VCOM College Catalog and Student Handbook

position. After being elected, officers will be reviewed for continued eligibility to continue to hold office and may be required to resign if academic or behavioral concerns arise. The Class President and Vice President for the third-year class must be located at a rotation site in a region within one hour of the main VCOM campus for which they are representing in order to maintain their position. Students who will not be in a nearby region should not run for a class officer position in the OMS 3 or OMS 4 year. Student officers may also be asked to serve at the time of the Promotion Board and the Professional and Ethical Standards Boards and; therefore, must be within easy driving distance. Typically, students may not hold more than one officer position at a time. If a student desires to run for a second officer position (including an official committee chair position), he/she must seek approval from the Associate Dean for Student Affairs before doing so. Student Organizations VCOM promotes an environment where students balance curricular, extra-curricular, and professional experiences. Therefore, the total number of student organizations and committees are limited to those that are professional in nature and that fall under career interests or profession related organizations. Student organizations with leadership positions have been established for each campus and there are many opportunities for students to exercise their professional interests within the approved and established student organizations and committees. Since there are already a broad array of existing organizations and committees available at VCOM and since VCOM wishes to maintain strong participation and membership in the existing student organizations, there are no plans to establish additional new organizations and committees. Organizations are limited to primary care fields and/or first entry residency fields. Special interest groups may exist within those organizations (i.e. Surgery Club, Anesthesia Special Interest Group). Groups of students who have professional interests they feel are not currently available at VCOM should meet with the Associate Dean for Student Affairs in person for ways to collaborate and work within VCOM’s existing student organizations and committees to meet the student’s goals. To learn more about VCOM student organizations, please visit the VCOM website at: organizations Introductory meetings for student organizations occur after the conclusion of the first block of study in the OMS 1 year in order to allow students time to understand the academic commitments of medical school and time to explore options before committing to an organization. Students are encouraged to learn about all organizations and committees and to choose those that will advance their career and professional interests. Student organizations recognized and sponsored by VCOM are under the supervision of the Associate Dean for Student Affairs. All sponsored student organization bylaws and charters must be approved by the Campus Dean and the President. Additional approval by the VCOM Board of Directors may be required from time to time. Students may not establish chapters of student organizations or groups or make other commitments using the VCOM name without initial and final approval of Associate Dean for Student Affairs, the Campus Deans, and the Provost. There are many specialized student organizations, and although VCOM cannot sponsor them all, we hope that the organizations we recognize reflect our commitment to developing a capable student body. VCOM-Sponsored Organizations VCOM-Sponsored organizations include the following: • The student chapters of the state (Alabama, Louisiana, South Carolina, and Virginia) osteopathic associations • The student chapters of the state (Alabama, Louisiana, South Carolina, and Virginia) rural health associations • American College of Osteopathic Surgeons - Medical Student Section (and committees under ACOS-MSS for specific specialties)


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