VCOM College Catalog and Student Handbook

Associate Dean for Student Affairs. Following this meeting, should the student wish to proceed in filing a formal grievance, they must submit their grievance in writing, which includes a signature. The Director of Human Resources and the Associate Dean for Student Affairs shall investigate the grievance within a one-week period. In the case where the discrimination is in any way threatening, the Director of Human Resources and Associate Dean for Student Affairs shall investigate the complaint and immediately bring it to the attention of the Campus Dean and the Provost for intervention. After the one-week investigation period for those discrimination grievances that are non-threatening in nature, the student filing the grievance and the person whom the grievance is against shall meet with the Director of Human Resources and the Associate Dean for Student Affairs to discuss a peaceful and prompt resolution. This meeting shall be scheduled within 14 working days of the initial grievance filing. A letter confirming the mutual decisions of the resolution shall be distributed within ten calendar days of the meeting to all persons involved and will be kept within the permanent student and/or employee files. The Director of Human Resources shall keep a record of the investigation, including a report of the findings. Step Two: The Grievance Hearing Process Students who do not feel their grievance was resolved after completing Step 1 may request a grievance hearing through the Director of Human Resources and the Campus Dean. The student has seven calendar days after receiving notice of the resolution of the grievance to request such a hearing. 1. A clear and precise statement of the grievance; 2. A statement outlining how the resolution is discriminatory; 3. The person(s) against whom the grievance is filed; 4. A statement about how each person against whom the grievance is filed is responsible for the action or decision; 5. The requested remedy; and 6. Notification as to whether a non-participating observer will be brought to the hearing. The above information must be sent by the student via certified mail to the Director of Human Resources or delivered with signature of receipt to both the Director of Human Resources and the Campus Dean. Upon receipt of the request for a Grievance Hearing, the following processes shall be followed: a. The Campus Dean shall have 14 calendar days to review the case to see if a peaceful and prompt resolution can be made between the parties. • If a peaceful resolution can be made between the parties, a letter confirming the mutual decisions of the resolution shall be distributed within ten calendar days of the meeting to all persons involved and will be kept within the permanent student and/or employee files. The Director of Human Resources shall keep a record of the investigation, including a report of the findings. • If a peaceful resolution cannot be made between the parties, the Dean shall appoint a Grievance Hearing Board to hear the case. b. The Campus Dean will appoint the members of the Grievance Hearing Board and will notify the members, in writing, of their appointment and the date of the hearing. The date of the hearing shall be within 14 working days of the notice. The Campus Dean shall assure that those participating on the Grievance Hearing Board are not a part of the alleged discrimination. The The request for a grievance hearing must be in writing, signed by the student, and include the following information:


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