VCOM 2023 Annual Report

VCOM Research Articles (continued)

(Basel). 2022 Jan 9;14(2):311. doi: 10.3390/cancers14020311. PMID: 35053476; PMCID: PMC8773521. Zerfaoui M, Tsumagari K, Toraih E, Errami Y, Ruiz E, Elaasar MSM, Krzysztof M, Sholl AB, Magdeldin S, Soudy M, Abd Elmageed ZY , Boulares AH, Kandil E. Nuclear interaction of Arp2/3 complex and BRAF V600E promotes aggressive behavior and vemurafenib resistance of thyroid cancer. Am J Cancer Res. 2022 Jul 15;12(7):3014-3033. PMID: 35968344. Zhu H, Bui A, Santo A , Li YR. 3H-1,2-dithiole-3-thione suppresses LPS-induced proinflammatory responses in macrophages: potential involvement of antioxidant induction, NF-kB, and Nrf2. Mol Cell Biochem. 2022 Feb 18. doi: 10.1007/s11010-021 04331-x. Online ahead of print. PMID: 35179677. Case Reports, Book Chapters, Patents and other Activities Anthony N*, Douthit NT , Foster A. Actinomyces europaeus as an emerging cause of necrotizing fasciitis. IDCases. 2023 Feb 12;31:e01712. doi: 10.1016/j.idcr.2023. e01712. PMID: 36845908; PMCID: PMC9945764. Anthony N*, Douthit NT , Foster A. Actinomyces europaeus as an emerging cause of necrotizing fasciitis. IDCases. 2023 Feb 12;31:e01712. doi: 10.1016/j.idcr.2023. e01712. PMID: 36845908. Aaron P*, Saylor F*, Kayal G*, D'Souza A*, Naeem S*, Breiner M . Accessory attachment between the uvula and the palatine tonsil - a case report. Int J Anat Var. 2023 Apr;16(4):281-82. Aron JL*, Douthit N , Bradley T. A Case of Sarcoidosis Masquerading as Right Middle Lobe Consolidation. Cureus. 2022 Aug 30;14(8):e28590. doi: 10.7759/cureus.28590. PMID: 36185915; PMCID: PMC9521514.

Chory RM, Cone R, Hollingsworth J . An Abnormal Presentation of Multiple Myeloma in Pregnancy: A Case Report. Cureus. 2022 Mar 21;14(3):e23363. doi: 10.7759/ cureus.23363. PMID: 35475093; PMCID: PMC9020588. Distributing Simplex-Shaped Nested for-Loops to Identify Carcinogenic Gene Combinations. Proceeding of 2023 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium. 2023, pp. 974-984, doi: 10.1109/ IPDPS54959.2023.00101. Downing-Larick C*, Moore M*, Dreher M*, Stoner AM, Fadel N, and Cheng N. “Osteopathic Student Training on Preventing Domestic Violence”. Osteopathic Family Physician, Vol.14, no. 3, May 2022, pp. 10–21. Horne CG*, Breiner M . Fat Necrosis of the Breast After Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Presenting Similarly to Inflammatory Breast Cancer [Case Report]. Cureus. 2022 Jul 3;14(7):e26524. PMID: 35936120. Meduri C, Vlaisavljevich E, Brolinson PG , Wang VM. Ultrasound Stimulation of Tendon Healing: Current Strategies and Opportunities for Novel Therapeutic Approaches. In: Greising SM, Call JA (eds), Regenerative Rehabilitation. Physiology in Health and Disease. June 2, 2022: Springer, Cham. Millard JA , Davidson KB. Accessory Belly of the Rectus Femoris Muscle - A Case Report. International Journal of Anatomical Variations. 2022 June; 15(6):180-181. Ramey C*, LePera A . A Possible Case of Nitrofurantoin-Associated Immune Thrombocytopenia in a Healthy 45-Year-Old Caucasian Female. Cureus. 2023 Feb 5;15(2). National and International Seminars and Presentations Dash S, Monil MAH, Yin J, Anandakrishnan R , Wang F.

into the role of nuclear BRAF in promoting tumor aggressiveness and drug resistance. Saini University. International Conference on Pharmaceutical and Bio-Medical Research (PBMR2022) March 20th - 21st, 2022. Aldret R, Aldret S , Kern B, Bellar D. American Osteopathic Academy of Sports Medicine 2022 Annual Convocation in Orlando, FL. The Physician and Covid-19: The Policy and Procedure Conflict Inside NCAA Division-1 Athletics. March 23-27, 2022. Aryal D , Jackson K. Chronic Metabolic Acidosis Elicited Hypertension Is Regulated by Rho kinase Mediated Intrarenal Angiotensin II. Presented at the American Physiological Society (APS) Summit 2023. Long Beach, California, April 21-23, 2023. during chronic metabolic acidosis associated increased blood pressure. Presented at Experimental Biology 2022, April 2-5, Philadelphia, PA. Becker-Greene D*, DeMutis A*, Stallard M*, Sumpter C, Garner HR, Rodriguez M . Disparities Between Demographics in Pediatric Prescriptions and Diagnoses in Latin America. (2022). 2022 AOA Research Abstracts and Poster Competition. Journal of Osteopathic Medicine , 122 (12), A1-A138. Bohlken J*, Dauterive E, Graves S, Aldret A, Aldret S . Intra-articular Ketorolac Injection in Corticosteroid Intolerant Division-1 Football Player. Presented at AAO & AOASM 2022 Convocation. Orlando, FL: March 23 27, 2022. Bohn K*, Capotosti M*, Sahhar H . Group A Streptococcal infection potentially triggering Kawasaki disease in a two-year-old African American female. Presented at ACOP 2022 Spring Conference. Miramar Beach, FL: May 19-22, 2022. Aryal D, Jackson KE. Renal pathophysiological changes

Borgert BA*, Tjiattas-Saleski L . A Clinical Case Report and Literature

Abd Elmageed, ZY. New insights



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