1. purpose | 553 |
2. notice of nondiscrimination | 553 |
3. recruitment priorities | 554 |
4. minimum requirements for interview and admission | 554 |
4.1. AACOMAS Application | 556 |
4.1.1 Official Transcripts | 557 |
4.2. VCOM Secondary Application | 557 |
4.2.1 Requirement to Report Charges or Arrests | 558 |
4.3. Interview Selection and Admissions Process | 559 |
4.4. Rescinding Admission Offer | 559 |
5. early decision admissions track | 559 |
6. duration of policy | 560 |
U001 VCOM Notice of Nondiscrimination and Diversity.pdf | 341 |
1. notice of nondiscrimination | 341 |
2. duration of policy | 342 |
U024 VCOM Policy on Administrative Staff, Classified Staff, and Select Wage Employees Recruitment.pdf | 485 |
1. purpose | 485 |
2. notice of nondiscrimination | 485 |
3. approval for filling a position | 486 |
4. sourcing of applicants | 486 |
5. initial applicant screening | 486 |
6. interviews | 487 |
7. candidate selection | 487 |
8. references, social media, and background checks | 488 |
9. offer extension | 488 |
10. acceptance of offer | 489 |
11. difficult recruitments | 489 |
12. duration of policy | 489 |
U011 VCOM Discrimination, Harassment, and Violence Policy and Procedures.pdf | 380 |
1. purpose | 380 |
2. discrimination, harassment, and violence | 380 |
2.1 Violation of the Discrimination, Harassment, and Violence Policy | 381 |
3. discrimination | 381 |
3.1 Sexual Discrimination | 382 |
4. Harassment | 382 |
4.1 Sexual Harassment | 383 |
5. violence | 384 |
6. definitions for purposes of the title ix final rule | 384 |
7. reporting | 387 |
7.1 Reports of Sex Discrimination, Including Sexual Harassment | 388 |
7.2 Reports of Discrimination, Harassment, or Violence | 388 |
Reports of discrimination, harassment, or violence, other than sexual harassment occurring in the education program or activity of the College against a person in the United States, are addressed in the VCOM procedures for Discrimination, Harassment, ... | 388 |
8. grievance process for claims of sexual harassment occurring in the education program or activity of the college against persons in the united states | 388 |
8.1 General Requirements | 388 |
8.2 Receipt of Formal Complaint | 389 |
8.3 Dismissal of a Formal Complaint | 390 |
8.4 Consolidation of Complaints | 391 |
9. investigation of a formal complaint | 391 |
10. hearings | 392 |
10.1 Hearing Officer(s) | 392 |
10.2 Live Hearings | 392 |
10.3 Advisors | 392 |
10.4 Order of Hearing | 393 |
10.5 Cross-Examination | 393 |
10.6 The Record | 393 |
11. determination regarding responsibility | 393 |
12. appeals | 394 |
13. informal resolutions | 395 |
14. recordkeeping | 396 |
15. retaliation | 396 |
16. miscellaneous | 397 |
16.1 Emergency Removal | 397 |
16.2 Administrative Leave | 397 |
16.3 Delays | 397 |
17. grievance procedures for discrimination, harassment, and violence other than sexual harassment provided for in section 8 et seq | 398 |
17.1 General Requirements | 398 |
17.2 Receipt of a Report | 398 |
17.3 The Investigation Process | 399 |
17.4 Appeal | 400 |
17.5 Miscellaneous | 400 |
17.6 Retaliation | 400 |
18. Duration of Policy | 400 |
APPENDIX A | 401 |
F001 VCOM Policy on Faculty Recruitment.pdf | 263 |
1. purpose | 263 |
2. notice of nondiscrimination | 264 |
3. approval for filling a position | 264 |
4. sourcing of applicants | 264 |
5. initial applicant screening | 264 |
6. search committee | 265 |
For individual campus hires, the Campus Dean will serve as the hiring officer and will appoint a Search Committee. The Campus Dean will review the appropriate candidates with the Provost prior to inviting them for interview. The Search Committee wil... | 265 |
7. interviews | 265 |
8. candidate selection | 266 |
9. references, social media, and background checks | 266 |
10. offer extension | 267 |
11. acceptance of an offer | 267 |
12. difficult recruitments | 267 |
13. duration of policy | 267 |
Appendix A | 268 |
U005 VCOM Policy Federal Procurement.pdf | 357 |
1. General policy | 357 |
2. Code of ethics | 357 |
3. Acquisition procedures | 358 |
4. additional policies when using federal funds to purchase | 359 |
5. Duration of Policy | 359 |
S019 VCOM Student Promotion Board Policy and Procedures.pdf | 722 |
1. purpose | 722 |
2. duties of the promotion board | 722 |
2.1 Academic Year Promotions and Graduation | 722 |
2.1.1 The OMS 1 and OMS 2 Promotion Process | 722 |
2.1.2 The OMS 3 Promotion Process | 722 |
2.1.3 The OMS 4 Promotion Process and Recommendation for Graduation | 723 |
2.2 Assessment of Academic Progress | 723 |
The Promotion Board is convened at the end of each block/rotation, after all grades have been determined by the Associate Dean for Pre-Clinical Medical Education, the Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs, and/or the Associate Dean for OMS 4 and GME, to... | 723 |
2.2.1 Reasons to Call a Promotion Board Meeting for OMS1 and OMS 2 Students | 723 |
2.2.2 Reasons to Call a Promotion Board Meeting for OMS 3 and OMS 4 Students | 724 |
2.3 Special Meetings of the Promotion Board | 725 |
2.4 Administrative Resolutions Not Requiring Referral to the Promotion Board | 725 |
Certain academic difficulties/issues are referred directly to the Campus Dean for administration of actions dictated by VCOM policy instead of being referred to the Promotion Board. In addition, some academic difficulties allow for an automatic remed... | 725 |
