VCOM Faculty Handbook

Grievance Appeal Process If the employee believes that the Campus Dean has not appropriately addressed his/her grievance in a fair manner or in a manner that does not align with college policy, he/she may appeal to the Provost. Upon receiving written notification of the decision from the Campus Dean, the employee, within seven calendar days, may appeal the Campus Dean’s decision to the Provost. The appeal must be submitted in writing to the Provost and the employee should request to meet with the Provost. After careful consideration of the facts and deliberations with the appropriate parties, the Provost will notify the employees involved, in writing, of the decision in a timely manner (typically within 14 calendar days from the time the written appeal from the employee was received by the Provost). The written response will be kept in the appropriate employee’s permanent file. If the employee believes that the Provost has not appropriately addressed his/her grievance in a fair manner or in a manner that does not align with college policy, he/she may appeal to the President. Upon receiving written notification of the decision from the Provost, the employee, within seven calendar days, may appeal the Provost’s decision to the President. The appeal must be submitted in writing to the President and the employee should request to meet with the President. After careful consideration of the facts and deliberations with the appropriate parties, the President will notify the employees involved, in writing, of the decision in a timely manner (typically within 14 calendar days from the time the written appeal from the employee was received by the President). The President’s decision is final. The written response will be kept in the appropriate employee’s permanent file. Faculty Contracts As a private college without state funding or state supported retirement plans, VCOM acts as any other private institution and faculty serve at the pleasure of the Campus Dean and the Provost/President. Contracts are generally written for a period of three years. New contracts are anticipated to be negotiated at the end of the contract term; however, faculty who are not performing at the level anticipated by administration will be subject to non-renewal. Upon initiating non-renewal, the Campus Dean and/or the Provost/President places in writing the intent to non renew and delivers the notification to the faculty member and files the letter with Human Resources. In addition, contracts may be terminated, without cause, by either party upon the giving of the required contractual notice. In such cases, faculty members are paid through the complete designated no fault period. Contracts take precedence over the faculty handbook. Faculty are to be aware of the content of the faculty handbook and as to the provisions or rights of the faculty in the handbook. Faculty Misconduct Among the functions of VCOM is the establishment and maintenance of intellectual integrity between faculty members, between the faculty and students, and between the faculty and the national/international academic community. Professional ethics demand that this relationship of mind to mind not be impaired by the actions of members of the faculty. The expectations of faculty have been well outlined throughout the Faculty Handbook. It is not possible to list all the acts or omissions (misconduct) which may result in disciplinary action being taken against a faculty member. Disciplinary action can include, but is not limited to, a warning, suspension, and/or termination based on the act or omission involved.

The advocacy of unpopular causes or statement of opinion in public of controversial issues, in and of itself, will not


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