VCOM Faculty Handbook

remaining hours that bring the total time participating in teaching, research and scholarly activity, and service (including clinical service) to greater than 32 hours per week.

Clinical faculty who are full-time with the College and who hold significant responsibility to VCOM for teaching, research and scholarly activity, and service, are considered clinical faculty but are classified as Academic Track. Full-time status is not granted to visiting faculty, contractual faculty, or part-time faculty who do not have collective full-time duties that contribute to the College. Faculty performance for all full-time academic track faculty is subject to annual review. The Provost, the Campus Dean, Associate Dean and the Discipline/Department Chair determine the specific duties for teaching, research and scholarly activity, and college service and perform the annual evaluations. All full-time academic track faculty have voting privileges at VCOM Faculty Assembly meetings and representation through the VCOM Faculty Senate, are eligible for tenure, and are eligible for VCOM benefits. Academic Track Faculty, Part-Time Part-time academic track faculty may be biomedical, clinical, or research faculty employed by VCOM. Part-time academic track faculty must provide significant teaching contributions to the academic program in order to qualify as part-time academic track faculty. Part-time academic track faculty: • Are those faculty who are employed directly by VCOM but whose services dedicated to teaching, research and scholarly activity, and service of VCOM students and residents are less than 32 hours per week. • Includes those faculty with emeritus status. Part-time academic track faculty have a written employment agreement with VCOM and are held responsible to an academic discipline and department to perform teaching duties. Part-time academic track faculty generally have limited responsibility for research, scholarly activity, and service to the College; however, must meet these obligations with sustained exceptional performance if seeking advancement in rank. The exception to the expectations for annual contributions would be those holding emeritus status. Part-time academic track faculty are paid by VCOM for their services provided; however, their employment does not include full-time benefits, as they are not working full-time for VCOM. Part-time academic track faculty have membership in the VCOM Faculty Assembly, but do not hold voting privileges, and have representation through the VCOM Faculty Senate. However, part-time academic track faculty are not eligible for tenure. Clinical Track Faculty Clinical track faculty are those faculty who teach VCOM students primarily in the clinical setting at a VCOM affiliated core rotation site. While these faculty provide dedicated time to the teaching of VCOM students, their role is limited to the supervision and education of students primarily in the clinical setting and these faculty do not hold significant responsibility to VCOM for teaching, research and scholarly activity, and service. Periodically, these faculty may teach a few lectures on-campus; however, their primary duty is to clinical practice for the clinical employer. Instead of an employment contract, these faculty generally hold: • A contractual agreement for teaching services between the faculty member and VCOM; whereby, the faculty member is paid according to teaching time or services performed in the clinical setting on an annual basis (paid for services provided); or • A contractual agreement with a VCOM affiliated academic health center or medical group who teaches VCOM students in the clinical setting while working for the employer, where the agreement outlines that


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