VCOM 2023 Annual Report

National and International Seminars and Presentations (continued)

Harrison College of Pharmacy, Auburn University, June 9, 2022.

Review of Metastatic Anal Cancer with Multiple Subcutaneous Lesions. Presented at Association of Military Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons. San Antonio, TX: March 3-6, 2022. Brolinson PG . American Osteopathic Academy of Sports Medicine 2022 Annual Convocation in Orlando, FL. Osteopathy in the Cranial Field as a Method to Enhance Brain Injury Recovery: A Preliminary Study. March 23-27, 2022. Brolinson PG . Status Post Concussion: The Impact on Motor Control. Lecture presented at the VOMA 2022 Fall CME Virtual Conference, October 7, 2022. Burke R*, White G*, Lindsey T . Common technology issues encountered in telemedicine standardized patient encounters and their prevention. Presented at International Meeting of Simulation in Healthcare. Los Angeles, CA; January 15-19, 2022. K*, Wolter K , VanderVelde H , Mount G , DeBellis J, Wang CH, Kirby A . The Analysis of Dietary Recalls for Students Enrolled In An Interdisciplinary Culinary Medicine Elective To Enhance Personal Health, Knowledge, and Confidence With Counseling On Nutrition. (2022). 2022 AOA Research Abstracts and Poster Competition. Journal of Osteopathic Medicine , 122 (12), A1-A138. Carter ML , Coulter J, Pandey R*, Hayes K. Age Changes in Cranial Base Synchondroses in a Cadaveric Population. American Academy of Forensic Sciences conference held in Orlando, FL, February 17, 2023. Carter ML, Mount G, Rodriguez M, Lall R, Stephen D , Reedy E, Shuler K, Ennis L, Ledbetter M, White A, Snider P . A Multi-Disciplinary Clinical Forensic Medicine Elective for Primary Care Physicians. Lightning Cacciatore C*, Barkhouse J*, Wirth K*, Bishop J*, Nguyen N*, Kraus Round Podium Presentation, Innovations in Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) in Medical Education Conference,

Vancouver, BC: June 25-29, 2022.

Davis DA*, Stroupe A , Foushee J , Smith S, Rikabi S*. Prescribing Patterns for Cystitis in Women with an Allergy to Guideline Recommended Antimicrobials. (2022). 2022 AOA Research Abstracts and Poster Competition. Journal of Osteopathic Medicine , 122 (12), A1 A138. DePoy HB*, Shah AP*, Funk HC*, Logsdon KM*, Higgins JM*, McCann T . Naloxone training first-year medical students: Encouraging results and future directions. Presented at AACOM Educating Leaders 2022. Denver, CO: April 27-29, 2022. Eshak M*, Carlson M*, Carroll L . Medical Mission Work and Empathy in Medical Education. Presented at AACOM Educating Leaders 2022. Denver, CO: April 27-29, 2022. Faraj M*, Nguyen A*, DiMucci-Ward J, Stroupe A . “Innovative Nutrition Elective Increases Medical Students’ Confidence to Provide Nutritional Care.” Oral presentation for AACOM Educating Leaders, April 2022. Faraji AEG*, Guerra J*, Michalak K , Rady N*, DiGiuseppe S , Kang L , Michalak P . Selective Sweep Analysis as a Tool to Detect Mutations that Increase SARS-CoV-2 Virulence. (2022). 2022 AOA Research Abstracts and Poster Competition. Journal of Osteopathic Medicine , 122 (12), A1 A138. Fox J*, Burgess J*, Stoner AM, Garner H, Bendyk H. The Impact of the Physician Letter of Recommendation on Medical School Admissions Demographic. Presented at AACOM Educating Leaders 2022. Denver, CO: April 27-29, 2022. Fritz VG*, Roballo KCS. The Effects of Neuronal Endothelial Cell Pre Culturing on the Uptake and Delivery Potential of Schwann Cell Small Vesicles. Hypoxia: From Basic Mechanisms to Emerging Therapies Conference. Killarney, KY, Ireland, May, 2023.

Carter ML , Seidemann RM, Newman JL, Reedy EA. Expertise in Human Osteology: Legal Considerations in the United States. Annual conference of the American Association of Biological Anthropologists, Reno, NV, April 19-22, 2023. Advanced Medical Students in the U.S. American Academy of Forensic Sciences conference held in Orlando, FL, February 16, 2023. Cheverko C . Comparisons in mortality risk between cause of death categories in a subsample of the Terry Collection. Presented at 91st annual meeting of the American Association of Biological Anthropologists, Denver CO, March 25, 2022 Colando SE*, Saleski L , Williams E . Evaluating the Utilization of Telemedicine in Obstetrics and Gynecology: A Survey of the Practitioner Perspective. (2022). 2022 AOA Research Abstracts and Poster Competition. Journal of Osteopathic Medicine , 122 (12), A1-A138. Craig M*, Beren A*, Brolinson PG , Rogers M , Fino N, Fino P, Griesemer B, Goforth M. Pre-competition manipulation and concussion risk among Virginia Tech football players during the 2008-2017 football seasons. Presented at AAO & AOASM 22 Convocation. Orlando, FL: March 23-26, 2022. Davis BR*, Stoner A , Redden D . Effect of Covid -19 Pandemic on Domestic Violence Related Complaints Reported in the Clinical Setting. (2022). 2022 AOA Research Abstracts and Poster Competition. Journal of Osteopathic Medicine , 122 (12), A1-A138. Davis D*, Kula J*, Hrubec TC . Morphological Differences in Day 10 Mouse Embryos Following Quaternary Ammonium Compound Exposure. Presented at the Society for Birth Defects Research and Prevention Annual Meeting. Carter ML . Creating a Clinical Forensic Medicine Elective for

*Denotes VCOM Student Author


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