VCOM Faculty Handbook

d. New Branch Campuses will be given consideration for representation on the College-wide Faculty Senate with three at-large, full time faculty members until equal representation amongst the three divisions listed above is possible (usually within the 2nd or 3rd year of operation). When mature, the Campus Faculty Senate will elect three College Senators, one from each division as noted above. The new elections will be held no later than the next election date. Officers of the College-wide Faculty Senate Officers of the College-wide Faculty Senate will serve for a term of one year with the option of being elected to serve for an additional one-year term (two years total). The Chairs of each Campus Faculty Senate shall serve as Co-Chairs of the College-wide Faculty Senate. The College-wide Faculty Senate will elect a secretary through nomination from any member of the College-wide Faculty Senate and majority vote. iii. Set the agenda for meetings of the College-wide Faculty Senate, based upon the request of the Campus Faculty Senate. iv. Represent the College-wide Faculty Senate on the President’s and Provost’s Council. v. Submit all senate items requesting action, in writing, to the Provost and President. b. The secretary will: i. Keep minutes and records of all proceedings, including decisions, of the College-wide Faculty Senate. ii. Distribute the approved minutes of College-wide Faculty Senate meetings to both the Provost and the President. c. The College-wide Senators will: i. Attend, participate in, and vote at meetings of the College-wide Faculty Senate. ii. Serve on such committees as the College-wide Faculty Senate will designate. iii. Represent the views of their Campus to the College-wide Faculty Senate. iv. Make the College-wide Faculty Senate actions and views known to their respective discipline/departments. Meetings of the College-wide Faculty Senate The College-wide Faculty Senate meets at least annually. Meetings are called by the Co-Chairs. Meetings may also be called by the President or the Provost. a. In the case where the President or the Provost calls the meeting, the President or the Provost will set the agenda for the meeting. When the Co-Chairs of the College-wide Faculty Senate call the meeting, the Co-Chairs will set the agenda. b. The Co-Chairs of the Campus Faculty Senate will preside at the meetings of the College-wide Faculty Senate. c. Any Co-Chair or member of the College-wide Faculty Senate or administration may suggest agenda items for each meeting. d. Any member of the faculty may address the College-wide Faculty Senate if they have contacted the Chair of the College-wide Faculty Senate in advance and has an agreed upon time, format, and length of presentation. e. Members of the faculty may attend College-wide Faculty Senate meetings only by invitation of a Co Chair of the College-wide Faculty Senate. f. The faculty will have the opportunity to address issues of concern free from administration through their College Senator. a. The Co-Chairs: i. Preside over meetings of the College-wide Faculty Senate. Call the meetings of the College-wide Faculty Senate ii.


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