VCOM 2023 Annual Report


John G. Rocovich Jr., JD, LLM Chairman

Dixie Tooke Rawlins, DO, FACOFP President

Deborah West, EdD Provost (ex officio)

Heath Parker, DO, FACP Dean for Auburn Campus

Mark Baker CEO, Jack Hughston Memorial Hospital

Martin Bonick President & Chief Executive Officer, Ardent Health Services

Laura Grill President and CEO East Alabama Medical Center

L. Keith Granger Regional President and Market CEO, CHS - Alabama

Jimmy Sanford Representative, Auburn Advisory

David Thrasher, MD Pulmonary Medicine, Jackson Hospital

Board; Auburn University Research Advisory Board

Directors Emeritus The board wishes

to thank its past advisory board members for their valuable contributions to the success of the College.

William G. Anderson, DO

Tim Boosinger

Terry Andrus

Thom Gossum, Jr.

Bill Hardgrave, PhD

Right: VCOM Auburn Dean Heath Parker, DO

with the Class of 2024 Gold

Humanism Honor Society Inductees


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