VCOM 2023 Annual Report

teams—The Hokies—and the enthusiasm of a community that brings up to 70,000 people to campus for home games. VCOM faculty serve as physicians for Virginia Tech’s teams and for nearby Radford University athletic teams as well. Virginia Tech is also home to the Moss Arts Center, which offers art and music events for the community at large. The collaboration offers opportunities for Virginia Tech students interested in health careers to become involved with VCOM prior to enrollment. Internships with VCOM in research and medicine exist for Virginia Tech students.

“There is a lot more to teaching students to be good physicians than lectures and exams. Their life will be different as physicians and other peoples’ lives will be different because they are physicians. When I see them start to understand that, it is really something to behold!”

—Brian Wood, DO Discipline Chair for Psychiatry and Neuro-Behavioral Sciences, hired in 2002

2015 VCOM is named by Virginia

2016 The White House hosts the live streamed“Medicine Responds to Addiction II” symposium to discuss substance use prevention and the treatment and management of addiction. VCOM-Virginia Dean Jan M. Willcox, DO, speaks as a representative of the osteopathic medical education community.

2017 The first annual William G. Anderson, DO, Black History Month Series is announced as a surprise to Dr. Anderson, who was the first speaker for the series. Dr. Anderson was an early civil rights leader who worked alongside Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to end segregation and promote education.

VCOM kicks off the 10th year of the Summer Enrichment Experience (SEE) program in July. With one week for boys, and one week for girls—the program invites high school students to get a close-up look at what a career in medicine looks like.

Living as one of the top schools in science, math and technology, celebrating excellence and innovation in Virginia’s schools. Offices are added to the first floor of the Knollwood building for growing staff needs.


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