VCOM College Catalog and Student Handbook

legitimate interest in the information. All employees of VCOM are informed of their responsibility not to share student information outside the institution or with persons within the institution who do not have a legitimate interest. Students who enter the ERAS process and request a medical student performance evaluation by the Provost (Dean's letter) should be aware that this is a comprehensive report of the student’s academic and behavioral performance as of the end of OMS 3. This document and the student transcript as of the end of OMS 3 are part of the student permanent record and are not updated. VCOM will contact immediate family only for the purpose of assuring the students’ safety and the safety of others. Students concerned about the confidentiality of records at VCOM are requested to bring their concerns first to the attention of the Office of Student Affairs. Complaints regarding alleged violations of rights accorded students by or regulations promulgated by the Act, may be directed to: Release of Information All documents and other information concerning student discipline, including written reprimands, shall be maintained in a confidential file. Such actions become a part of the student's permanent education record but are only released at the written discretion of the Provost. However, as required in the Medical Student Performance Evaluation (Dean’s letter), all disciplinary actions will be reported. Release of Third-Party Information Transcripts from previous institutions attended and other documents submitted during the admissions process to VCOM are the property of VCOM and will not be returned to the student or forwarded to any other third party. VCOM will not forward the National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners ™ (NBOME) Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination (COMLEX) testing results to any other third party. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Office Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare 330 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC, 20201.


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