VCOM Faculty Handbook
Campus Facilities Policies and Procedures
Safety Mission The Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine strives to create an atmosphere of safety and comfort which allow faculty, staff, and students to concentrate on their mission of providing academics, student services and learning. The goal of the operations department is to oversee the campus facilities and to assist those in charge of each facility in providing a safe and secure environment. The following policies and procedures outline everyonel's role in maintaining a safe and secure environment for all. Alcohol and Drug Free Workplace The Federal Drug-Free Workplace Act states that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the workplace. The workplace consists of any VCOM owned, controlled, or leased property, or the site where work is performed. Any employee who violates this prohibition will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination, and/or required to satisfactorily participate in a drug-abuse assistance or rehabilitation program at the discretion of administration. Disciplinary action will be administered in accordance with the Standards of Conduct and Guidelines. As a condition of employment, each employee must abide by the terms of the prohibition and notify his/her supervisor of any criminal drug statue conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five days after such conviction. All employees are subject to the provisions of VCOM’s Drug-Free and Alcohol-Free Workplace Policy. The Drug Free and Alcohol-Free Workplace Policy states the policies, effects and implications of illicit drug and alcohol use. A standard of conduct states that all employees are prohibited from possessing, reporting to work or working under the influence of intoxicants (non-prescribed drugs, narcotics, alcohol, etc.); or the illegal possession, manufacture or use of drugs or alcohol in the workplace. Alcohol and Drug Testing VCOM promotes a safe, healthy, and productive learning and working environment free from the influences of drugs and alcohol and to ensure the safety and welfare of students, faculty, staff, and patients cared for by VCOM representatives. VCOM policy requires employees to be free from illicit drug use and free from addiction. This policy, while in place to ensure safety of students, faculty, and patients, does not preclude criminal action by means of other institutional policies and/or state and federal law. Any student, faculty member, or other VCOM staff may be required to submit to drug and/or alcohol testing based upon what the faculty and administration consider to be reasonable suspicion, including, but not limited to: • Direct observation of drug or alcohol use or possession;
• Physical symptoms related to the influence of drugs or alcohol; • Abnormal or erratic behavior that is disruptive or a risk to others; • Arrest or conviction of a drug or alcohol related offense on- or off-campus; • Documented information from a credible source submitting a complaint; • Evidence that a previous drug or alcohol test was tampered with; or • Possession of drug paraphernalia.
Testing will be conducted by order of any member of VCOM administration and may be performed on campus or at a qualified designated laboratory site identified by the College. A positive drug test on campus will result in a repeated test within a forensic laboratory as arranged by administration. In general, the laboratory site will carry a forensic certified testing program certified by the College of American Pathologists for testing. Any employee who fails the alcohol or drug test or refuses to comply with testing when requested by VCOM administration will be subject to disciplinary action. Refusal to consent to testing may result in dismissal of faculty or
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