VCOM Brand Guide
What is Branding? An introduction from Cindy Shepard Rawlins Vice President for Communications, Marketing, Website and Publications
B randing is much more than just a logo, slogan or colors. Branding conveys an institution’s
The second part of branding is the visual aspects that form the overall brand perception, such as external communications, publications and advertising. A united, consistent message is needed to clearly convey and represent the College’s mission. The third and simplest part of the brand is the logo. Consistent and proper use of the formal graphic elements protects the professional image of the brand and promotes name recognition of the College.
Following the brand identity guidelines allows us to present consistency in our communications. Proper use of branding legally protects our logos and reputation. Branding is important to everyone at VCOM—we are all brand ambassadors! Employees may contact the Division for Communications, Marketing, Website and Publications for assistance in upholding and promoting the brand perception of VCOM and our Mission.
public identity using united communications elements.
First, the brand is the consistent emotional image or perception of an institution. The brand is how we present VCOM, how we want to be perceived, and how we connect with the community and our current or potential students. We want to make a positive impression with our audiences.
Adherence Policy
The “VCOM Brand—Identity & Style Manual” establishes official policies and standards for the design and text of VCOM internal and external communications, social media, publications, displays and other applications, including the Web. It is important that VCOM project an image of excellence and cohesiveness to all of our many audiences. The logos, seal and the official College name have registered trademark protection, and any use of the logo, seal or official College names other than those prescribed in this manual is prohibited, regardless of funding sources. Alterations to the specifications outlined in this manual are prohibited without the written consent of the Division for Communications, Marketing, Website and Publications. The style guide section describes specific rules and uses to be followed by authors and editors of general communications products. Adhering to these standards will help ensure that communications from every campus, department and office speak with a clear and uniform voice that best represents the image and brand of VCOM. Note: Journal articles, research papers, proposals, technical reports or other specialized documents may require writing style standards different from those presented here. However use of the College name and visual brand elements remains in effect for those communications.
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