VCOM 2023 Annual Report

Funded Research and Grants

Auburn Campus Josh Hollingsworth, PharmD, PhD • American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine (AACOM): The WellMESS Project. Investigators on this project are Annie Kirby, PhD; Alexandria Brice, PhD; Mary Ann Taylor, PhD; Phillip Snider, DO and David Redden, PhD. David Kashmer, DO • Alabama Power Foundation. Funds to purchase a Big Rep One 3D printer. Danielle McCullough, PhD • Providence, RI VA Medical Center, Clinical Science Research & Development Program: Role of skeletal muscle mitochondrial supercomplexes in exercise intolerance. Dr. McCullough is a co investigator on this VAMC project and is the VCOM PI. Mayra Rodriguez, PhD • Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI): Engaging and Training Stakeholders to Participate in Patient-Centered Research to Reduce Obesity in Hispanic Women. This grant was awarded to Auburn University and Dr. Rodriguez is the VCOM PI. Johnny Stackhouse, DO is an investigator. William Pearson, PhD • Kern National Network for Flourishing in Medicine: Project Ideas & Planning Grant: Flourishing Approach to Physician Formation. Investigators on this project are Danielle McCullough, PhD; Jody Brewer, PhD; Nathan Douthit, MD; Steven Presley, MD and David Redden, PhD. Mary Piscura, PhD • American Academy of Anatomy Innovations Program. The Anato Bee: A Scholastic Competition in the Anatomical Sciences for High School Students

determine the feasibility of peanut protein supplementation to prevent

muscle atrophy and improve recovery following total knee

arthroplasty. Auburn University is the prime recipient of this grant and Dr. Young is the VCOM PI. Carolinas Campus Stephan Brown, MD, PhD • Rotary Club of Spartanburg: VCOM Research Institute Young Investigators Science Camp. Jeff Cashman, DO • USDA Emergency Rural Health Care Grant Track One: Recovery Grant: VCOM Mobile Medical Outreach to Rural Spartanburg and Cherokee Counties. Dr. Cashman serves as the Program Director for this grant. Lisa Carroll, MD Doralyn Jones, DO, Alexis Stoner, PhD, and Dolores Muro work on this project, along with partners St. Luke’s Free Medical Clinic of Spartanburg County, the Free Medical Clinic of Cherokee County, and the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control. Ron Januchowski, DO • Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA): VCOM Fellowship for Primary Care Transformation Leaders. Investigators on this grant are Alexis Stoner, PhD, MPH and Gunnar Brolinson, DO, and other Hanna Sahhar, MD • Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System Children Services: Pediatrics-Neonatal Boot Camp. Alexis Stoner, PhD, MPH • National Association of County and City Health Officials: I85 Corridor Opioid Prevention and Education (I85COPE). This grant was awarded to the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental faculty contributing are Dixie Tooke-Rawlins, DO, and Ward Stevens, DHSc.

January 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023

Kaelin Young, PhD • The Peanut Institute: A pilot study to


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