VCOM College Catalog and Student Handbook

Consequences for Not Meeting the Requirements of the Attendance Policy The Office of Clinical Affairs maintains all attendance data.

Students who have repeated requests for excused absences on exam or required curricular days or whose total number of absent days is deemed excessive, are required to meet with the Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs or the Associate Dean for OMS 4 and GME. If a student is believed to be abusing the excused absence policy, they may be evaluated for an Honor Code violation. If a student has absences that cause him/her not to meet the hours required by the rotation for multiple rotations, even if approved as an excused absence, has unexcused absences for the rotation, or has unexcused absences for OMM Workshops he or she will be brought before the Honor Code Council. The student should be aware that if found guilty by the Honor Code Council or PESB, the findings will become part of the permanent record of the student as reported on the Medical Student Performance Evaluation. Students should also be aware that excessive unexcused absences may be presented as evidence during Promotion Board Hearings. VCOM follows the Department of Education withdrawal policy guidelines, which require that a student must be withdrawn from the academic program after missing 14 consecutive calendar days (including weekends and holidays) after the student’s last date of attendance. Approval Process for a Leave of Absence An approved leave of absence is defined as a temporary interruption in a student’s program of study for a period of greater than seven consecutive days. An approved leave of absence is limited to a temporary absence from the curricular program with reasonable expectations that the student will return from the leave of absence. A leave of absence requires pre-approval and the student must follow the college’s policies in the leave application process. A Change of Status Form must be completed and submitted to the Associate Dean for Student Affairs who will immediately share the form with the Associate Dean for Pre-Clinical Education and the Registrar. Time Limits for a Temporary Approved Leave of Absence The curricular program at VCOM during the OMS 1 and OMS 2 year is sequential by block and content, requiring students to complete all academic requirements for each block in order to proceed to the next block. The curricular program at VCOM during the OMS 3 and OMS 4 year is sequential by academic year, requiring students to complete all academic requirements for the OMS 3 year in order to be promoted to the OMS 4 year. Students must also follow attendance guidelines. An approved leave of absence must follow certain guidelines. • An approved leave of absence that exceeds 10 days will result in a temporary withdrawal status unless the student is engaged in approved academic activity where the student is able to continue with the curriculum through VCOM TV and make up all laboratories and examinations. The Campus Dean will make the final determination as to whether the student may return and any conditions required for the return. In addition, for lengthy leaves, the Campus Dean may require the Promotion Board to determine the appropriate placement in the curriculum upon the student’s return. A request for a leave of absence may be made for the following reasons: administrative, educational, or medical. Leave of Absence Policies and Procedures


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