VCOM College Catalog and Student Handbook

Expressing Concerns, Grievances, and Resolution Procedures The institution recognizes the need for students to voice concerns and grievances and to seek resolution to problems, disagreements with faculty/administrators, or interpretations of institutional policy. The institution also recognizes that it is the responsibility of the student as a developing professional to express their concerns in a professional and ethical manner. VCOM recognizes that students file grievances against each other, faculty, or staff and; likewise, faculty or staff may file a grievance against a student. In such cases, all documents concerning the grievance will be maintained in a confidential file in the Provost’s office unless official action is required to be taken by the College. If official action is taken, such actions may become a part of the student, faculty, or staff member’s permanent record. These records are only released at the written discretion of the Campus Dean or Provost or as required by College policy. Each step of the resolution and grievance procedure generally takes two weeks to complete, unless otherwise noted. Extensions or waivers to this timeframe may be granted on a case-by-case basis. Notice of a request for an extension from a student shall be submitted within ten calendar days prior to the deadline. Decisions about granting or denying the request for extension shall be communicated to the student, in writing, within two business days of receipt of the request for extension. Likewise, if VCOM needs to extend a deadline, the Associate Dean for Student Affairs or Campus Dean shall provide said notice ten days before the due date. Academic Concerns Students may seek resolution for concerns or grievances related to academic issues, which may include concerns over general course procedures, grading policies, course grade(s), promotion, or other academic issues with the Course Director, Associate Dean for Student Affairs, Class President, Class Officers, Associate Deans, the Campus Dean, and/or the Provost. Course assessment policies and test question challenges are not addressed through the student grievance process. Informal Academic Concerns An individual concern that is academic in nature should first be discussed with the Course Director in a professional manner, who will work together to attempt to resolve the issue in a manner that follows college policy and is in the best interest of all students and the college. If a resolution is reached and the student is satisfied with the resolution, the matter is closed. If the student is unsatisfied with the resolution or a resolution cannot be reached, the student may, within seven calendar days of the failed proposed resolution, file a formal grievance, in writing, to the Associate Dean for Student Affairs and the Campus Dean (see procedures below for filing a formal academic grievance). A concern that is academic in nature that the student believes concerns the student body as a whole should be addressed jointly with the Associate Dean for Student Affairs and the Class President, who will meet with the Class Officers to discuss the concern. If the Class President and Class Officers believe it is appropriate to bring the complaint forward as an informal grievance on behalf of the student body, they will meet with the appropriate Course Director and/or the Associate Dean to seek a resolution that follows college policy and is in the best interest of the college and the college. If a resolution is reached, and the Class President and Class Officers are satisfied with the resolution the matter is closed. If the Class President and Class Officers are unsatisfied with the resolution or a resolution cannot be reached, the Class President may, within seven calendar days of the failed resolution, file a formal grievance, in writing, to the Campus Dean (see procedures below for filing a formal academic grievance). The following concerns and grievance procedures have been developed:


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