VCOM Faculty Handbook

Grievance Procedure The institution recognizes the need for employees to voice concerns and grievances and to seek resolution to problems or disagreements with other employees. The institution also recognizes that it is the responsibility of the employee to express their concerns in a professional and ethical manner. For the protection of all concerned parties, all public comments about a grievance will be avoided by the concerned parties during the grievance process. Any announcement of the final decision, when appropriate, will include a statement by the Campus Dean and the Provost or President. In the interest of truth and justice, the President, on rare circumstances, may approve the release of excerpts, or the complete record of, the grievance hearing, to appropriate parties. The grievance hearing procedures below will serve as the employee grievance process for VCOM. The legal counsel for the institution must be made aware of all informal and formal grievances and of any release of information made in relation to the grievance. If the employee’s grievance is with a policy or procedure of the institution, the grievance procedure follows the channels of VCOM’s organizational chart. In the case of harassment, discrimination, or violence of any type, the employee should meet first with the Director of Human Resources to seek resolution through the appropriate process following the college’s policies and procedures. Informal Grievance Resolution The first attempt to resolve a grievance among employees should be through informal discussions between the employees directly involved and their direct supervisor. The involved employees are expected to work together to attempt to resolve the issue in a manner that follows college policy and is in the best interest of all employees, students, and the college. If a resolution is reached and the involved employees are satisfied with the resolution, the matter is closed. The supervisor involved should document the matter in the event of future issues. If the involved employees are unsatisfied with the resolution or a resolution cannot be reached, they may, within seven calendar days, file a formal grievance, in writing, to the Director for Human Resources. (See procedures If the involved employees are dissatisfied with the resolution or a resolution cannot be reached through the informal grievance process, the employee(s) may file a formal grievance with the Director for Human Resources. The formal grievance must be submitted in writing within seven calendar days of the conclusion of the informal grievance resolution process. The Director for Human Resources will then meet with the employees directly involved to hear both sides of the conflict and will meet with additional parties as necessary. The Director for Human Resources will then make a recommendation, in writing, to the Campus Dean as to a resolution within 14 calendar days from the time the written formal grievance was received. The Campus Dean will notify the employees involved of his/her decision, in writing, in a timely manner (typically within 7 calendar days from the time the recommendation is received). The written decision of the Campus Dean will be kept in the appropriate employee’s permanent file. below for filing a formal grievance.) Formal Grievance Resolution


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