VCOM 2023 Annual Report
Fostering Excellence in Medical Education: A Journey of Commitment and Innovation
Heath Parker, DO Auburn Campus Dean
A t VCOM-Auburn, we are defined by our unwavering commitment to our mission. More than 80% of our students come from Alabama and the immediately surrounding states, and most come from rural or underserved communities. As a result, our students show a remarkable dedication to our local community.
fully launched, it thrived as a groundbreaking initiative in Alabama, drawing students from diverse backgrounds. With a competitive ratio of 600 applicants for 40 spots in just the first few weeks, the need for and interest in the program is clear.
Exciting new programs include VCOM faculty collaboration with Auburn University under the Institute for Clinical Research and our research statistics program with the Auburn University Harrison College of Pharmacy. VCOM joins higher education institutions in a public-private
Looking forward, we’re focused on expanding clinical research opportunities for faculty and students. Strengthening ties with alumni post residency will enrich our community. To ensure that an osteopathic medical education is accessible, we will broaden our scholarship opportunities. Community engagement remains pivotal; our
“Our mission’s success speaks volumes, mirroring our commitment to Auburn University and our strong presence within the Auburn community.”
students’ efforts will be augmented with collegewide outreach initiatives to help our local community better understand the benefits of osteopathic medicine. At VCOM-Auburn we are committed to our mission, academic excellence and supporting our community. Embracing innovation in medical education, we have brought a Master of Health Sciences in Anesthesia program to campus, allowing students to pursue new career opportunities that are needed in our communities. Before the program was even
partnership with the Alabama Artificial Intelligence Center of Excellence (AAICE) that was established by VCOM and AUBix to improve the development and understanding of artificial intelligence and machine learning partnering with the AUBix AI-enabled data center. I am incredibly proud of the work we’re doing at VCOM-Auburn. The medical professionals we educate here will have a profound impact on the health of communities around Alabama and throughout the country.
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