VCOM 2023 Annual Report
Control – Upstate Region and Dr. Stoner serves as the VCOM PI. • South Carolina Center for Rural and Primary Healthcare: Project MOSAIC: Mobile STD Assessment and Information Center – Rural Intervention. This project is in partnership with the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control. • South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control: COVID-19 Community-Based Organization Outreach Initiatives. • South Carolina Private Foundation: COVID-19 Rapid Response Vaccination Clinic. • S.C. Center for Rural and Primary Healthcare. Addressing Health Inequity In South Carolina By Increasing Access To Primary Care. Dr. Stoner is Co-PD along with Tammy Whaley. Others involved in this project are Matt Cannon, DO, Lisa Carroll, MD, Doralyn Jones, DO, Tom Lindsey, DO, Lindsay Tjiattas-Saleski, DO, Ron Januchowski, DO, Raymond Romano, DO, Steven Lewis, MD, Kristine Lombardozzi, MD, Delores Muro, Gail Pittman, Michael Parks, and Stacey Stokes Healthcare. Addressing Health Inequity In South Carolina By Increasing Access To Primary Care. Ms Whaley is Co-PD along with Alexis Stoner, PhD. Others involved in this project are Matt Cannon, DO, Lisa Carroll, MD, Doralyn Jones, DO, Tom Lindsey, DO, Lindsay Tjiattas-Saleski, DO, Ron Januchowski, DO, Raymond Romano, DO, Steven Lewis, MD, Kristine Lombardozzi, MD, Delores Muro, Gail Pittman, Michael Parks, and Stacey Stokes Tammy Whaley • S.C. Center for Rural and Primary
Evaluation (SSAFE): A Pilot Study. Dr. Aldret serves as Co-PI along with Jacob Turnbull, DO; Stephanie Aldret, DO; Travis Smith, DO and John Lipka, MD. Stephanie Aldret, DO • Butterfly Network, Inc.: Sideline Sonography for Ankle Fracture Evaluation (SSAFE): A Pilot Study. Dr. Aldret serves as Co-PI along with Jacob Turnbull, DO; Randy Aldret, EdD; Travis Smith, DO and John Lipka, MD. Carrie Baker, DO • LA Board of Regents Support Fund (BoRSF): Creating a rubric for measuring pharmacy adherence to best practices when dispensing liquid medications for children. The University of Louisiana Monroe was awarded this grant and Dr. Baker is an investigator and VCOM PI. Colleen Cheverko, PhD • American Association for Anatomy: Bringing Precision Medicine into Anatomy Education at VCOM Louisiana. Larissa Collier, PhD; Savannah Newell, PhD and Pawel Michalak, PhD are investigators on this research. Stephen DiGuiseppe, PhD • Center for Applied Immunology and Pathological Processes (CAIPP), Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, Shreveport via the NIH Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence program: Poxviruses co opt ribosomes to promote viral protein synthesis and subvert the innate immune response. Zakaria Elmageed, PhD • National Institutes of Health: Targeting PCSK9 Axis for Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer Recurrence Suppression. This grant was awarded to University of Louisiana Monroe; Dr. Elmageed is the VCOM PI. • Louisiana Clinical & Translational Science Center: miR-145/MMP9
ratio for prediction of recurrence in differentiated thyroid cancer patients.
Lin Kang, PhD • National Science Foundation:
Integrating Genotype, Phenotype, and Environment to Identify Biomarkers of Coronavirus Disease Severity and Transmission. Virginia Tech is the prime recipient of this award and Dr. Kang is the VCOM PI. • U.S. Geological Survey: Hawaiian hoary bat conservation genetics: diet composition and population structure. Virginia Tech is the prime recipient of this award. Pawel Michalak, PhD is the Virginia Tech PI and Dr. Kang, PhD is the VCOM PI. Evaluation (SSAFE): A Pilot Study. Dr. Lipka serves as Co-PI along with Jacob Turnbull, DO; Randy Aldret, EdD; Travis Smith, DO and Stephanie Aldret, DO. Pawel Michalak, PhD • Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries: Development and testing of environmental DNA protocols for detection of Yellowfin Madtom in Virginia. Virginia Tech is the prime recipient of this award and Dr. Michalak serves as the PI. Travis Smith, DO • Butterfly Network, Inc.: Sideline Sonography for Ankle Fracture Evaluation (SSAFE): A Pilot Study. Dr. Smith serves as Co-PI along with Jacob Turnbull, DO; Randy Aldret, EdD; Stephanie Aldret, DO and John Lipka, MD. Jacob Turnbull, DO • American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine (AACOM): Sideline Sonography for Ankle Fracture Evaluation (SSAFE): A Pilot Study. • Butterfly Network, Inc.: Sideline Sonography for Ankle Fracture John Lipka, MD • Butterfly Network, Inc.: Sideline Sonography for Ankle Fracture
Louisiana Campus
Randy Aldret, EdD • Butterfly Network, Inc.: Sideline Sonography for Ankle Fracture
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