VCOM College Catalog and Student Handbook

students with final approval by the Campus Dean. Depending upon the length of the approved temporary withdrawal, graduation may be delayed. A student whose Altered Degree Plan of Study extends their graduation beyond June 30 th is not eligible to participate in the residency match for that academic year, according to National Residency Matching Program (NRMP), and will be required to find a placement outside of the match or participate in the match of the following academic year. A student on a temporary withdrawal no longer attends classes, participates in college programs, or uses College facilities, and may be entitled to refunds of tuition and fees. While away, students are encouraged to maintain ties to the College community by staying connected with their friends, faculty, staff, and administration. Students may undertake short visits to campus as long as they notify the Associate Dean for Student Affairs in advance. Any student on a temporary withdrawal who visits campus is considered a “guest” of their hosts and is not eligible for college services that are designed for enrolled students. A student who cannot complete a course due to taking a temporary withdrawal will have “WD” (Withdrawn) recorded for the courses they are enrolled in and have not completed at the time of the temporary withdrawal. In some cases, a student on a temporary withdrawal may ask that the temporary withdrawal be extended, may request a permanent withdrawal, or may apply for reenrollment sooner than anticipated. Students requesting a temporary withdrawal must be aware that VCOM’s accrediting body, the Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation (COCA), requires students to complete all requirements for the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree within six years of matriculation. Requesting a Permanent Withdrawal A student must request a permanent withdrawal, in writing, from the Campus Dean for approval. Because every student’s situation is different, the Campus Dean evaluates each application on a case-by-case basis. The Campus Dean has the sole authority to grant or deny the Permanent Withdrawal. Students must meet with the Campus Dean and Associate Dean for Student Affairs to discuss the reasons for requesting a permanent withdrawal. If approved for a permanent withdrawal, the Campus Dean will specify whether the student has the ability to reapply for readmission through the Admissions Committee. Once a permanent withdrawal has been approved by the Campus Dean, the Associate Dean for Student Affairs will file a Change of Status Form, which is signed by the student, noting the type of permanent withdrawal. To be deemed withdrawn in good standing, the student must be in good academic standing, complete all paperwork, return all VCOM issued items, and follow all VCOM procedures during the withdrawal process. Failure to complete the designated process will result in a hold placed on the release of all academic records and/or a dismissal status being awarded and recorded on the transcript. In addition, failure to provide documentation in a timely manner could result in a guaranteed readmission becoming void. A student on a permanent withdrawal no longer attends classes, participates in college programs, or uses College facilities, and may be entitled to refunds of tuition and fees. Any student on a permanent withdrawal who visits campus is considered a “guest” of their hosts and is not eligible for college services that are designed for enrolled students. A student who cannot complete a course due to taking a permanent withdrawal will have “WD” (Withdrawn) recorded for the courses they are enrolled in and have not completed at the time of the temporary withdrawal.


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