VCOM Faculty Handbook
Campus Faculty Assembly, Campus Faculty Senate and College-wide Faculty Senate Meeting Guidelines Voting Procedures Votes may be made by show of hand or in writing. In the case of voting through means other than in person (where the voter can be identified), the ballot must include the name of the individual voting. Documentation of each vote must always identify the number of faculty participating, and/or the number of Senators participating. Activities of the Campus Faculty Assembly, Campus Faculty Senate and College-wide Faculty Senate are College record; therefore, secret ballots are not a part of procedure. Consensus Decisions are by consensus, unless agreement cannot be made, then a 60% majority of those attending the meeting must vote affirmatively to validate any change in policy recommendation. All reasonable effort should be made to reach consensus. Minutes The secretary will record meetings of the Campus Faculty Assembly, Campus Faculty Senate, and College-wide Faculty Senate in the form of approved meeting minutes for distribution to other interested parties, in particular to the Campus Dean, Provost, and President. Meeting minutes for distribution outside of the Campus Faculty Senate or College-wide Faculty Senate will mention that an action has been made but will not contain particulars of discussion. Minutes will be approved in open session. Reports The Chair of the Campus Faulty Senate and the Chair of the College-wide Faculty Senate will communicate with the Campus Dean, President, and Provost concerning the activities and recommendations of the Campus Faculty Senate and College-wide Faculty Senate. a. All requests for action will be made in writing and will be specific in nature. b. At least yearly, the College-wide Faculty Senate (through its Chair), will provide a formal written report on College-wide Faculty Senate activities and the general state of the faculty to the President and the Provost. c. At least yearly, the College-wide Faculty Senate (through its Co-Chairs), will meet with each Campus Faculty Assembly and report on College-wide Faculty Senate activities, actions and the general state of the faculty. Resignation or Other Vacancy of Campus and College-wide Faculty Senators Senators may be removed from office either by resignation or by a vote of 60% of the full membership of the Campus Faculty Senate or College-wide Faculty Senate. The reasons for removal include absences from meetings and non-representation of interests of faculty. a. If an office other than Chair is vacated, the division will elect, at its next meeting, a successor for the unexpired term. b. If the office of Chair becomes vacant on the Campus Faculty Senate (which will also mean that a Co Chair position has become vacant on the College-wide Faculty Senate), the Chair-elect will assume the office of Chair for the unexpired term prior to commencing their own full term and will thus serve as Co-Chair of the College-wide Faculty Senate. The Campus Faculty Senate will elect at its next meeting a new Chair-elect. c. If a Campus Senator position on the Campus Faculty Senate is vacated, there will be a call for nominations from the Campus Faculty Assembly and a special election will be held.
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