VCOM Faculty Handbook

staff for student safety. All testing is done in confidence and results are held in confidence, excluding the employee’s supervisor, the Department of Human Resources, and in cases where there is a committee review. Additional sharing of such information includes when it is required for long term external monitoring by the State Medical Board. All supervisors are responsible for ensuring compliance with the alcohol, drug, and tobacco free policy. Employees who violate the policy will be counseled regarding their compliance with this policy. Continued violations may cause further action such as dismissal. Building and Grounds Etiquette When VCOM’s lecture halls are not used for formal instruction, VCOM encourages students to use the rooms for quiet study. Periodically, the lecture halls will be used for other events; therefore, students are requested to pick up their personal possessions daily. Items left behind will be turned into Facilities. VCOM is not responsible for items left behind. Items not accounted for within 30 days will be disposed of or donated to charity. Study areas are available for students throughout the building and each campus may have specific procedures in place for the use of certain areas (i.e. reservations), while other areas may have open access on a first come/first serve basis. Areas are often reserved for student use such as peer tutoring sessions or other curricular events. Students will be made aware of the procedures regarding the use of these study areas annually. Students are asked to be considerate of others and refrain from placing belongings in study areas when not in the room to occupy or reserve the room for future use. Concerns regarding student abuse of study areas should be brought before student leadership and the Honor Code Council. While on campus, it is important for everyone to consider the immense effort it takes to keep the property and its landscapes in order. These are provided for the student’s sake and VCOM encourages students to take advantage of the campus and enjoy the atmosphere and walking paths. For safety reasons, students, and employees are asked to refrain from walking on plant beds, across lawns or entering restricted areas. The pathways are for provided for safety. VCOM encourages and often hosts outdoor activities that are planned. Impromptu or unplanned use of facilities for sports such as golf, volleyball, baseball, etc. are not permitted as they may have a direct and immediate impact on the safety of others or may cause damage to certain areas. Students and employees should contact Facilities if they have any questions about what sports are permitted and to request to use the grounds for said activities. Through agreements with the YMCA and the University campuses, access to sports and safe sporting facilities are available and the student should contact the Associate Dean for Student Affairs to identify those sites. Bicycle paths also exist in all four campus communities, as well as nearby state parks for recreation. Campus Safety and Access All VCOM students, faculty, and staff are responsible for campus safety. The campus is available for student access during announced times. The use of VCOM IDs are required to access the building during approved hours. Employees will receive a VCOM photo identification badge upon hire, which is used for identification and access to the campus building. VCOM identification badges must be worn/displayed in plain site by the students, faculty, and staff always when on VCOM premises and while on clinical rotations. This badge must be used to access the VCOM campus/building during approved hours. All students and employees are required to badge into campus individually. Students, faculty, and staff who cannot display their badge for whatever reason, must acquire a temporary access badge from reception for use for 24 hrs. After the 24 hours, the temporary badge must be returned to reception and a new badge issued (if the existing badge is lost). Anyone using temporary badges must enter the building through the front entrance only, as temporary badges do not grant building access through the card swipe system. Students, faculty, or staff who observe someone in the building without their photo ID displayed, should report that person to the nearest VCOM faculty or staff member. If you observe suspicious or criminal activity on campus, please report these actions immediately.


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