3. promotion board membership | 727 |
4. promotion board procedures | 728 |
A. At the conclusion of the academic block/rotation, the Associate Dean, appropriate for the year of the student, may convene the Promotion Board: | 728 |
The Associate Dean for Pre-Clinical Medical Education convenes and Chairs the Board for all OMS 1 and OMS 2 cases. | 728 |
The Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs convenes and Chairs the Board for all OMS 3 cases. | 728 |
The Associate Dean for OMS 4 and GME convenes and Chairs the Board for all OMS 4 cases. | 728 |
B. Once a student has been deemed to be experiencing difficulty in making academic progress that warrants a Promotion Board review, the appropriate Associate Dean will meet with each student to notify them of their final course grade (or component gra... | 728 |
The Associate Dean will also inform the student of the Promotion Board process and answer any questions the student has. This includes making the student aware that: | 728 |
o Prior to the Promotion Board meeting, each student coming before the Board must submit a letter presenting any issues or considerations that they wish to make known to the Promotion Board. The student must submit any information they plan to presen... | 728 |
o Student attendance at the Promotion Board meeting is required. Students in the OMS 3 or OMS 4 years who are at distant clinical sites may be approved by the Associate Dean to attend via appropriate video conferencing technology. OMS 1 – OMS 4 stud... | 728 |
o The CIFSS mental health counselor will be present to provide student support but will not share confidential information about the student with the Promotion Board. | 728 |
o The Class President may be present to discuss and answer any questions on course issues or block issues that may have impacted the class as a whole. The Class President is not in attendance to serve as a character witness or advocate for the student. | 728 |
o No other individuals are permitted to attend the Promotion Board meeting on the student’s behalf. | 729 |
Following the meeting with the student, the Associate Dean will follow-up by emailing the student the standard Promotion Board notification email. | 729 |
C. The appropriate Associate Dean will report the reason the student has been brought before the Promotion Board, the academic progress of the student, any assistance that the student has received or has been offered, and efforts by the student to imp... | 729 |
5. promotion board recommendations | 730 |
5.1 Recommendations by the Promotion Board for OMS 1 and OMS 2 Students Who Have Been Referred for F Course Grade(s) | 730 |
5.2 Recommendations for OMS 1 and OMS 2 Students Who Have Been Referred for Repeated F Grades of Required Components of a Course(s) | 731 |
5.3 Recommendations for OMS 3 and OMS 4 Students Who Have Been Referred for F Clinical Rotation Grades | 731 |
5.4 Recommendations for OMS 1 – OMS 4 Students for a GPA of 2.79 or Less | 732 |
5.5 Additional Recommendations | 732 |
6. promotion board recommendation notification and appeals process | 733 |
For students who are recommended to be allowed to remediate and be placed on academic probation, the Chair will notify the student, via email, of the recommendation of the Promotion Board. | 733 |
For students who are recommended to repeat an academic year or be dismissed, the Chair will notify the student in-person of the recommendation of the Promotion Board and will follow with an email copy of the recommendation letter. The Mental Health... | 733 |
Upon receiving the decision from the Campus Dean, the student, within seven working days, may appeal the Campus Dean’s decision to the Provost. In lieu of appealing, the student may waive their right to appeal by so indicating in the appropriate plac... | 734 |
While the student is awaiting the Promotion Board’s recommendation, Campus Dean’s decision, or Provost’s decision, the student must attend scheduled class(s)/rotation(s) and must take exams, including remediation exams. | 734 |
Exam/course grades will be released to the student during this time, including students who are in the appeal process, so that they can monitor their progress and prepare appropriately for subsequent exams; however, grades will not be recorded unles... | 734 |
Numeric grades of remediation exams will not be released to the student, but the student will be notified whether they pass or fail; this includes students who are in the appeal process. In addition, remediation exams are not released or reviewed, a... | 734 |
7. request for special considerations and/or the need for accommodations | 734 |
Students may not request special consideration for a current exam/course/rotation failure or prior exam/course/rotation failure for a condition that was diagnosed or brought to the college’s attention after the failures have occurred. Considerations ... | 734 |
Students who are approved by the Campus Dean or Provost to continue in the curriculum and who believe that they are in need of Section 504 accommodations or those who are referred by the Promotion Board to seek accommodations should contact the Center... | 734 |
8. duration of policy | 735 |