VCOM 2023 Annual Report
International Outreach Timeline and Reflections
A s a medical student at VCOM, the international mission trips reminded me, in the midst of grueling blocks, of the reason why I choose to be an osteopathic physician. At its core, mission trips allow students to witness the importance of the History and Physical, without being distracted by the fancy labs and imaging we are spoiled and blessed with in the United States. It fundamentally comes back to the core understanding of osteopathic medicine.
Sofia Abraham-Hardee, DO/PhD, FACOP, FAAP, CS VCOM-Virginia Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs VCOM-Virginia Class of 2007
The VCOM International Outreach Timeline
2006 VCOM VerĂ³n Primary Care Clinic is opened in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, seeing approximately 200 patients per day. Offering primary, pediatric and urgent care, the clinic is a public/private partnership with the Punta Cana Foundation and health ministries.
2007 VCOM launches its first Global Seminar for Health and Environment with medical
2003 VCOM launches its Division of International and Appalachian Outreach 2004 A medical response team of 14 VCOM students and a faculty member travel to India to treat tsunami victims in remote fishing villages.
2005 VCOM affiliation with Baxter Institute Clinic and the Honduran Ministry of Health begins with exploratory meeting and development of affiliation agreements completed in 2006.
schools in Honduras, El Salvador and Dominican Republic
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