VCOM College Catalog and Student Handbook
they left off prior to the LOA, the Promotion Board may recommend to the Campus Dean that the student continue without repeating any rotations. An Altered Degree Plan of Study (ADPOS) will be created for these students. • If an OMS 3 or OMS 4 student misses a significant portion of the curriculum due to an approved LOA and the Promotion Board believes that student needs to refresh knowledge or skills prior to moving on to new coursework, the Promotion Board may recommend to the Campus Dean that the student be required to repeat, audit, or complete additional curriculum/rotations for an entire academic year of part of an academic year. An Altered Degree Plan of Study (ADPOS) will be created for these students. • Students requesting to return from an approved Military Leave of Absence will be entitled to be readmitted and will be readmitted as close to their previous academic status as possible in order to provide them the appropriate continuum in the curriculum and the training required to be successful, competent, and able to perform well on their board exams so long as: o There is no disqualifying event, such as a dishonorable or bad conduct discharge, o There is evidence that they can meet the Technical Standards and VCOM Honor Code of Conduct, o The cumulative length of absence and all previous absences for military service (service time only) does not exceed the established time period for such leave (generally five (5) years); and o The student notifies VCOM of their intent to return within three (3) years from the completion of the period of service, or, if recovering from a service-related illness or injury, no later than two (2) years after the recovery. • Additional conditions may be required of the student requesting to return (e.g. requirements for continued treatment, professional monitoring of the student’s condition by a local treatment team, etc.). Students who believe that they need a reasonable accommodation for a disability in conjunction with their return to enrollment should promptly contact the Center for Institutional, Faculty, and Student Success and follow the required protocols to see if they are eligible for accommodations. Mandatory Medical Leave of Absence VCOM is concerned for the general safety, health, and well-being of the campus community including students, faculty, and staff and of the safety and well-being of patients and the clinical faculty and staff that are a part of the student clinical training. On occasion, a student may experience a medical situation that significantly limits their ability to function safely or successfully as a student, or the student may, as a result of the condition, no longer meet the minimum technical standards of the program. In some cases, the student may be so severely disruptive as to interfere with the academic pursuits and other activities of the academic and/or clinical community or to be considered to pose a threat to the care of patients. Although a voluntary medical leave of absence is preferable, a Campus Dean may place such a student on a Mandatory Medical Leave of Absence (MMLOA). In the event of the unavailability of the Campus Dean, the Provost may appoint a designee to act in their stead. a. VCOM, through its Individual Assessment Team (IAT), will conduct an individualized assessment of the student and will give careful consideration to the opinions and recommendations of the following persons: i. The student’s treating physician and/or mental health professional, including opinions as to the student’s ability to participate in the program and to any threat that may be posed to other individuals by that participation; ii. An independent mental health professional, if warranted, who may be consulted to conduct an independent forensic evaluation; iii. An independent academic evaluation, if warranted, to determine if the student is able to successfully participate in the program; Except in emergency circumstances, prior to placing a student on MMLOA for reasons relating to that disability:
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